58 research outputs found


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    Survey conducted to obtain get situation of quadran strategy determine elegibility of increase of maximum expense lecturing of program student of Regular Block System (RBS) at institute education of University of Kanjuruhan Unlucky enlisting and active in year of akademic 2006/2007. Used variables shall be as follows: 1) psicografis, 2) social of demography and economics, 3) geografis, 4) benefit, 5) last experience, 6) physical medium, 7) expense, 8) advertisement, 9) word of mouth communication, 10) image of PTS, 11) quality of technical service, 12) quality of functional service, 13) satisfaction of student, and 14) student expectation. Technique data collecting use quesioner which consist of question closed and is open. Obtained to be data to be analysed to descriptive method and SWOT ( strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). Result of survey indicate that University of Kanjuruhan unlucky reside in aggresive strategy ( strength 71.12% and opportunity 71.1%) and also strategy diversify ( strength 71.12% and threat 69.8%), hence competent to boost up the expense of maximum study equal to 19.41% made balance to with diversification of program to overcome threats faced in this time and in the future


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    The 4-meth­oxy­phenyl residue in the title compound, C21H19NO2, is oriented at a dihedral angle of 54.6 (5)° with respect to the phenyl ring and at a dihedral angle of 52.5 (8)° with respect to the pyrrole ring of the pyrrolizine system. The phenyl ring is oriented at a dihedral angle of 36.2 (5)° with respect to the pyrrole ring. The meth­oxy group makes a C—C—O—C torsion angle of 3.8 (9)° with the attached benzene ring

    Interface localisation-delocalisation transition in a symmetric polymer blend: a finite-size scaling Monte Carlo study

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    Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we study the phase diagram of a symmetric binary (AB) polymer blend confined into a thin film as a function of the film thickness D. The monomer-wall interactions are short ranged and antisymmetric, i.e, the left wall attracts the A-component of the mixture with the same strength as the right wall the B-component, and give rise to a first order wetting transition in a semi-infinite geometry. The phase diagram and the crossover between different critical behaviors is explored. For large film thicknesses we find a first order interface localisation/delocalisation transition and the phase diagram comprises two critical points, which are the finite film width analogies of the prewetting critical point. Using finite size scaling techniques we locate these critical points and present evidence of 2D Ising critical behavior. When we reduce the film width the two critical points approach the symmetry axis ϕ=1/2\phi=1/2 of the phase diagram and for D2RgD \approx 2 R_g we encounter a tricritical point. For even smaller film thickness the interface localisation/delocalisation transition is second order and we find a single critical point at ϕ=1/2\phi=1/2. Measuring the probability distribution of the interface position we determine the effective interaction between the wall and the interface. This effective interface potential depends on the lateral system size even away from the critical points. Its system size dependence stems from the large but finite correlation length of capillary waves. This finding gives direct evidence for a renormalization of the interface potential by capillary waves in the framework of a microscopic model.Comment: Phys.Rev.

    Chapter 5 Priority Species to Support the Functional Integrity of Coral Reefs

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    Ecosystem-based management on coral reefs has historically focused on biodiversity conservation through the establishment of marine reserves, but it is increasingly recognised that a subset of species can be key to the maintenance of ecosystem processes and functioning. Specific provisions for these key taxa are essential to biodiversity conservation and resilience-based adaptive management. While a wealth of literature addresses ecosystem functioning on coral reefs, available information covers only a subset of specific taxa, ecological processes and environmental stressors. What is lacking is a comparative assessment across the diverse range of coral reef species to synthesise available knowledge to inform science and management. Here we employed expert elicitation coupled with a literature review to generate the first comprehensive assessment of 70 taxonomically diverse and functionally distinct coral reef species from microbes to top predators to summarise reef functioning. Although our synthesis is largely through the lens of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, a particularly data-rich system, it is relevant to coral reefs in general. We use this assessment to evaluate which taxa drive processes that maintain a healthy reef, and whether or not management of these taxa is considered a priority (i.e. are they vulnerable?) or is feasible (i.e. can they be managed?). Scientific certainty was scored to weight our recommendations, particularly when certainty was low. We use five case studies to highlight critical gaps in knowledge that limit our understanding of ecosystem functioning. To inform the development of novel management strategies and research objectives, we identify taxa that support positive interactions and enhance ecosystem performance, including those where these roles are currently underappreciated. We conclude that current initiatives effectively capture many priority taxa, but that there is significant room to increase opportunities for underappreciated taxa in both science and management to maximally safeguard coral reef functioning

