49 research outputs found

    Identification of Patala (Stereospermum colais and Stereospermum suaveolens roots) by pharmacognostic parameters - A plant drug in Dasamula 

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    Stereospermum colais and Stereospermum suaveolens are known as "Patala" in Ayurveda and also a constituent of Dasamula. It is difficult to distinguish between the two species and hence it is difficult to identify genuine Patala. Both Stereospermum species looks alike in morphology with the exception of flower-color. So collection of the plant material from wild source as well as differentiating from the marketed sample is a challenge for the herbal industries to identify the genuine Patala. Hence, an attempt was made to compare the pharmacognostical and phytochemical parameters of the roots of S. colais and S. suaveolens. Macroscopy, microscopy, physico-chemical analysis and elemental analysis were carried out to standardize the roots. The salient diagnostic features identified to distinguish the plant species are heterocellular periderm and calcium oxalate druses in S. colais and multitype (Rhytidome) periderm and calcium oxalate raphides in S. suaveolens. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis and comparative HPTLC fingerprint analysis of various extracts of roots revealed their phytochemical composition. The standardization parameters developed here can be used as reference standard for correct identification of the plant. Further, it will act as a tool to detect adulterants and substituents consequently maintains the quality, reproducibility and efficacy of the plant material.

    Anatomical investigation of flower of Butea monosperma Lam.

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    Background: Butea frondosa Roxb. and Koen. syn. Butea monosperma Lam. (Leguminosae or Fabaceae) is a tree grows up to the height of 8 m at the age 50 years. Its flowers are being used in traditional medicine for the treatment of ulcer, inflammation, hepatic disorder, and eye diseases. Aims: The present study was aimed at establishing the microscopic characteristics of flower B. monosperma Lam. Materials and Methods: Histological evaluation of flowers was done using standard procedures. Images of microscopic characters were taken at different magnifications using Nikon Labphoto 2 microscopic Unit. Perkin Elmer 5000 an atomic absorption spectrophotometer was employed for elemental analysis. Results: In the study, microscopic characters of floral parts were investigated in transverse section and the flower powder. The current study reveals the presence of pollen grains, ovary (OV), and trichomes in their flower powder. Different cell components were studied, and their sizes were measured. Elemental analysis showed the presence of Zn 52.2 μg/g and Cu 36.3 μg/g were major contents, whereas Cr, Mn, and Pd were minor contents in dried flower powder. Conclusion: The current study paves the way to provide standard information related to the presence of essential elements in the flower. Microscopic characters of the flower and its quantitative measurement of cell components will help to identify the plant and also help to improvise the existing monograph of B. monosperma in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia

    Comprehensive Anatomical Investigation of Root of Plumbago Roseus Linn: Anatomical Investigation of Root of Plumbago roseus Linn

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    Root of Plumbago indica Linn is used in ayurveda and siddha medicine for the treatment of colic inflammations bronchitis, helminthiasis, hemorrhoids, elephantiasis, hepatosplenomegaly, amenorrhea, odontalgia, piles, and diabetes. The present study aims to investigate the anatomical characters of thin and thick root and to confirm the physicochemical characters of the root. Anatomical studies and physiochemical evaluation of root were performed based on the customary protocols mentioned in WHO guidelines and Indian ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Anatomical studies of root tissues were done as photographs with different magnifications by using Nikon lab photo 2 microscopic Unit. The elemental analysis was done by using perkin elmer 5000 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. We compared the anatomy of thin root to thick root; the periderm of the thin root was 70-80 μm thick, whereas in thick root the periderm was measured about 100 μm thick. In powder microscopy, two kinds of fibers were found; Wide fibers were 300-500 μm long and 30 μm wide, Narrow fibers were 340 μm long and 15 μm wide. Vessel elements are estimated about 140 μm long. Physio-chemical parameters such as total and acid-insoluble ash (8.33% w/w, 1.55% w/w, respectively), extractive values (aqueous 11.21% w/w and alcoholic 5.30% w/w) were performed. The study provides the quantitative data that was given assurance to identify and differentiate this species correctly for the purpose of traditional medicinal use

    Anti-inflammatory Activity of Essential Oil of Canarium Strictum Roxb: Anti-inflammatory activity of essential oil of Canarium strictum Roxb

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    Canarium L., used in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and heptoprotective and antioxidant and anti diabetic. The present study investigated the in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of essential oil obtained by hydro distillation of Black dammer resin of Canarium strictum Roxb. Anti-inflammatory activity of essential oil of Canarium strictum Roxb., EOCS (10-100 mg/kg) has been established by using the carrageenan (acute inflammation model) and formalin (chronic inflammation model) induced paw edema in mice. The dose dependent activity has been observed at the higher dose of EOCS 100 mg /kg (P<0.0001). EOCS exhibited momentous anti-inflammatory activity that was compared with standard drug diclofenac sodium in acute inflammatory animal models. The perceived anti-inflammatory activity might be due to inhibition of histamine, serotonin, kinins, substance P and prostaglandins, and bradykinin at the inflamed area. On the other hand, in the formalin test EOCS 100 mg /kg reduced chronic inflammation most effectively (P<0.0001). Our data supported that EOCS capable to inhibit the paw edema in acute and chronic inflammation in the experimental animal models can be evident to use this oil for the treatment of chronic and acute inflammatory disorders. More elaborate investigation is needed in this aspect and to correlate the possible effect of major terpene which it produced anti-inflammatory activity

    Ethnic Community in Akananuru Songs

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    Akananuru songs portray the life style of the people during Sangam period. Earlier men led a nomadic life for food. At beginning he hunted to live his life later he started to plough and cultivated grains in the land. Thus, he stayed in a permanent place and gradually clan and race emerged. Each clan and race have its own unique rules and customs to follow. These people who lived in groups later started to establish and differentiate their own clan. All these differences can be seen in the Akananuru songs. The article examines the contribution of the ethnic group leader in his society