247 research outputs found

    Secondary habitats are important in biodiversity conservation: a case study on orthopterans along ditch banks

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    Los hábitats secundarios son importantes en la conservación de la biodiversidad: un estudio práctico sobre los ortópteros en orillas de acequias Se ha demostrado que la biota autóctona puede sobrevivir en hábitats secundarios como cunetas, diques y setos. La finalidad de este estudio es evaluar el valor de las orillas de acequias para la conservación de los ortópteros en un paisaje agrícola en Hungría, a partir del análisis de los datos relativos a la riqueza y la abundancia de especies utilizando modelos mixtos. No encontramos ninguna diferencia en cuanto a la riqueza de especies entre las orillas de acequias aisladas, semiaisladas y en praderas de control. Sin embargo, el grado de aislamiento tuvo un efecto negativo significativo en la abundancia de especies sedentarias. Constatamos que la densidad de vegetación leñosa junto a las orillas de las acequias tenía un efecto negativo en la abundancia total y la abundancia de especies móviles. Se observó la existencia de una relación positiva entre la anchura de las orillas de acequias que estaba cubierta por vegetación y la abundancia de especies del suborden Caelifera y de especies móviles, xerófilas y mesófilas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la densidad de ortópteros puede ser una medida más sensible de la calidad del hábitat que la riqueza de especies. Concluimos que las orillas de las acequias son un hábitat adecuado para la mayoría de ortópteros, incluidas las especies raras o en peligro de extinción, lo que pone de relieve que debería prestarse más atención a estos y otros hábitats lineales parecidos y que se les debería dar más importancia en la conservación de invertebrados.It has been shown that native biota can survive in secondary habitats such as road verges, dikes and hedges. We aimed to assess the conservation value of ditch banks for orthopterans in an agricultural landscape in Hungary, based on the analyses of species richness and abundance data using mixed–models. We did not find any differences in the species richness between isolated ditch banks, semi–isolated ditch banks and control meadows. The extent of isolation had a significantly negative effect, however, on the abundance of sedentary species. We found that the density of woody vegetation along ditch banks had a negative effect on the total abundance and the abundance of mobile species. Positive relationships were found between the width of ditch bank vegetation and the abundance of Caelifera, mobile, xerophilous and mesophilous species. Our results suggest that the density of orthopterans may be a more sensitive measure for habitat quality than their species richness. We concluded that ditch banks are a suitable habitat for the majority of orthopterans, including rare and endangered species, emphasizing that ditch banks and similar linear habitats should receive more attention and should be given a more prominent role in invertebrate conservation.Los hábitats secundarios son importantes en la conservación de la biodiversidad: un estudio práctico sobre los ortópteros en orillas de acequias Se ha demostrado que la biota autóctona puede sobrevivir en hábitats secundarios como cunetas, diques y setos. La finalidad de este estudio es evaluar el valor de las orillas de acequias para la conservación de los ortópteros en un paisaje agrícola en Hungría, a partir del análisis de los datos relativos a la riqueza y la abundancia de especies utilizando modelos mixtos. No encontramos ninguna diferencia en cuanto a la riqueza de especies entre las orillas de acequias aisladas, semiaisladas y en praderas de control. Sin embargo, el grado de aislamiento tuvo un efecto negativo significativo en la abundancia de especies sedentarias. Constatamos que la densidad de vegetación leñosa junto a las orillas de las acequias tenía un efecto negativo en la abundancia total y la abundancia de especies móviles. Se observó la existencia de una relación positiva entre la anchura de las orillas de acequias que estaba cubierta por vegetación y la abundancia de especies del suborden Caelifera y de especies móviles, xerófilas y mesófilas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la densidad de ortópteros puede ser una medida más sensible de la calidad del hábitat que la riqueza de especies. Concluimos que las orillas de las acequias son un hábitat adecuado para la mayoría de ortópteros, incluidas las especies raras o en peligro de extinción, lo que pone de relieve que debería prestarse más atención a estos y otros hábitats lineales parecidos y que se les debería dar más importancia en la conservación de invertebrados

    Validation of a high resolution version of the regional climate model RegCM3 over the Carpathian Basin

