19 research outputs found

    Responses of antinomic foliar traits to experimental climate forcing in beech and spruce saplings

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    Global warming is predicted to have a strong impact on mountain ecosystems. Subalpine sylvopastoral systems are very sensitive to climate change, which puts their future sustainability at stake. These ecosystems are mostly dominated by spruce and beech, and therefore their regeneration abilities are critical in this context. The main objective was to characterize the short-term responses, of foliar traits in beech and spruce saplings through phenotypic plasticity with regard of actual scenarios of climate change. Therefore, we transplanted saplings from a cold environment at 1350 m a.s.l. in the Swiss Jura mountains to three recipient sites at lower altitudes along an altitudinal gradient, in the experimental framework of a space-for-time substitution approach and measured morpho-anatomical foliar traits. The results revealed for beech an increase of xeromorphism through the increase of the cuticle thickness, vein network and smaller stomata, associated, surprisingly, to a higher leaf area. This antinomic response allowed beech to grow in warmer conditions while coping with an increase of eva-porative demand during summer. Spruce did not present as much plasticity as compared to beech due to its inherent xeromorphic traits. Our findings further suggest a strong correlation between the timing of the leaf development, extreme conditions and tree growth. These contrasting strategies may lead to the competitive advantage of beech over spruce under climate change

    Effect of recombinant growth hormone (rbST) application on superovulatory response and embryo viability in hair ewes

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    CONTENIDO Editorial. De la investigación científica a la publicación. Un eje indispensable. Aranguren Méndez, José Atilio Fauna Silvestre / Wild Life Concentraciones de metales en sedimentos y tejidos musculares de algunos peces de la laguna de Castillero, Venezuela. Metals concentration in sediments and muscular tissues of some fish from the Castillero lagoon, Venezuela. Márquez, Aristide; Senior, William; Martínez, Gregorio; Castañeda, Julián y González, Ángel Detección del síndrome del virus del Taura (TSV) en Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone) del occidente de Venezuela. Detection of Taura syndrome virus in Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone) from western of Venezuela. Aguado García, Nieves; Boada, Mélida y De Donato, Marcos Medicina Veterinaria / Veterinary Medicine La flunixin meglumina disminuye los signos de dolor peri-operatorio en perras sometidas a ovariohisterectomía. Flunixin meglumine decreases perioperative signs of pain in bitches undergoing ovariohisterectomy. Bravo, Maribel J.; Bravo, Hermes y Daló, Nelson L. Detección de la subunidad nmdar-1 del receptor n-metil-d-asparato (nmdar) en el hipotálamo del ovino mediante el análisis de western blot. Detection of the n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit-1 (nmdar-1) in the hypothalamus of the sheep by western blot analysis. Ruiz E., Ana Z. y Kittok, Roger Producción Animal / Animal Production Evaluation of varied dietary crude protein and lysine level at 5.7% of crude protein on productive parameters in broiler chickens. Evaluación de diferentes niveles de proteína cruda y lisina al 5,7% de proteína cruda sobre parámetros productivos de pollos de engorde. Urdaneta Rincón, María y Leeson, Steven Comparación de ecuaciones para ajustar curvas de lactancia en bovinos.Comparison of equations to fit lactation curves of cattle. García Muñiz, José Guadalupe; Martínez González, Enrique Gerano; Núñez Domínguez, Rafael; Ramírez Valverde, Rodolfo; López Ordaz, Rufino y Ruiz Flores, Agustín Crecimiento de becerros en un sistema de doble propósito en el trópico húmedo de México. Growth of calves in a dual-purpose system in humid-tropics of Mexico. De las Heras Torres, Jesús G.; Osorio Arce, Mario M. y Segura Correa, José C. Efecto de la aplicación de la hormona de crecimiento recombinante (rbST) sobre la respuesta superovulatoria y la viabilidad embrionaria en ovejas de pelo. Effect of recombinant growth hormone (rbST) application on superovulatory response and embryo viability in hair ewes. Navarrete Sierra, Luis F.; Cruz Tamayo, Alvar A.; González Parra, Eugenia I.; Piña Aguilar, Raúl E.; Sangines García, José R.; Toledo López, Víctor y Ramón Ugalde, Julio P. Efecto del tamaño de partícula de la fibra en la dieta sobre la conducta ingestiva, digestión de nutrientes y suministro de proteína microbial al duodeno de bovinos. Effect of fiber particle size on cattle ingestive behaviour, nutrients digestion and duodenal microbial-n supply. Genovez Chanona, Francis; Ayala Burgos, Armín Javier; Sandoval Castro, Carlos Alfredo; Cetina Góngora, Rubén y Reyes Ramírez, Raúl Caracterización nutritiva del follaje de seis especies forrajeras con énfasis en sus perfiles polifenólicos. Nutritional characterization of six fodder species foliage with emphasis in their polyphenolic profiles. García, Danny Eugenio; Medina, María Gabriela; Clavero, Tyrone; Cova, Luis José; Domínguez, Carlos y Baldizán, Alfredo Evaluación de la nutrición mineral en sabanas bien drenadas al sur del estado Monagas, Venezuela. Mineral nutrition evaluation in well drained savannas at south of Monagas state, Venezuela. López, Manuel; Godoy, Susmira; Alfaro, Coromoto y Chicco, Claudio F. Tecnología de Alimentos / Food Science and Technology Utilización de microorganismos marcadores para la evaluación de las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias en la producción primaria de leche. Use of indicator microorganisms for the hygienic-sanitary conditions evaluation in the milk primary production. Signorini, Marcelo Lisandro; Sequeira, Gabriel Jorge; Bonazza, Julio César; Dalla Santina, Rodolfo; Martí, Luis Enrique; Frizzo, Laureano Sebastián y Rosmini, Marcelo Raúl Lisina total, digestible y reactiva digestible en harina de pescado. Total, digestible and digestible reactive lysine contents in fishmeal. Gutiérre Coronado, Lourdes; García Rico, Leticia; Vázquez Ortiz, Francisco; Preciado Huguez, Karla; Figueroa García, Renato y López Franco, [email protected] analíticobimestra