13 research outputs found

    Masa Inkubasi Penyakit Karat Daun Dan Tingkat Kerusakan Pada Bibit Perupuk (Lophopetalum Multinervium) Di Persemaian PT. Inhutani II Mandor

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    This study aimed to determine the level of damage to seedlings Perupuk caused by leaf rust disease and know the incubation time is needed leaf rust pathogen that infects seedlings Perupuk and study the development of leaf rust disease symptoms on seedlings Perupuk. Observation of the stricken plant was conducted using descriptive, of direct observation in the field and conducted an assessment of the extent of damage caused by the attack while the incubation time in the laboratory. The results showed that the leaf rust disease incubation time attacking seedlings Perupuk (Lophopetalum multinevium) were 19 hours and the percentage of plants damaged by leaf rust disease were 71.22%. This was high and affects the quality of Perupuk growth at the sites. While the average level of crop damage due to attack Perupuk leaf rust disease on study sites were classified in the category that was equal to 44.26%. Keyword: Perupuk, attack rate, decay rate, incubation time

    Toleransi Simpur Air (Dillenia Suffruticosa) terhadap Berbagai Konsentrasi Hgcl2 di Media Tailing

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    Research on Dillenia suffruticosa tolerance for Hg in the tailing was conducted in July to August 2012 at Tanjungpura University Pontianak. This research aimed to determine the tolerance of D. suffruticosa to Hg. It used Randomized Completely Design (RCD) with 5 level Hg concentration (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 ppm) and 3 replications. Data analyzed use Anova test and Duncan test to see D.suffruticosa poisoning symptoms to Hg concentration. The results was that the whole plants showed symptoms of Hg posioned, especially in 30 and 40 ppm. D. suffruticosa can be concidered as phytoremediation agent for Hg contaminated land but less tolerance to high Hg concentration. Keywords : Dillenia suffruticosa, phytoremediation, HgCl2, tailing, symptom

    Making food: exploring the indigenous resilience strategy of the Bima communities in west Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    This paper explores collective food practices by indigenous communities in the underrepresented indigenous locations in Indonesia and how they shape the living space to create resilience strategies. There has been a wide range of discussions about the spatiality of food and using food as a method in urban and architectural discourse. However, more discussions need to be on how such a topic has been deployed in a vernacular setting. It is argued that discussion on collective food practices by indigenous communities will bring attention and a new approach to connect domestic space, shared space, and the broader discussion of a productive landscape and create a resilient community. This research investigates food practices and spatial structures in the indigenous community in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The villages of Mbawa, Sambori, and Maria become part of the case study, as they have a distinctive way of making food and living arrangements, selfsustaining despite the arid landscape. Through field observations and interviews, this paper attempts to capture the presence of food on the indigenous landscape, focusing on how indigenous communities produce and process it spatially and temporally. By mapping the community practices in processing food and its corresponding structures, three indigenous strategies that the Bima people have developed can be identified: caring for the landscape, constructing a collective structure, and internal ordering of the food system. The strategies extend the food practice beyond household units, connecting domestic with the broader landscape. It also shows how the strategies incorporate the physical features of traditional aspects and the traditions and transmitted values. This paper contributes to expanding the discussion of food as a cultural practice within vernacular architectural discourse through the practice of indigenous communities. Unfolding the complexities in making food and the spaces connected with the local vernacular traditions and rituals would guide our perspective in seeing how such practices carry meaning and enable local resilience among scarce resources

    Playdough to Reduce Anxiety”: Alternative Therapy in Pre-school Children with Hospitality

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    Hospitalization is an experience that produces every child who has physical and psychological effects as a result of the environment, and officers they do not know. Therefore the effort that can be done by nurses is to provide distraction therapy with playdough. The study aimed to prove the effect of treatment on Playdough play on anxiety in preschoolers because of hospitalization in the Kertawijaya Room Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto. The design of this study uses pre-experiment with one group pretest approach. The population in this study were all preschool children who were in hospital treatment in the first week of October 2018. Samples were 20 children, with consecutive sampling. Playdough therapy for 20 children. Data collection used a mYPAS (Modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale) questionnaire. After that, the data processing with Wilcoxon signed test was 0.00 which was <0.05, As for the conclusions in this study there is a therapeutic effect of playing plasticine on children's anxiety with hospitalization. The value of preschool children's anxiety before being given play therapy is the majority of respondents 13 respondents (65%) experienced moderate anxiety and And a small proportion of respondents experienced severe anxiety as many as 5 respondents (25%). The value of anxiety after being given play therapy most of the respondents experienced a decrease in anxiety as many as 12 respondents (60%) experienced mild anxiety and almost half of the respondents were 8 respondents (40%). Stress will stimulate the body to send messages from the hypothalamus to the adrenal gland which will affect vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels that will determine the increase or decrease in blood pressure which is one of the physiological characteristics of the body when experiencing anxiety