26 research outputs found

    Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 6. Prosopis pallida

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    Einfluß klinischer Faktoren auf Fibroseprogression und Überleben

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    Design verification for sub-70-nm DRAM nodes via metal fix using E-beam direct write

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    Because of mask cost reduction, electron beam direct write (EBDW) is implemented for special applications such as rapid prototyping or small volume production in semiconductor industry. One of the most promising applications for EBDW is design verification by means of metal fix. Due to write time constrains, Mix & Match solutions have to be developed at smaller nodes. This study reports on several Mix and Match processes for the integration of E-Beam lithography into the optical litho process flow of Qimonda's 70 nm and 58 nm DRAM nodes. Different metal layers have been patterned in part with DUV litho followed by E-Beam litho using a 50 kV Vistec SB3050 shaped electron beam direct writer. All hardmask patterns were then simultaneously transferred into the DRAM stack. After full chip processing a yield study comprising electrical device characterization and defect investigation was performed. We show detailed results including CD and OVL as well as improvements of the alignment mark recognition. The yield of the E-Beam processed chips was found to be within the range of wafer-to-wafer fluctuation of the POR hardware. We also report on metal fix by electrical cutting of selected diodes in large chip scales which usually cannot be accessed with FIB methods. In summary, we show the capability of EBDW for quick and flexible design verification


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    Technologieentwicklung fuer stoerfeldunempfindliche SQUID-Messanordnungen fuer den Einsatz in magnetisch gestoerter Umgebung Schlussbericht

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    International available SQUID systems, as used for example in biomagnetic research, obtain high sensitivities for magnetic fields or magnetic fieldgradients. However, these systems were optimised for operation in magnetically shielded rooms. Goal of this project was to develop SQUIDs suppressing the external noise and therefore are able to operate without external shielding in normal environments. As a consequence, the required Nb/AlO_x/Nb technology has also been developed. The resulting planar SQUID gradiometers as produced at the IPHT, reached a suppression of homogeneous fields up to 5 x 10"4 for a magnetic field sensitivity <10 ft/#sq root#Hz. These values are of the same order of magnitude as those of the SQUIDs developed for shielded environments. For real market acceptance much cheaper cooling is needed. Therefore the obtained results were used in a second, high T_c, project. SQUID gradiometers, produced using YBCO technology, were successfully operated in non shielded eddy current NDE measurements in the lab. (orig.)International verfuegbare SQUID-Systeme, z.B. fuer biomagnetische Untersuchungen, erreichen hohe Empfindlichkeiten fuer Magnetfelder bzw. Magnetfeldgradienten, wurden allerdings fuer den Einsatz in magnetischen Abschirmkammern optimiert. Das Ziel des Projektes bestand in der Entwicklung von SQUIDs, die externe Stoerfelder zumindest so weit unterdruecken, dass ein stabiler Betrieb ohne externe Schirmungsmassnahmen in normaler technischer Umgebung moeglich ist. Damit verbunden war als zweite Aufgabe der Aufbau einer kompletten Nb/AlO_x/Nb-Technologie. Die mit dieser Technologie am IPHT hergestellten planaren SQUID-Gradiometer erreichen eine Stoerfeldunterdrueckung bis 5 x 10"4 bei einer Magnetfeldaufloesung <10 fT/#sq root#Hz, also in der Groessenordnung von fuer den geschirmten Einsatz entwickelten TTSL-SQUIDs. Um tatsaechlich Marktakzeptanz zu finden ist es notwendig, auf ein deutlich billigeres Kuehlmedium umzusteigen; deshalb wurden im Rahmen eines weiteren Projektes diese Ergebnisse in die HTSL-Technologie uebertragen. In YBCO-Technologie hergestellte SQUID-Gradiometer konnten erfolgreich im Labor fuer ungeschirmte NDE-Wirbelstrommessungen eingesetzt werden. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F96B1632+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman