484 research outputs found

    Organic matter responses to radiation under lunar conditions

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    Large bodies, such as the Moon, which have remained relatively unaltered for long periods of time have the potential to preserve a record of organic chemical processes from early in the history of the solar system. A record of volatiles and impactors may be preserved in buried lunar regolith layers that have been capped by protective lava flows. Of particular interest is the possible preservation of prebiotic organic materials delivered by ejected fragments of other bodies, including those originating from the surface of the early Earth. Lava flow layers would shield the underlying regolith and any carbon-bearing materials within them from most of the effects of space weathering, but the encapsulated organic materials would still be subject to irradiation before they were buried by regolith formation and capped with lava. We have performed a study to simulate the effects of solar radiation on a variety of organic materials mixed with lunar and meteorite analogue substrates. A fluence of ~3 x 1013 protons cm-2 at 4-13 MeV, intended to be representative of solar energetic particles, has little detectable effect on low molecular weight (≤C30) hydrocarbon structures that can be used to indicate biological activity (biomarkers) or the high molecular weight hydrocarbon polymer poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene), and has little apparent effect on a selection of amino acids (≤C9). Inevitably, more lengthy durations of exposure to solar energetic particles may have more deleterious effects and rapid burial and encapsulation will always be more favourable to organic preservation. Our data indicate that biomarker compounds that may be used to infer biological activity on their parent planet can be relatively resistant to the effects of radiation, and may have a high preservation potential in paleoregolith layers on the Moon

    Muon fluctuation studies of EAS 10(17) eV

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    Fluctuation studies need to compare a parameter which is sensitive to longitudinal fluctuations against a parameter which is insensitive. Cascade calculations indicate that the shower size parameter at Haverah Park, rho (500), and the muon density are insensitive while parameters that significantly reflect the longitudinal development of a particular extensive air shower (EAS) include the muon/water Cerenkov response ratio and the muon arrival time dispersion. This paper presents conclusions based on muon fluctuation studies of EAS measured between 1976 and 1981 at Haverah Park

    The muon content of EAS as a function of primary energy

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    The muon content of extensive air showers (EAS) was measured over the wide primary energy range 10 to the 16th power to 10 to the 20th power eV. It is reported that the relative muon content of EAS decreases smoothly over the energy range 10 to the 17th power to 10 to the 19th power eV and concluded that the primary cosmic ray flux has a constant mass composition over this range. It is also reported that an apparent significant change in the power index occurs below 10 to the 17th power eV rho sub c (250 m) sup 0.78. Such a change indicates a significant change in primary mass composition in this range. The earlier conclusions concerning EAS of energy 10 to the 17th power eV are confirmed. Analysis of data in the 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power eV range revealed a previously overlooked selection bias in the data set. The full analysis of the complete data set in the energy range 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power ev with the selection bias eliminated is presented

    Average features of the muon component of EAS or = 10(17) eV

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    Three 10 sq m liquid scintillators were situated at approximately 0 m, 150 m and 250 m from the center of the Haverah Park array. The detectors were shielded by lead/barytes giving muon detection thresholds of 317 MeV, 431 MeV and 488 MeV respectively. During part of the operational period the 431 MeV threshold was lowered to 313 MeV for comparison purposes. For risetime measurement fast phototubes were used and the 10% to 70% amplitude time interval was parameterized by T sub 70. A muon lateral density distribution of the form rho mu (R theta) = krho(500)0.94 1/R(1 + R/490)-eta has been fitted to the data for 120 m R 600 m and 0.27 (500) 2.55. The shower size parameter (500) is the water Cerenkov response at 500 m from the core of the extensive air showers (EAS) and is relatable to the primary energy. The results show general consistency

    Formation of magnetic minerals at hydrocarbon-generation conditions

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    In this paper, we report the pyrolysis and formation of magnetic minerals in three source rock samples from the Wessex Basin in Dorset, southern England. The experimental conditions in the laboratory recreated the catagenesis environment of oil source rocks. Magnetic analysis of both the heated and the unheated samples at room temperature and at very low-temperatures (5 K), coupled with transmission electron-microscopy imaging and X-ray analysis, revealed the formation of nanometre-sized (<10 nm), magnetic particles that varied across the rock samples analysed, but more importantly across the pyrolysis temperature range. Magnetic measurements demonstrated the formation of these magnetic minerals peaked at 250 °C for all rock samples and then decreased at 300 °C before rising again at 320 °C. The newly formed magnetic minerals are suggested to be primarily pyrrhotite, though magnetite and greigite are also thought to be present. The sizes of the magnetic minerals formed suggest a propensity to migrate together with oil potentially explaining the magnetic anomalies observed above and within oil fields

