1,301 research outputs found

    Electronic circuitry used to automate paper chromatography

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    Electronic circuit is used in a paper chromatograph instrument that has excellent sensitivity and furnishes a printed record of each test. The circuit measures and records changes in conductivity in a strip of chromatographic paper as different solutions are placed on it

    Structural lineaments of Gaspe from ERTS imagery

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    A test study was conducted to assess the value of ERTS images for mapping geologic features of the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) to ascertain the best procedure to follow in order to obtain valuable geologic data as a result of interpretation; and 2) to indicate in which way these data could relate to mineral exploration. Of the four spectral bands of the Multispectral scanner, the band from 700 to 800 nanometers, which seems to possess the best informational content for geologic study, was selected for analysis. The original ERTS image at a scale of 1:3,700,000 was enlarged about 15 times and reproduced on film. Geologically meaningful lines, called structural lineaments, were outlined and classified according to five categories: morpho-lithologic boundaries, morpho-lithologic lineaments, fault traces, fracture zones and undefined lineaments. Comparison with the geologic map of Gaspe shows that morpho-lithologic boundaries correspond to contacts between regional stratigraphic units. Morpholithologic lineaments follow bedding trends, whereas fracture traces appear as sets of parallel lineaments, intersecting at high angles the previous category of lineaments. Fault traces mark more precisely the location of faults already mapped and spot the presence of presumable faults, not indicated on the geologic map

    Bronchial reactivity to cigarette smoke; relation to lung function, respiratory symptoms, serum-immunoglobulin E and blood eosinophil and leukocyte counts

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    AbstractStudy objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the immediate bronchial response to inhaled cigarette smoke [cigarette smoke bronchial reactivity (CBR)] and lung function, respiratory symptoms and markers of allergy and inflammation.Design, participants and measurements: This cross-sectional study included 98 smokers. Their lung function and reversibility to inhaled terbutaline was measured. Their clinical history was obtained, an allergological examination was done, and bronchial reactivity to methacholine and inhaled cigarette smoke was measured. Questionnaires about respiratory symptoms, smoking history and drug usage were completed and a blood sample was obtained. Participants were divided into three groups: with asthma, chronic bronchitis and persons without asthma or chronic bronchitis (the respiratory healthy).Results: Forced expiratory volume in 1sec (FEV1) residuals were independently related to the % fall in FEV1after 12 cigarette smoke inhalations (DFEV%) in all participants (P<0·01), in asthmatic smokers (P<0·01) and in smokers with chronic bronchitis (P<0·05). In smokers with asthma and chronic bronchitis FEV1residuals explained 51% and 13% of the variation in DFEV%, respectively, but only 8% (P<0·05) and 1% (N.S.) of the variation in the methacholine bronchial reactivity. In the total population the presence of wheeze (P<0·01), attacks of breathlessness (P<0·05) and daily expectoration (P<0·001) were related to higher DFEV% readings. Serum immunonoglobulin (ES-IgE) was independently related to DFEV% in all participants (P<0·01), in smokers with chronic bronchitis (P<0·01) and in the respiratory healthy (0·05<P<0·1). The eosinophil blood count was, in similar analyses, related to DFEV% in all participants (P<0·05) and in persons with chronic bronchitis (0·05<P<0·1).Conclusion: Cigarette smoke bronchial reactivity was strongly associated to actual FEV1in smokers with asthma and bronchitis, overall to most respiratory symptoms and in smokers without asthma to S-IgE. Cigarette smoke bronchial reactivity might be suitable to test further how cigarette smoke influences the pathophysiology of the bronchial wall, especially in smokers with asthma

    Exploring music with a probabilistic projection interface

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    We present the design and evaluation of an in- teractive tool for music exploration, with musi- cal mood and genre inferred directly from tracks. It uses probabilistic representations of multivari- able predictions of subjective characteristics of the music to give users subtle, nuanced visuali- sations of the 2D map. These explicitly repre- sent the uncertainty and overlap among features and support music exploration and casual playlist generation. A longitudinal trial in users’ homes showed that probabilistic highlighting of subjec- tive features led to more focused exploration in mouse activity logs, and 6 of 8 users preferred the probabilistic highlighting

    Blood group substances as differentiation markers in human dento-gingival epithelium

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65594/1/j.1600-0765.1987.tb02054.x.pd

    Cholesterol-sensing liver X receptors stimulate Th2-driven allergic eosinophilic asthma in mice

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    Introduction: Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors that function as cholesterol sensors and regulate cholesterol homeostasis. High cholesterol has been recognized as a risk factor in asthma; however, the mechanism of this linkage is not known. Methods: To explore the importance of cholesterol homeostasis for asthma, we investigated the contribution of LXR activity in an ovalbumin- and a house dust mite-driven eosinophilic asthma mouse model. Results: In both models, airway inflammation, airway hyper-reactivity, and goblet cell hyperplasia were reduced in mice deficient for both LXR and LXR isoforms (LXR-/--/-) as compared to wild-type mice. Inversely, treatment with the LXR agonist GW3965 showed increased eosinophilic airway inflammation. LXR activity contributed to airway inflammation through promotion of type 2 cytokine production as LXR-/--/- mice showed strongly reduced protein levels of IL-5 and IL-13 in the lungs as well as reduced expression of these cytokines by CD4(+) lung cells and lung-draining lymph node cells. In line herewith, LXR activation resulted in increased type 2 cytokine production by the lung-draining lymph node cells. Conclusions: In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the cholesterol regulator LXR acts as a positive regulator of eosinophilic asthma in mice, contributing to airway inflammation through regulation of type 2 cytokine production