    Path integral for half-binding potentials as quantum mechanical analog for black hole partition functions

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    The semi-classical approximation to black hole partition functions is not well-defined, because the classical action is unbounded and the first variation of the uncorrected action does not vanish for all variations preserving the boundary conditions. Both problems can be solved by adding a Hamilton-Jacobi counterterm. I show that the same problem and solution arises in quantum mechanics for half-binding potentials.Comment: 6 pages, proceedings contribution to "Path integrals - New Trends and Perspectives", Dresden, September 200

    5-Lipoxygenase Metabolic Contributions to NSAID-Induced Organ Toxicity

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    Menggali Kreatifitas dan Memanfaatkan Hasil Bumi untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Ketahanan Perekonomian Masyarakat

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    Sejak Pandemi Covid 19 warga Desa Galengdowo menutup akses bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung dan memutuskan untuk memperkuat kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia di Desa Galengdowo. Untuk mendongkrak potensi wisata budaya dan mendukung program UKM, berbagai potensi dari penjualan hasil kopi, susu sapi, buah duren dan tanaman hasil bumi lainnya sangat berpengaruh dalam mewujudkan desa wisata budaya. Dalam mendukung desa wisata budaya kami memberikan inovasi baru pada kerajian ecoprint berbasis budaya lokal yaitu ecoprint pada media kertas. UKM Griya Ava merupakan penghasil kopi khas Gunung Anjarmoro rintisan dari pelaku UKM berbentuk kopi bubuk dengan merek Arabika Ajasmoro berbasis budaya local. Dalam proses pelaksanaannya menggunakan metode pendampingan kepada pelaku UMKM secara berskala. Strategi pendampingan yang dilakukan mulai dengan memperkenalkan inovasi produk kerajinan tangan ecoprint merancang desain, proses produksi ecoprint sampai pada pelatihan pemasaran secara digital guna menuju Go Digital. Dari hasil binaan kami produk ecoprint pada media kertas berhasil dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan alami dan tidak merusak lingkungan karena berasal dari tanaman masyarakat yang ada di sekitar rumah dan kebun. Dalam menunjang produk ecoprint ini dapat diketahui masyarakat luar maka dilakukanlah pembinaan pelatihan pemasaran secara digital dengan menggunakan E- ommerce, Facebook, dan Instagram sebagai pendukung program pelatihan ecoprint. Berdasarkan monitoring UKM Griya Ava sudah berjualan menggunakan pemasaran secara digital melalui Tokopedia, Facebook, dan Instagram. Dengan pemasaran digital produk ecoprint dapat mendukung program menggali kreativitas dan memanfaatkan hasil bumi dari kegiatan pelatihan ecoprint. Exploring Creativity and Utilizing Earth Products for Community Empowerment and Community Economic Resilience Since the Covid 19 Pandemic, residents of Galengdowo Village have closed access for visiting tourists and decided to strengthen the quality of Human Resources in Galengdowo Village. To boost the potential for cultural tourism and support the SME program, various potentials from the sale of coffee, cow's milk, durian fruit, and other crops are very influential in realizing a cultural tourism village. In supporting the cultural tourism village, we provide new innovations in local culture-based eco print crafts, namely eco prints on paper media. UKM Griya Ava is a coffee producer typical of Mount Anjarmoro, pioneered by SMEs in the form of ground coffee with the Arabica Ajasmoro brand based on local culture. In the implementation process, it uses the mentoring method for MSME actors on a scale. The mentoring strategy carried out started by introducing eco print handicraft product innovations in designing designs, eco print production processes to digital marketing training to go Digital. From the results of our development, eco print products on paper media are successful by using natural materials and do not damage the environment because they come from community plants around their homes and gardens. In supporting this eco print product, it is known to the outside community that digital marketing training is carried out using E-commerce, Facebook, and Instagram as supporters of the eco print training program. Based on the monitoring of SMEs, Griya Ava has been selling using digital marketing through Tokopedia, Facebook, and Instagram. With digital marketing, eco print products can support programs to explore creativity and utilize agricultural products from eco print training activitie