508 research outputs found

    Death due to sickle cell anaemia, an autopsy diagnosis: a study at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the generic term for the group of inherited haemoglobinopathies caused by the occurrence of Haemoglobin S (HbS) in the homozygous or heterozygous form in combination of Hbs with another abnormal haemoglobin such as HbSC or beta-thalassaemias (HbS-thal). Sickle cell syndromes are remarkable for their clinical heterogeneity, including their presentations as sudden and unexpected deaths due to a sickle cell crisis. Less numbers of deaths are reported due to this cause because of ignorance of autopsy surgeon in considering this disease as a cause of death despite of its high prevalence. While doing autopsy in cases of deaths with no apparent cause and physical over activity medical officer must keep in mind the possibility of death due to vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease.  Methods: The study covers a period of one year (January 2013 - December 2013) and it is a study of cases of autopsy carried out in a tertiary care hospital of South Gujarat.Results: A total of 607 cases examined, out of which sickled red blood cells were detected in 17 cases. The respective records were reviewed. Out of 17 cases, 13 cases were male and 4 cases were females. The youngest person was 15 years female and oldest was 70 years male.  Conclusion: Sickle cell crisis is one of the causes of sudden unexplained deaths. The present study highlights the role of autopsy in such cases. Community awareness and marriage counseling programs are also helpful in preventing sickle cell disease.

    Financial Literacy in Ukraine and Hungary with special regard to the Performance of University Students

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    Abstract In 2002, the governments of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) formally recognised the importance of financial literacy. It was then that the organisation launched a project to survey financial literacy, which has been called the International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE) since 2008. The organisation's 132 member countries take part in regular surveys, each using a uniform methodology. This method has become so popular with researchers that it is used by countries that are not members of the organisation/project. Ukraine is one of them. In this work, the authors compare the results of the Ukrainian study with the Hungarian data, taking advantage of the identity of the methodology. The choice fell on these two countries because the authors had an affiliation in Ukraine, but one of them lives in Hungary, so he has a personal relationship with both countries. The choice of topic was determined by the fact that one of their areas of scientific research is the study of the financial literacy of university students. The OECD published the results of its latest survey in 2020.The report also contains Hungarian data.The resultsshow that the performance of both countriesstudied is close to, but not below, the OECD average; however, they are very close to each other. Nevertheless, the financial cultures of the two countries are significantly different. Ukrainians are more characterized by active management of finances, while Hungarians are attracted to finances above average. In addition to presenting the national results, the authors also compare the performance of Hungarian and Ukrainian university students in financial literacy. Keywords: Financial Literacy; University Students; Ukraine; Hungar

    Study of cervical pap smears in a tertiary care hospital of south Gujarat, India

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    Background: In India cervical cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Cancer of cervix is preventable, and can be diagnosed at the pre-malignant/pre-invasive stage with adequate and repetitive cytological screening by Papanicolaou (Pap) smears.  Methods: The prospective study includes total 1425 patients who were presented with various gynecological problems. Samples were taken and prepared smear were stained with PAP stain. Reporting was carried out by two independent cytopathologist as per Bethesda system.Results: Total 1425 patients were screened; there were 1034 (72.56%) abnormal Pap smears, with 354 (24.84%) normal cases and 37 (2.59%) unsatisfactory or inadequate samples. Total 27 (1.89%) cases showed epithelial cell abnormalities. ASCUS was the most commonly found (40.74%) epithelial cell abnormality out of 27 cases.Conclusions: Incidence of invasive cervical malignancy can be prevented if Pap screening program is effectively implemented in target population

    Changes in WBC and platelet count in patients with malaria: a hospital based comparative study

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    Introduction: Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases of tropics. It presents with varied clinicopathological manifestations. Most of the complication in malaria occurs due to various hematological abnormalities. Present study was aimed to find out abnormalities in WBC and platelet counts in patients with malaria. Methods: A total 135 patients either hospitalized or treated on an outpatient basis were included in the study after positive identification for malarial parasites on Giemsa stained PSMP smears. WBC and platelet count was carried out on 3 part hematology analyzer (Sysmax KX 21). WBC count less than 4000/cumm was considered as leucopenia and platelet count less than 150000/cumm was considered as thrombocytopenia. Results: The present study includes 135 patients with malaria from which 72.59% of subjects were male and 27.41% of subjects were female. P. falciparum was present in 68.89% of cases, P. vivax in 28.15% of cases. Majority of patients had normal leucocyte count (97.03%). Neutrophilia with lymphopenia was observed in both species of malaria in our study. Thrombocytopenia was observed in89.62% of cases in malaria. Thrombocytopenia in P. falciparum was found in 92.48% of cases and in P. vivax it was 81.57% of cases. Conclusion: Present study did not show any significant change in WBC count. Present study showed neutrophilia with relative lymphopenia in both group of malaria. Incidence of thrombocytopenia was observed in both species of malaria without any statistical significance.

