3,761 research outputs found

    Experimental study of the effects of secondary air on the emissions and stability of a lean premixed combustor

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    Tests were run using a perforated plate flameholder with a relatively short attached recirculation zone and a vee gutter flameholder with a relatively long attached recirculation zone. Combustor streamlines were traced in cold flow tests at ambient pressure. The amount of secondary air entrainment in the recirculation zones of the flameholders was determined by tracer gas testing at cold flow ambient pressure conditions. Combustion tests were caried out at entrance conditions of 0.5 MPa/630K and emission of NOx, CO and unburned hydrocarbons were measured along with lean stability and flashback limits. The degree of entrainment increases as dilution air injection decreases. Flashback appears to be a function of overall equivalence ratio and resistance to flashback increases with increasing combustor entrance velocity. Lean stability limit appears to be a function of both primary zone and flameholder recirculation zone equivalence ratios and resistance to lean blowout increases with increasing combustor entrance velocity

    Upper and Lower Bounds for Weak Backdoor Set Detection

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    We obtain upper and lower bounds for running times of exponential time algorithms for the detection of weak backdoor sets of 3CNF formulas, considering various base classes. These results include (omitting polynomial factors), (i) a 4.54^k algorithm to detect whether there is a weak backdoor set of at most k variables into the class of Horn formulas; (ii) a 2.27^k algorithm to detect whether there is a weak backdoor set of at most k variables into the class of Krom formulas. These bounds improve an earlier known bound of 6^k. We also prove a 2^k lower bound for these problems, subject to the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis.Comment: A short version will appear in the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testin

    Sensitivity of monsoon circulation and precipitation over India to model horizontal resolution and orographic effects

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    A triple-nested regional weather prediction model was used to investigate the effects of the model horizontal resolution and orography on southwest monsoon precipitation over India. Numerical experiments with different resolution topography and different horizontal resolution model domains were conducted. Simulation results indicate that both the distribution and intensity of simulated southwest monsoon precipitation over India is highly sensitive to model horizontal resolution and topography. The model with a finer resolution is able to predict mesoscale organization of rainfall over the land mass. Rainfall predicted over the coarse domain is much less than that observed owing to its unrealistic representation of orographic effects and mesoscale forcings. Simulated wind speed, surface pressure, and latent and sensible heat flux distributions are also sensitive to the model resolution. Larger values and more detailed structure of the distribution of the wind speed and latent and sensible heat fluxes are simulated in the finer domains

    Extended Quantum Dimer Model and novel valence-bond phases

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    We extend the quantum dimer model (QDM) introduced by Rokhsar and Kivelson so as to construct a concrete example of the model which exhibits the first-order phase transition between different valence-bond solids suggested recently by Batista and Trugman and look for the possibility of other exotic dimer states. We show that our model contains three exotic valence-bond phases (herringbone, checkerboard and dimer smectic) in the ground-state phase diagram and that it realizes the phase transition from the staggered valence-bond solid to the herringbone one. The checkerboard phase has four-fold rotational symmetry, while the dimer smectic, in the absence of quantum fluctuations, has massive degeneracy originating from partial ordering only in one of the two spatial directions. A resonance process involving three dimers resolves this massive degeneracy and dimer smectic gets ordered (order from disorder).Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec

    Quantum thermodynamics at critical points during melting and solidification processes

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    We systematically explore and show the existence of finite-temperature continuous quantum phase transition (CTQPT) at a critical point, namely, during solidification or melting such that the first-order thermal phase transition is a special case within CTQPT. Infact, CTQPT is related to chemical reaction where quantum fluctuation (due to wavefunction transformation) is caused by thermal energy and it can occur maximally for temperatures much higher than zero Kelvin. To extract the quantity related to CTQPT, we use the ionization energy theory and the energy-level spacing renormalization group method to derive the energy-level spacing entropy, renormalized Bose-Einstein distribution and the time-dependent specific heat capacity. This work unambiguously shows that the quantum phase transition applies for any finite temperatures.Comment: To be published in Indian Journal of Physics (Kolkata

    The role of radiative transfer in maintaining the Indian summer monsoon circulation

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    The radiative-convective feedback and land-sea thermal forcing play significant roles in maintenance of the summer monsoon circulation over the Indian sub-continent. In this study, the role of radiative transfer in maintaining the monsoon circulation is examined with numerical sensitivity experiments. For this purpose, a sixteen layer primitive equation limited area model is used to perform numerical simulations with and without atmospheric radiative transfer processes parameterized in the model. The initial values and boundary conditions for the numerical integrations of the model are derived from operational analyses of the ECMWF, UK. The results show that the radiative transfer is essential in maintaining the intensity of the low level Somali Jet as well as the upper level Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) over the Indian sub-continent and adjoining seas. The meridional circulation over the region is also well simulated. As a result, enough moisture transports from the warm equatorial region to simulate more realistic orographic precipitation in the windward side of the mountains along the West coast of India. Without radiative transfer processes in the model atmosphere the simulated monsoon circulation weakens, moisture transport decreases and the precipitation lessens

    Magnetic excitations in nuclei with neutron excess

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    The excitation of the 1+1^+, 22^- and 3+3^+ modes in 16^{16}O, 22^{22}O, 24^{24}O, 28^{28}O, 40^{40}Ca, 48^{48}Ca, 52^{52}Ca and 60^{60}Ca nuclei is studied with self-consistent random phase approximation calculations. Finite-range interactions of Gogny type, containing also tensor-isospin terms, are used. We analyze the evolution of the magnetic resonances with the increasing number of neutrons, the relevance of collective effects, the need of a correct treatment of the continuum and the role of the tensor force.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Dynamical diffraction in sinusoidal potentials: uniform approximations for Mathieu functions

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    Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Mathieu's equation are found in the short wavelength limit using a uniform approximation (method of comparison with a `known' equation having the same classical turning point structure) applied in Fourier space. The uniform approximation used here relies upon the fact that by passing into Fourier space the Mathieu equation can be mapped onto the simpler problem of a double well potential. The resulting eigenfunctions (Bloch waves), which are uniformly valid for all angles, are then used to describe the semiclassical scattering of waves by potentials varying sinusoidally in one direction. In such situations, for instance in the diffraction of atoms by gratings made of light, it is common to make the Raman-Nath approximation which ignores the motion of the atoms inside the grating. When using the eigenfunctions no such approximation is made so that the dynamical diffraction regime (long interaction time) can be explored.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures. This updated version includes important references to existing work on uniform approximations, such as Olver's method applied to the modified Mathieu equation. It is emphasised that the paper presented here pertains to Fourier space uniform approximation

    Knowledge Organization and Inference Engine for the WVU Face Decision Support System

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    The knowledge-based organization for the West Virginia University Face Decision Support System is given, along with the initial development of the associated inference engine. The knowledge base contains generic knowledge about underground coal mines that utilize continuous miners. A typical knowledge entry is given, and the inference engine methodology is explained. The engine utilizes this knowledge with data from monitoring systems and from interaction with the section foreman, to assist in making section management decisions and plans