42 research outputs found

    european didactic traditions in mathematics aspects and examples from four selected cases

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    In this paper, we report on the presentations and activities from the strand on "European Didactic Traditions" during the Thematic Afternoon at ICME-13. The focal point of the first hour of this afternoon were four key features that were identified as common in all European traditions and the second and third hours were devoted to the presentation of concrete examples from four specific traditions, organised in four parallel sessions

    Sharing intelligent services between homes

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    The user’s environment is increasingly enriched with computing devices that offer services that aid users in their daily activities. Current use of these services is either public (i.e. unrestricted), or requires explicit registration. In the first case, user control and security are sacrificed whilst in the second ease of use and flexibility is limited. In this paper, we extend the perspective of user-centric computing in offering guests a simple and transparent way to access their home services from a visited intelligent environment. We provide the users with a Personal Access Device (PAD) that facilitates creation of trust between the user’s own home and a visited intelligent environment. This enables seamless access to home services from the visited environment.Henk Eertink, Remco Poortinga, Tom Broens, Stephan Tobies, Andrew Tokmakoff, Aart van Haltere