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    This paper presents a validation study for a high-resolution version of the Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) over the Carpathian basin and its surroundings. The horizontal grid spacing of the model is 10 km—the highest reached by RegCM3. The ability of the model to capture temporal and spatial variability of temperature and precipitation over the region of interest is evaluated using metrics spanning a wide range of temporal (daily to climatology) and spatial (inner domain average to local) scales against different observational datasets. The simulated period is 1961–90. RegCM3 shows small temperature biases but a general overestimation of precipitation, especially in winter; although, this overestimate may be artificially enhanced by uncertainties in observations. The precipitation bias over the Hungarian territory, the authors’ main area of interest, is mostly less than 20%. The model captures well the observed late twentieth-century decadal-to-interannual and interseasonal variability. On short time scales, simulated daily temperature and precipitation show a high correlation with observations, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9 for temperature and 0.6 for precipitation. Comparison with two Hungarian station time series shows that the model performance does not degrade when going to the 10-km gridpoint scale. Finally, the model reproduces the spatial distribution of dry and wet spells over the region. Overall, it is assessed that this high-resolution version of RegCM3 is of sufficiently good quality to perform climate change experiments over the Carpathian region—and, in particular, the Hungarian territory—for application to impact and adaptation studies

    A comparative analysis of meat inspection data as an information source of the health and welfare of broiler chickens based on Finnish data

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    The comprehensive, reliable, and comparable meat inspection (MI) data of broiler chickens (i.e. broilers) are essential for the monitoring and surveillance of broiler health and welfare at the national and European Union (EU) levels. We compared the condemnation causes issued to broiler carcasses during MI in four large Finnish broiler slaughterhouses (SHs) by investigating the similarities and differences between local MI instructions used in the SHs. The way in which MI condemnations were recorded in the Finnish Food Authority's (FFA's) MI statistics were also explored. We additionally analysed the FFA's official MI data from the 2015-2019 period. The study showed that the MI criteria used in the SHs differed from one another regarding how severe or extensive a broiler defect or disease must be to cause condemnation during MI. In Finland, the annual total condemnation prevalence of whole broilers varied between 2.6% and 4.8% in 2015-2019, and a significant difference was observed between the SHs' monthly total condemnation prevalences, except in two SH pairs. Mistakes in recording the FFA's MI statistics and differences in the SH operators' reasons to reject broilers from the food chain affect the comparability of the condemnation prevalences between the SHs. Only half of the SHs partially condemned broiler carcasses and collected data concerning these condemnations. Cellulitis (0.3-1.0%), ascites (0.3-0.4%), and body cavity disorders (0.2-0.3%) were the most common causes for condemning whole broiler carcasses in 2015-2019. The MI data can be used for monitoring and surveillance purposes only once the differences between the SH data and data reliability are known. Although the harmonization of all condemnation causes is impossible, harmonizing the condemnations of carcasses with diseases that most threaten broiler health and welfare and cause the largest economic losses would be important.Peer reviewe

    New Axial Interactions at a TeV

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    We consider a heavy fourth family with masses lying in the symmetry breaking channel of a new strong gauge interaction. This interaction generates a heavy quark axial-type operator, whose effects can be enhanced through multiple insertions. In terms of the strength of this operator we can express new negative contributions to the S and T parameters and the shifts of the Z couplings to the third family. In particular we find that the new contribution to T is strongly constrained by the experimental constraints on the Z coupling to the tau.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, PRD versio

    ROPstat: A general statistical package useful for conducting person-oriented analyses

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    ROPstat is a wide scope statistical program package which offers specialties in three domains: 1) robust techniques, 2) ordinal analyses, and 3) pattern and person oriented methods. Many of them are not available in other common statistical softwares. In the present paper, first the general features and the main structure of ROPstat are briefly outlined, followed by a more detailed summary of pattern-oriented methods (detecting and imputing missing values, residual case identification, different types of classifications, post-analyses after classifications, etc.). In the last section we present some selected person-oriented scientific questions and show with real-life research data how they can be analyzed using ROPstat

    The future climate characteristics of the Carpathian Basin based on a regional climate model mini-ensemble

