688 research outputs found

    Amplification of evanescent waves in a lossy left-handed material slab

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    We carry out finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, with a specially-designed boundary condition, on pure evanescent waves interacting with a lossy left-handed material (LHM) slab. Our results provide the first full-wave numerical evidence for the amplification of evanescent waves inside a LHM slab of finite absorption. The amplification is due to the interactions between the evanescent waves and the coupled surface polaritons at the two surfaces of the LHM slab and the physical process can be described by a simple model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Guided Modes in Negative Refractive Index Waveguides

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    We study linear guided waves propagating in a slab waveguide made of a negative-refraction- index material, the so-called left-handed waveguide. We reveal that the guided waves in left-handed waveguides possess a number of peculiar properties, such as the absence of the fundamental modes, mode double degeneracy, and sign-varying energy ux. In particular, we predict the existence of novel types of guided waves with a dipole-vortex structure of the Pointing vector.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Divergence of Dipole Sums and the Nature of Non-Lorentzian Exponentially Narrow Resonances in One-Dimensional Periodic Arrays of Nanospheres

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    Origin and properties of non-Lorentzian spectral lines in linear chains of nanospheres are discussed. The lines are shown to be super-exponentially narrow with the characteristic width proportional to exp[-C(h/a)^3] where C is a numerical constant, h the spacing between the nanospheres in the chain and a the sphere radius. The fine structure of these spectral lines is also investigated.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Refractive-index sensing with ultra-thin plasmonic nanotubes

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    We study the refractive-index sensing properties of plasmonic nanotubes with a dielectric core and ultra-thin metal shell. The few-nm thin metal shell is described by both the usual Drude model and the nonlocal hydrodynamic model to investigate the effects of nonlocality. We derive an analytical expression for the extinction cross section and show how sensing of the refractive index of the surrounding medium and the figure-of-merit are affected by the shape and size of the nanotubes. Comparison with other localized surface plasmon resonance sensors reveals that the nanotube exhibits superior sensitivity and comparable figure-of-merit

    Size dependence of the bulk and surface phonon modes of gallium arsenide nanowires as measured by Raman Spectroscopy

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    Gallium arsenide nanowires were synthesized by gallium-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. By varying the growth time, nanowires with diameters ranging from 30 to 160 nm were obtained. Raman spectra of the nanowires ensembles were measured. The small line width of the optical phonon modes agree with an excellent crystalline quality. A surface phonon mode was also revealed, as a shoulder at lower frequencies of the longitudinal optical mode. In agreement with the theory, the surface mode shifts to lower wave numbers when the diameter of the nanowires is decreased or the environment dielectric constant increased.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Off-Shell Electromagnetic T-matrix: momentum-dependent scattering from spherical inclusions with both dielectric and magnetic contrast

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    The momentum- and frequency-dependent T-matrix operator for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric/conducting and para- or diamagnetic sphere is derived as a Mie-type series, and presented in a compact form emphasizing various symmetry properties, notably the unitarity identity. This result extends to magnetic properties one previously obtained for purely dielectric contrasts by other authors. Several situations useful to spatially-dispersive effective-medium approximations to one-body order are examined. Partial summation of the Mie series is achieved in the case of elastic scattering.Comment: 22 pages. Preprint of a paper to appear in `Waves in Complex And Random Media' ((c) Taylor and Francis, 2011