1,084 research outputs found

    Leading organizational transformation: an action research study

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    Purpose – This study addresses a specific gap in the literature that centers on individual perspective of leadership within the context of organizational transformation. It explores synergies between leadership, analyzed as a combination of individual and plural perspectives, and managerial drivers relating to organizational transformation (communicating, mobilizing, and evaluating), with a focus on capturing the essence of the context. Design/methodology/approach – The study examines a complex organizational transformation initiative faced by an Italian, family-owned fashion design company through an action research project. Findings – The results illustrate that context may play a role in accelerating the implementation of plural forms of leadership and their effectiveness during some phases of transformation. Specific emerging manifestations of leadership and synergies with transformation drivers are identified. Research limitations/implications – This is a single case study derived from an action research project. Although the approach is congruent with the nature of the phenomenon and the purpose of the study, it does not aim for generalizability, and as such further empirical investigation is advocated. Originality/value – The article offers an original perspective on leadership of organizational transformation, discussing in particular the co-existence of individual and plural leadership and the role of context

    The Value of Destination Loyalty: Myth or Reality?

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    Given the growing appeal of the concept of destination loyalty in tourism marketing, it is highly important to investigate the travel expenditures of loyal vs. non- or less loyal visitors. Adopting the behavioral approach to loyalty, this study examines the spending patterns of visitors to Kissimmee-St. Cloud, while comparing between the different loyalty segments: no previous visit, one previous visit, and multiple visits. The analysis is based on an intercept survey conducted by the Kissimmee-St. Cloud Convention and Visitors Bureau∗ (KSCVB, 2006), which yielded a sample of 4,301 visitors. In contrast to the prevalent concept, the results show that first timers spend more than the more loyal segments, both in per-trip and per-day total expenditures. However, the loyalty segments are distinguished in their spending patterns at the destination, when first timers spend more on lodging, food and restaurants, and car rental, and the those with one or more previous visits spend more on gasoline, activities and entertainment, and shopping. The paper ends with an assessment of the contribution of the findings both to the literature on loyalty and to tourism destination marketers

    Experimental Study on the Impact of Seasonal Sound Speed Variability on Signal Detection Range in Arabian Sea

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    Temporal variability of Signal Detection Range (SDR) with respect to measured noise level and sound speed is examined. An N x 2D acoustic model which included bathymetric variations, was used to study detection ranges for an area in Arabian Sea. Azimuthal and seasonal SDR at octave bands within 500 Hz were determined at different receiver depths. Study shows that seasonal change in sound speed profile resulted in high SDR and noise level in winter at the location. Study also confirms the significant seasonal difference in detection range corresponds to the cut off frequency at 160 Hz. Detection range for a receiver at a depth 40 m is observed to be high across the azimuth and seasons of study

    A Novel Opportunistic NOMA in Downlink Coordinated Multi-Point Networks

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    Low Frequency Broad Band Acoustic Propagation in Andaman Sea

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    During November 2017, an active source seismic survey was performed in Andaman sea to study the acoustic propagation characteristics. High power low frequency acoustic signals generated by 20-air gun array onboard ORV Samudra Ratnagar were recorded from INS Sagardhwani at four different depths within 8 km ranges in shallow and deep waters. Low frequency sound levels were estimated using root mean square and power spectral values. Amplitude levels were analysed with respect to arrival time variation with frequency and is presented

    Analisa Strategi Pada Perusahaan Benih Tanaman Berbasis Metode Performance Prism Dan Swot (Studi Kasus: PT. X)

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    Pengukuran kinerja merupakan suatu metode atau alat yang digunakan untuk mencatat dan menilai pencapaian pelaksanaan kegiatan berdasarkan meningkatkan kualitas pengambilan keputusan dan akuntabilitas. Terdapat 4 elemen pokok pengukuran kinerja antara lain, menetapkan tujuan, sasaran, dan strategi organisasi, merumuskan indikator dan ukuran kinerja, mengukur tingkat ketercapaian tujuan dan sasaran organisasi, evaluasi kinerja. Sedangkan, untuk merumuskan strategi menggunakan analisis SWOT yang merupakan gambaran secara jelas bagaimana peluang dan ancaman eksternal Perusahaan yang disesuaikan dengan kekuatan dan kelemahan internal Perusahaan. Berkaitan dengan pencapaian target penjualan, target penjualan berbagai jenis benih sebagian besar tidak tercapai dimana kondisi ini terjadi pada tahun 2012. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan metode yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengukuran tersebut untuk mengetahui sejauh mana performansi kinerja Perusahaan telah tercapai sehingga dapat merumuskan strategi unggulan yang tepat dan berdaya saing. Hasil penelitian dengan metode Performance Prism didapatkan nilai indeks sebesar 8.60 yang masuk kedalam kategori hijau, sehingga dinyatakan kinerja Perusahaan secara keseluruhan telah memenuhi performa Perusahaan yang diharapkan. Pada analisis SWOT telah didapatkan 5 strategi baru yaitu memperluas pangsa pasar, menjaga hubungan baik dengan supplier, memberikan reward, peningkatan daya tahan benih, dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan koperasi

    Effect of Environment on Underwater Acoustic Communication Data Rates

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    Underwater acoustic communication has several applications for civilians and defence. It is a challenging engineering problem, where large variability of ambient noise and highly variable channel characteristics limits the performance of communication system. In addition horizontal transmissions in shallow water is considered very challenging due to time varying delay spread and significant Doppler spread. An experiment was conducted to study the diurnal variability of underwater acoustic communication channel properties of the south west coast of India. Time spread and bit error rate for different ranges and depths are compared in this paper. Influence of prevailing sound speed profile on acoustic communication link is also discussed

    Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation

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    Given e-commerce scenarios that user profiles are invisible, session-based recommendation is proposed to generate recommendation results from short sessions. Previous work only considers the user's sequential behavior in the current session, whereas the user's main purpose in the current session is not emphasized. In this paper, we propose a novel neural networks framework, i.e., Neural Attentive Recommendation Machine (NARM), to tackle this problem. Specifically, we explore a hybrid encoder with an attention mechanism to model the user's sequential behavior and capture the user's main purpose in the current session, which are combined as a unified session representation later. We then compute the recommendation scores for each candidate item with a bi-linear matching scheme based on this unified session representation. We train NARM by jointly learning the item and session representations as well as their matchings. We carried out extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets. Our experimental results show that NARM outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on both datasets. Furthermore, we also find that NARM achieves a significant improvement on long sessions, which demonstrates its advantages in modeling the user's sequential behavior and main purpose simultaneously.Comment: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.06939, arXiv:1606.08117 by other author
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