    Mechanical Ventilator for Delivery of 17O2 in Brief Pulses

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    The 17O nucleus has been used recently by several groups for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of cerebral metabolism. Inhalational delivery of 17O2 in very brief pulses could, in theory, have significant advantages for determination of the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2) with MR imaging. Mechanical ventilators, however, are not typically capable of creating step changes in gas concentration at the airway. We designed a ventilator for large animal and human studies that provides mechanical ventilation to a subject inside an MR scanner through 25 feet of small-bore connecting tubing, and tested its capabilities using helium as a surrogate for 17O2. After switching the source gas from oxygen to helium, the 0-90% response time for helium concentration changes at the airway was 2.4 seconds. The capability for creating rapid step changes in gas concentration at the airway in large animal and human studies should facilitate the experimental testing of the delivery 17O2 in brief pulses, and its potential use in imaging CMRO2

    The suitability of lightfield camera depth maps for coordinate measurement applications

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    Plenoptic cameras can capture 3D information in one exposure without the need for structured illumination, allowing grey scale depth maps of the captured image to be created. The Lytro, a consumer grade plenoptic camera, provides a cost effective method of measuring depth of multiple objects under controlled lightning conditions. In this research, camera control variables, environmental sensitivity, image distortion characteristics, and the effective working range of two Lytro first generation cameras were evaluated. In addition, a calibration process has been created, for the Lytro cameras, to deliver three dimensional output depth maps represented in SI units (metre). The novel results show depth accuracy and repeatability of +10.0 mm to -20.0 mm, and 0.5 mm respectively. For the lateral X and Y coordinates, the accuracy was +1.56 m to −2.59 m and the repeatability was 0.25 µm

    Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in soft tissue tumors: our institutional experience

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    Background: Diagnosis of Soft tissue tumors by FNAC (Fine needle aspiration cytology) is one of the diagnostic modality of choice in pathological evaluation of soft tissue neoplasms especially to differentiate from the non-neoplastic soft tissue lesions. It is challenging and controversial. Very few centers rely on simple FNAC for diagnosis which is largely due to a lack of experience, familiarity, confidence and tricky cytological features.Methods:We have studied 140 cases of soft-tissue tumors by simple FNAC procedure done by cytopathologist from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012. After considering thorough history, clinical, radiology and other findings all cases were reported by the experienced faculty in cytopathology section of our institute.Results:Out of total 140 cases of soft tissue tumors 131 (93.58%) were benign and 9 (6.42%) were malignant. In benign category maximum numbers were lipoma 105 cases (80.15%) followed by benign neural tumors 5 cases (3.82%), ganglion 4 cases (3.05%), benign fibrohistiocytic lesions 2 cases (1.53%) and others. Conclusions: Current study demonstrates that FNAC is valuable as a primary tool in diagnosing soft tissue tumors specifically benign lesions like lipomatous tumors, high grade malignant sarcoma and recurrent lesions. Findings are well supported by histopathological correlation

    Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Techniques and Clinical Applications

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    ABSTRACT SUMMARY: In the past decade, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging has had an increasing role in assessing the microvascular characteristics of various tumors, including head and neck cancer. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging allows noninvasive assessment of permeability and blood flow, both important features of tumor hypoxia, which is a marker for treatment resistance for head and neck cancer. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging has the potential to identify early locoregional recurrence, differentiate metastatic lymph nodes from normal nodes, and predict tumor response to treatment and treatment monitoring in patients with head and neck cancer. Quantitative analysis is in its early stage and standardization and refinement of technique are essential. In this article, we review the techniques of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging data acquisition, analytic methods, current limitations, and clinical applications in head and neck cancer. ABBREVIATIONS: AIF ϭ arterial input function; DCE-MR imaging ϭ dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging; EES ϭ extracellular extravascular space; GCA