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    Four regional climate models (RCMs) were adapted in Hungary for the dynamical downscaling of the global climate projections over the Carpathian Basin: (i) the ALADIN-Climate model developed by Météo France on the basis of the ALADIN short-range modelling system; (ii) the PRECIS model available from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre; (iii) the RegCM model originally developed at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, is maintained at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste; and (iv) the REMO model developed by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. The RCMs are different in terms of dynamical model formulation, physical parameterisations; moreover, in the completed simulations they use different spatial resolutions, integration domains and lateral boundary conditions for the scenario experiments. Therefore, the results of the four RCMs can be considered as a small ensemble providing information about various kinds of uncertainties in the future projections over the target area, i.e., Hungary. After the validation of the temperature and precipitation patterns against measurements, mean changes and some extreme characteristics of these patterns (including their statistical significance) have been assessed focusing on the periods of 2021–2050 and 2071–2100 relative to the 1961–1990 model reference period. The ensemble evaluation indicates that the temperature-related changes of the different RCMs are in good agreement over the Carpathian Basin and these tendencies manifest in the general warming conditions. The precipitation changes cannot be identified so clearly: seasonally large differences can be recognised among the projections and between the two periods. An overview is given about the results of the mini-ensemble and special emphasis is put on estimating the uncertainties in the simulations for Hungary

    Anthocyanins identification and quantification in new acai access.

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    The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the anthocyanins present in new genetically breeding açaí accesse

    Charmonium production at neutrino factories

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    At existing and planned neutrino factories (high energy and high intensity neutrino beam facilities) precision studies of QCD in neutrino-nucleon interactions are a realistic opportunity. We investigate charmonium production in fixed target neutrino experiments. We find that J/ψJ/\psi production in neutrino-nucleon collision is dominated by the color octet 3S1^3S_1 NRQCD matrix element in a neutral current process, which is not accessible in photo or leptoproduction. Neutrino experiments at a future Muon Collider will acquire sufficient event rate to accurately measure color octet matrix element contributions. The currently running high energy neutrino experiments, NOMAD and NuTeV could also observe several such events.Comment: 13 pages Latex, with five embedded eps figures. Cosmetic fixups in the figures, otherwise unchange

    Recent increases in winter snowfall provide resilience to very small glaciers in the Julian Alps, Europe

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    Very small glaciers (<0.5 km2) account for more than 80% of the total number of glaciers and more than 15% of the total glacier area in the European Alps. This study seeks to better understand the impact of extreme snowfall events on the resilience of very small glaciers and ice patches in the southeastern European Alps, an area with the highest mean annual precipitation in the entire Alpine chain. Mean annual precipitation here is up to 3300 mm water equivalent, and the winter snow accumulation is approximately 6.80 m at 1800 m asl averaged over the period 1979–2018. As a consequence, very small glaciers and ice/firn patches are still present in this area at rather low altitudes (1830–2340 m). We performed repeated geodetic mass balance measurements on 14 ice bodies during the period 2006–2018 and the results show an increase greater than 10% increase in ice volume over this period. This is in accordance with several extreme winter snow accumulations in the 2000s, promoting a positive mass balance in the following years. The long-term evolution of these very small glaciers and ice bodies matches well with changes in mean temperature of the ablation season linked to variability of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Nevertheless, the recent behaviour of such residual ice masses in this area where orographic precipitation represents an important component of weather amplification is somehow different to most of the Alps. We analysed synoptic meteorological conditions leading to the exceptional snowy winters in the 2000s, which appear to be related to the influence and modification of atmospheric planetary waves and Arctic Amplification, with further positive feedbacks due to change in local sea surface temperature and its interactions with low level flows and the orography. Although further summer warming is expected in the next decades, we conclude that modification of storm tracks and more frequent occurrence of extreme snowfall events during winter are crucial in ensuring the resilience of small glacial remnants in maritime alpine sectors

    Prevalence and ergonomic risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal injuries amongst underground mine workers in Zambia

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    Work-related musculoskeletal injuries (WMSIs) are common in both developed and third world countries. Most researchers agree that exposure to ergonomic risk factors is a major contributor to these injuries. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of and ergonomic risk factors associated with WMSIs amongst underground mine workers in Kitwe, Zambia. Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted using a sample size of 500 workers. A stratified random sampling method according to mining work activity type was used to obtain the sample. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire, and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results were significant at 5%. Results: A response rate of 40.4% (202) was obtained. The 12-month prevalence of WMSIs was 42.6%. The mean age of the workers was 40.31 years (SD +/− 8.57 years). Electricians and mechanics reported the highest injury frequencies. The back was the most affected body part. Ergonomic risk factors consistently reported by workers included poor postures and heavy lifting. There were significant (p=0.020) associations between working with the back bent and sustaining a back injury. Significant (p=0.049) associations were also found between injuries of the wrists/hands and grasping an unsupported object(s). Conclusions: This study revealed significant associations between WMSIs and ergonomic risk factors like working with the back bent and grasping object.Web of Scienc