42 research outputs found

    Some Functional, Chemical, and Sensory Characteristics of Cactus Pear Rice-Based Extrudates

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    ABSTRACT Both orange-yellow and red cactus pear pulps were concentrated (to 40ºBrix), and then added to rice grits to produce a delectable product of rice-based extrudates. Both concentrated pulps were added to rice grits in five levels 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. The effects of added concentrated pulps on some physical (expansion ratio (ER), bulk density (BD), water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), breaking strength (BS), and color attributes (L*, a* and b*); chemical (moisture, total carbohydrate, crude protein, crude fat and ash); and sensory (taste, crispness, chewiness, odor, color, pore distribution, surface characteristics, and overall acceptability) characteristics of extruded products were evaluated. The expansion ratio (ER), water absorption index (WAI), and water soluble index (WSI) of all products decreased by increasing the added concentrated-pulp ratio, while breaking strength (BS) decreased up to 10% of the added ratio, then increased. Bulk density, ash content and color attributes (a* and b*) increased for all extruded products. Adding both concentrated cactus pear pulps to rice flour extremely enhanced the sensory characteristics of final extruded products, and the obtained results showed the possibility of producing a new value-added snack-type extrudate based on cactus pear pulp concentrates

    The behavior of 2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde and 2-oxoquinoline-3-carbaldehyde toward stabilized methylenetriphenylphosphoranes and secondary amines

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    <p>In this study use was made of the Wittig carbonyl olefination reaction and stereo-identification of the resulting alkenes. Condensation of 2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde with some selected stabilized phosphonium ylides yielded a mixture of the corresponding E and Z olefins in each case. On the other hand reaction of 2-oxoquinoline-3-carbaldehyde with the selected ylides afforded the respective olefins only in one of the possible stereoisomers. The reaction of 2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde with acetylmethylenetriphenylphosphorane produced the respective olefine together with acridin-3-ol. Heating of (E) and/or (Z)-methyl 3-(2-chloroquinolin-3-yl)acrylate with hydrazine hydrate yielded the corresponding propan-1-ol derivative. Dechlorination of (E)-ethyl 3-(2-chloroquinolin-3-yl)acrylate and/or (E)-4-(2-chloroquinolin-3-yl)but-3-en-2-one was effected upon treatment with morpholine or piperidine in absolute ethanol to give the respective enone derivatives.</p

    دراسة تآكل النحاس بالقياسات الطيفية

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    Spectrophotometric measurements were used to study corrosion of copper in aqueous solutions containing the four following depolarizers: K2Cr2O-j, K2S2O8, Fe(NH4)(SC>4)2 and CCI3COOH. A silica cell was used for the corrosion studies as well as spectrophotometric measurements. It was found that the reaction of copper with these compounds is first order and diffusionally-controlled except in the case of CCI3COOH which proved to be kinetically controlled. The spectrophotometric method was utilized to study the effect of some amino acids and some amines on the corrosion rate of copper in the solutions of depolarizers. It was found that both amino acids and amines act as inhibitors. The inhibition coefficient of amines increased with the number of amino groups in the compound. Potentiodynamic polarization technique was used to clarify the role of depolarizers in the kinetics of the corrosion process. It appears that the main role of these compounds is to depolarize the cathodic first order overall reaction. The spectrophotometric method proved to be precise, effective and fast to study corrosion processes, in particular those with coloured metal cations.استخدمت القياسات الطيفية في دراسة تأكل النحاس في المحاليل المائية المحتوية على أربع من منقصات الاستقطاب هي ثاني كرومات البوتاسيوم ، وفوق كبريتات البوتاسيوم ، وكبريتات الحديديك والأمنيوم ، وثلاثي كلورو حمض الخليك . وقد استخدمت خلية من السيليكا لدراسة التأكل وفي نفس الوقت كخلية طيفية ، وقد تبين أن تفاعل النحاس مع هذه المركبات من الرتبة الأولى ذو تحكم انتشاري فيما عكدا ثلاثي كلورو حمض الخليك فله تحكم كيناتيكي . وقد استخدمت طريقة القياسات الطيفية لدراسة تأثير بعض الأحماض الأمينية وبعض الأمينات على معدلات تأكل النحاس في محاليل منقصات الاستقطاب . ‏وقد أتضح من هذه الدراسة أن كلا من الأحماض الأمينية والأمينات تسلك كمثبطات وتم حساب معامل التثبيط لها جميعا ، ووجد أنه يعتمد على عدد مجموعات الأمين في المركب . فكلما ازداد عدد هذه المجموعات كلما كان المركب عاملا مثبطا أقوى . ‏وتم استخدام منحنيات الاستقطاب من النوع حركي الجهد لتوضيح دور منقصات الاستقطاب في كيناتيكا التأكل ، وأتضح أن الدور الرئيسي الذي تلعبه هذه المركبات هو إنقاص استقطاب الكاثود بتفاعل شامل من الرتبة الأولى . ‏وفي الخلاصة يمكن القول أن القياسات الطيفية تزودنا بطريقة دقيقة وفعالة وسريعة لدراسة عمليات التأكل وبالذات في الفلزات التي لها كانيونات ملونة

    New Applications of Photodynamic Therapy in the Management of Candidiasis

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    The most important aetiological agent of opportunistic mycoses worldwide is Candida spp. These yeasts can cause severe infections in the host, which may be fatal. Isolates of Candida albicans occur with greater frequency and variable resistance patterns. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been recognised as an alternative treatment to kill pathogenic microorganisms. PDT utilises a photosensitizer, which is activated at a specific wavelength and oxygen concentration. Their reaction yields reactive oxygen species that kill the infectious microorganism. A systematic review of new applications of PDT in the management of candidiasis was performed. Of the 222 studies selected for in-depth screening, 84 were included in this study. All the studies reported the antifungal effectiveness, toxicity and dosimetry of treatment with antimicrobial PDT (aPDT) with different photosensitizers against Candida spp. The manuscripts that are discussed reveal the breadth of the new applications of aPDT against Candida spp., which are resistant to common antifungals. aPDT has superior performance compared to conventional antifungal therapies. With further studies, aPDT should prove valuable in daily clinical practice