    Organic compound-mineral interactions: using flash pyrolysis to monitor the adsorption of fatty acids on calcite

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    Fatty acids are near ubiquitous organic compounds in living organisms in the Earth’s biosphere. Following death of an organism in the marine environment its fatty acids may survive descent to the sea bed where they can be juxtaposed with minerals. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of fatty acids with the common marine mineral calcite. Adsorption of tetradecanoic acid (C14) on calcite results in a sigmoidal or “s” isotherm. Flash pyrolysis experiments were conducted on samples of fatty acid adsorbed onto calcite and were compared with similar experiments on pure fatty acid and on salts of a fatty acid. Flash pyrolysis of pure tetradecanoic acid generated unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons and a series of unsaturated and saturated low molecular weight fatty acids. Flash pyrolysis of free tetradecanoic acid salt produced saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, an aldehyde and a homologous series of saturated and unsaturated ketones, one of which was a symmetrical mid chain ketone (14-heptacosanone). Flash pyrolysis data from adsorbed tetradecanoic acid samples suggested that adsorption is analogous to the formation of the calcium salt of tetradecanoic acid. A key characteristic of the flash pyrolysis products of adsorbed fatty acids and fatty acid salts was the production of ketones with higher molecular weights than the starting fatty acids. Ketonisation was not observed from the flash pyrolysis of pure acid which implied the catalytic significance of the calcite mineral surface. The abundance of hydrocarbons relative to ketones in the pyrolysates negatively correlated with the proportion of fatty acids adsorbed to the surface of calcite. The ability to use flash pyrolysis to diagnose the nature of fatty acid interactions with mineral surfaces provides a valuable tool for monitoring the fate of these important lipids at the Earth’s surface as they pass into the geosphere and are subjected to diagenetic processes

    Aromatic moieties in meteorites: relics of interstellar grain processes?

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    The carbonaceous chondrite meteorites contain a record of the formation of the solar system, part of which is present within organic matter. This organic matter is predominantly aromatic, and its sources remain controversial. The δ13C values for individual free and macromolecular aromatic moieties from Cold Bokkeveld and Murchison suggest that these units originate from radiation-induced ``circle'' reactions involving simultaneous bond synthesis and cracking. Large carbon isotope fractionations and a deuterium enrichment for these entities suggest that these reactions occurred in a dense interstellar cloud. The juxtaposition of the synthesis and cracking products implies that the reactions occurred in a restricting medium, the most likely candidate for which is the icy organic mantles of interstellar grains. In contrast, the δ13C record in aromatic moieties from Orgueil is mostly obscured, possibly due to the increased levels of parent body aqueous alteration experienced by this meteorite. These novel observations are consistent with the interstellar-parent body hypothesis, where the final form of meteoritic organic matter results from the transfiguration of interstellar organic precursors by aqueous reactions on the meteorite parent body

    Supporting home care for the dying: an evaluation of healthcare professionals' perspectives of an individually tailored hospice at home service

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore health care professionals' perspective of hospice at home service that has different components, individually tailored to meet the needs of patients. BACKGROUND: Over 50% of adults diagnosed with a terminal illness and the majority of people who have cancer, prefer to be cared for and to die in their own home. Despite this, most deaths occur in hospital. Increasing the options available for patients, including their place of care and death is central to current UK policy initiatives. Hospice at home services aim to support patients to remain at home, yet there are wide variations in the design of services and delivery. A hospice at home service was developed to provide various components (accompanied transfer home, crisis intervention and hospice aides) that could be tailored to meet the individual needs of patients. DESIGN: An evaluation study. METHODS: Data were collected from 75 health care professionals. District nurses participated in one focus group (13) and 31 completed an electronic survey. Palliative care specialist nurses participated in a focus group (9). One hospital discharge co-ordinator and two general practitioners participated in semi-structured interviews and a further 19 general practitioners completed the electronic survey. RESULTS: Health care professionals reported the impact and value of each of the components of the service, as helping to support patients to remain at home, by individually tailoring care. They also positively reported that support for family carers appeared to enable them to continue coping, rapid access to the service was suggested to contribute to faster hospital discharges and the crisis intervention service was identified as helping patients remain in their own home, where they wanted to be. CONCLUSIONS: Health care professionals perceived that the additional individualised support provided by this service contributed to enabling patients to continue be cared for and to die at home in their place of choice. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: This service offers various components of a hospice at home service, enabling a tailor made package to meet individual and local area needs. Developing an individually tailored package of care appears to be able to meet specific needs