795 research outputs found

    Pemelajaran Tata Bahasa Berbasis Teks Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar di Kota Medan

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    Penelitian ini mencoba menjawab permasalahan yang dihadapi guru tentang pemelajaran tata bahasa Indonesia yang tidak terdapat pada buku pegangan siswa maupun guru. Di samping itu, siswa kesulitan dalam membedakan imbuhan di- dan kata depan di yang terdapat pada teks. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pemelajaran tata bahasa berbasis teks siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Medan dan bagaimana hasil belajarnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan sumber data proses kegiatan belajar mengajar yang diambil dengan cara observasi langsung dan hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh dari hasil tes. Lokasi penelitian adalah dua sekolah yang berada di Kecamatan Medan Selayang dan Medan Johor dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 60 orang. Pemelajaran tata bahasa berbasis teks siswa kelas V sekolah dasar di Kota Medan menciptakan sistem pemelajaran berfokus pada siswa. Siswa dituntut untuk mampu mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, serta mampu menemukan permasalahan dan menjawab permasalahan dengan tuntunan guru. Guru dijadikan sebagai fasilitator dan motivator dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Adapun nilai rata-rata hasil kegitan belajar mengajar belajar dengan menerapan model pemelajaran tata bahasa berbasis teks dengan cara belajar siswa aktif berjumlah 77,75. Nilai 77,75 dikategorikan baik

    Development of a Compact Neutron Source based on Field Ionization Processes

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    The authors report on the use of carbon nanofiber nanoemitters to ionize deuterium atoms for the generation of neutrons in a deuterium-deuterium reaction in a preloaded target. Acceleration voltages in the range of 50-80 kV are used. Field emission of electrons is investigated to characterize the emitters. The experimental setup and sample preparation are described and first data of neutron production are presented. Ongoing experiments to increase neutron production yields by optimizing the field emitter geometry and surface conditions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; IVNC 201

    Perceptions of patients regarding quality nursing care (QNC) at a tertiary hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Background: Patients’ experiences regarding the quality of care continue to be a hot topic of discussion in the healthcare industry. Exploring the quality of nursing care from the patients’ perspectives is a vital element of quality evaluation. The purpose of this study was to explore the patients’ perspectives regarding quality nursing care. Methodology: A qualitative descriptive exploratory design was used. A total of twelve participants were recruited from one medical and one surgical unit at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis approach was used for data analysis. Results: Data analysis generated three main themes: (1) meaning of QNC, (2) characteristics of nurses, and (3) participants’ recommendations. Conclusion: Nursing care continues to be the foundation of healthcare and QNC could have a great effect on patients’ positive outcome of recovery and well- being. The study also provided vital implications for nursing administrators, practicing nurses, nursing, education, and research

    Index Formulae for Line Bundle Cohomology on Complex Surfaces

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    We conjecture and prove closed-form index expressions for the cohomology dimensions of line bundles on del Pezzo and Hirzebruch surfaces. Further, for all compact toric surfaces we provide a simple algorithm which allows expression of any line bundle cohomology in terms of an index. These formulae follow from general theorems we prove for a wider class of surfaces. In particular, we construct a map that takes any effective line bundle to a nef line bundle while preserving the zeroth cohomology dimension. For complex surfaces, these results explain the appearance of piecewise polynomial equations for cohomology and they are a first step towards understanding similar formulae recently obtained for Calabi-Yau three-folds.Comment: 30 page

    Frontotemporal Dementias: A Review

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    Dementia is a clinical state characterized by loss of function in multiple cognitive domains. It is a costly disease in terms of both personal suffering and economic loss. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the term now preferred over Picks disease to describe the spectrum of non-Alzheimers dementias characterized by focal atrophy of the frontal and anterior temporal regions of the brain. The prevalence of FTD is considerable, though specific figures vary among different studies. It occurs usually in an age range of 35–75 and it is more common in individuals with a positive family history of dementia. The risk factors associated with this disorder include head injury and family history of FTD. Although there is some controversy regarding the further syndromatic subdivision of the different types of FTD, the three major clinical presentations of FTD include: 1) a frontal or behavioral variant (FvFTD), 2) a temporal, aphasic variant, also called Semantic dementia (SD), and 3) a progressive aphasia (PA). These different variants differ in their clinical presentation, cognitive deficits, and affected brain regions. Patients with FTD should have a neuropsychiatric assessment, neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging studies to confirm and clarify the diagnosis. Treatment for this entity consists of behavioral and pharmacological approaches. Medications such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, mood stabilizer and other novel treatments have been used in FTD with different rates of success. Further research should be directed at understanding and developing new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to improve the patients' prognosis and quality of life

    Valproic Acid-Induced Myoclonus in a Demented Patient: A Case Report

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    Valproic acid and its derivatives are now commonly used to treat various psychiatric disorders in the elderly. Data indicates that the elderly patients are more susceptible to developing neuropsychiatric complications when treated with these medications. In this report, we describe the case of a 66-year-old woman with early-onset, Alzheimer's type dementia, who developed myoclonus when treated with a valproic acid preparation for behavioral disturbances associated with the dementia

    Conserved genes underlie phenotypic plasticity in an incipiently social bee

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    Despite a strong history of theoretical work on the mechanisms of social evolution, relatively little is known of the molecular genetic changes that accompany transitions from solitary to eusocial forms. Here we provide the first genome of an incipiently social bee that shows both solitary and social colony organization in sympatry, the Australian carpenter bee Ceratina australensis. Through comparative analysis, we provide support for the role of conserved genes and cis-regulation of gene expression in the phenotypic plasticity observed in nest-sharing, a rudimentary form of sociality. Additionally, we find that these conserved genes are associated with caste differences in advanced eusocial species, suggesting these types of mechanisms could pave the molecular pathway from solitary to eusocial living. Genes associated with social nesting in this species show signatures of being deeply conserved, in contrast to previous studies in other bees showing novel and faster-evolving genes are associated with derived sociality. Our data provide support for the idea that the earliest social transitions are driven by changes in gene regulation of deeply conserved genes
