919 research outputs found

    Strategi Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Menghadapi Dinamika Perkembangan Lada Dunia / Research and Development Strategy to Face World Dynamics of Development of Pepper

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    Indonesia is one of the world's main - pepper producers. Now days, Indonesian pepper experienced a fairly strong competition from other countries. Problem arising to day is low productivity and quality. Productivity of Indonesia pepper below 1000 kg/ha, whereas other countries have more than 2000 kg/ha. Low quality due to processing methods are still tradisional. Low productivity because many older plants, damaged, pests, and diseases, and lack of maintenance. To face the dynamic development of the world pepper, needed efforts to increase production, productivity and quality, so that Indonesia can improve the competitiveness in the International market. Increasing of production and quality can do the improvement of cultivation technology and post harvest. As for the necessary policy are (1) establish of research and development programs of a more site-specific and based on agro-ecological conditions, especially physical, chemical and biological characterization of soil and climate of development region, and (2) socialization result of the research and inform pepper dynamic development in the field

    Biosintesis Menthol Pada Berbagai Periode Pencahayaan Tanaman Mentha (Mentha Piperita L.)

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    The effect of photoperiod on menthol sysnthesis ofMentha piperita L.Research on the effect of photoperiod on menthol synthesis ofMentha piperita L, was carried out at the Experimental Garden of InstituteReseach for Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, Lembang, West Java, fromJanuary until July, 2000. The objective is to study the machanism ofmenthol synthesis in relation with the manipulation of light periode, threesteps were taken: The first step was manipulation of environment using TLlamps (two experiments), the second step was distillation and analisis ofpeppermint oil from their products with gas chromatography and massspectrometry, and the third step was tracing the pathway on mentholbiosynthesis. At the first experiment, 5 treatments were given i.e. (1)control or normal light period, (2) four hours light supplement at the age of30 days and 60 days after planting, and (3) one hour interruption of darkperiod at the age of 30 days and 60 days. The result showed that the effectof light period manipulation can change the pathway of mentholbiosynthesis and oil component and finally the quality of menthol. Fourhours light supplement at the age of 30 days after planting could enhancethe menthol content and reduce menthofuran by blocking the reaction frompulegone to menthofuran, so the pulegone was reduced into menthon andmenthol. Four hours light supplement at 30 days after planting showed thehighest menthol content (54.89%) and the lowest menthofuran (7.83%).Control treatment (normal light period) showed the lowest mentholcontent, due to no reduction of pulegone into menthon, but pulegone wasoxidized into menthofuran. Without additional light the menthol contentdecreased and the menthofuran content increased

    Research Status of Clove, Application of Technology and Development Strategy with Ecological Basic

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    Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.Marr and Perr) is a native spice crop of Indonesia. Development of clove estate areas has experienced up and downs fluctuation doe to desease and price fluctuation that cause farmers do not maintenat plant. Hence, it is necessary to perform extensification and intensification. Extensification means development through the expansion, while the intensification means development through the improvement of technology. Results of previous studies include land suitability maps and climate, fertilization technology, cropping pattern, maintenance, nurseries and the search for improved varieties have been done. But has not answered the problems of cloves, especially fluctuations in the yield. Extensification efforts require land suitabilityand climate maps, while intensification requires land/environment based technology. Ecology-based cultivation technologies including varieties, planting, fertilizer, maintenance, cropping pattern, harvest and post harvest should be given attention in order to archive effectively, efficiently and high productivity. The criteria of land and climate suitability, and cultivation technology can be used as guidelines for the development of cloves and as a basis for making a map at operational scale and for determining the appropriate technological package. This paper aims to examine the technological research that has been done and integrate into a form more efficient cultivation technology-based ecology (soil and climate) for use as the direction and strategy of the development of clove in the future

    Measurement of brix level of Malaysian local oranges at resonance frequency

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    The production of citrus in worldwide has increased over the years. This is due to demandfrom consumer as well as positive progress in agriculture-related industry. Malaysia alsoproduces a lot of citrus but at the same time statistics shows that the number of citrus beingimported from other countries is also high. In order to maintain the quality of citrusproduction, a non-destructive method by using monopole antenna is used in this study. Thereflection coefficient is measured at range operating frequency of 8MHz to 5 GHz. Therelationship between dielectric constant and S11 is determined. The other variables arecompared during S11 at resonance.S11 of oranges is the highest at 2.6 GHz with a value of -42.84 dB.Keywords: citrus; monopole antenna; reflection coefficien

    Analisis Persediaan dan Optimalisasi Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Pembangkit Listrik di PT. Pembangkit Listrik X

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    Teori pengendalian persediaan merupakan teori yang digunakan dalam menentukan penyelesaian optimal dari persediaan barang-barang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan bahan bakar pembangkit listrik di PT. Pembangkit Listrik X yang menggunakan bahan bakar solar dan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO). Sehingga diperoleh solusi yang optimal yaitu: EOQ untuk bahan bakar solar sebanyak 26.029.691 liter dengan siklus pemesanan 38 kali dalam 1 tahun dengan safety stock sebanyak 10.279.916 liter. Untuk bahan bakar Marine Fuel Oil (MFO), EOQ bahan bakar MFO sebanyak 7.648.989 liter dengan siklus pemesana 33 kali dalam 1 tahun dengan safety stock sebanyak 6.466.374 liter. Selain itu, Perusahaan juga dapat melakukan penghematan sebesar Rp. 934.197.490 selama tahun 2011. Sehingga model EOQ dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam pengendalian persediaan bahan bakar yang dilakukan PT. Pembangkit Listrik X

    Penerapan Teori Backward Recursive Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Dan Gaji Pada PT Xyz

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    Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan Program Dinamik dengan perhitungan mundur (backward recursive) model matematis : fi(Si,Xi) = ri(Si,Xi) + f(i − 1)(S(i − 1),X(i − 1)) dimana i = nomor tahap (i = 1, 2, ..., n), Xi = variabel keputusan pada tahap i, Si= keadaan pada tahap i, ri (Si,Xi) = keputusan pada tahap i, fi, (Si,Xi)= keputusan optimal dari tahap 1 sampai i, fi−1 (Si−1,Xi−1 )= keputusan optimal dari tahap i sampai 1. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data dari Perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan teori Program Dinamik perhitungan mundur maka jumlah jam kerja efektif 573.460 jam dapat dioptimalkan menjadi 468.714,27 jam dengan jumlah tenaga kerja (orang) yang dibutuhkan setiap bulan pada tahun 2011 adalah 152 orang/ bulan. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk kebutuhan tenaga kerja sebesar Rp 3.976.509.219 dengan menggunakan program dinamik dapat dioptimalkan menjadi Rp 3.236.431.421,94

    Minat Baca Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Lancang Kuning

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    This study aims to see the reading habbit of lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities University of Lancang Kuning. Data collected by questionnaire that filled by 23 lecturers. Result shown that most of them likes reading. They have a different of type, subject, language, and format collections that they read. But unfortunately, the reading habbits is inversely with library visiting. Data shown that they did not like to visiting the library, especially FIB Unilak Library
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