844 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Vacillating Voters

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    We introduce the vacillating voter model in which each voter consults two neighbors to decide its state, and changes opinion if it disagrees with either neighbor. This irresolution leads to a global bias toward zero magnetization. In spatial dimension d>1, anti-coarsening arises in which the linear dimension L of minority domains grows as t^{1/(d+1)}. One consequence is that the time to reach consensus scales exponentially with the number of voters.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma

    Instability of spatial patterns and its ambiguous impact on species diversity

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    Self-arrangement of individuals into spatial patterns often accompanies and promotes species diversity in ecological systems. Here, we investigate pattern formation arising from cyclic dominance of three species, operating near a bifurcation point. In its vicinity, an Eckhaus instability occurs, leading to convectively unstable "blurred" patterns. At the bifurcation point, stochastic effects dominate and induce counterintuitive effects on diversity: Large patterns, emerging for medium values of individuals' mobility, lead to rapid species extinction, while small patterns (low mobility) promote diversity, and high mobilities render spatial structures irrelevant. We provide a quantitative analysis of these phenomena, employing a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures and supplementary information. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Densification and Structural Transitions in Networks that Grow by Node Copying

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    We introduce a growing network model---the copying model---in which a new node attaches to a randomly selected target node and, in addition, independently to each of the neighbors of the target with copying probability pp. When p<12p<\frac{1}{2}, this algorithm generates sparse networks, in which the average node degree is finite. A power-law degree distribution also arises, with a non-universal exponent whose value is determined by a transcendental equation in pp. In the sparse regime, the network is "normal", e.g., the relative fluctuations in the number of links are asymptotically negligible. For p12p\geq \frac{1}{2}, the emergent networks are dense (the average degree increases with the number of nodes NN) and they exhibit intriguing structural behaviors. In particular, the NN-dependence of the number of mm-cliques (complete subgraphs of mm nodes) undergoes m1m-1 transitions from normal to progressively more anomalous behavior at a mm-dependent critical values of pp. Different realizations of the network, which start from the same initial state, exhibit macroscopic fluctuations in the thermodynamic limit---absence of self averaging. When linking to second neighbors of the target node can occur, the number of links asymptotically grows as N2N^2 as NN\to\infty, so that the network is effectively complete as NN\to \infty.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamics of Majority Rule

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    We introduce a 2-state opinion dynamics model where agents evolve by majority rule. In each update, a group of agents is specified whose members then all adopt the local majority state. In the mean-field limit, where a group consists of randomly-selected agents, consensus is reached in a time that scales ln N, where N is the number of agents. On finite-dimensional lattices, where a group is a contiguous cluster, the consensus time fluctuates strongly between realizations and grows as a dimension-dependent power of N. The upper critical dimension appears to be larger than 4. The final opinion always equals that of the initial majority except in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2-column revtex4 format; annoying typo fixed in Eq.(1); a similar typo fixed in Eq.(6) and some references update

    The effect of asymmetric disorder on the diffusion in arbitrary networks

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    Considering diffusion in the presence of asymmetric disorder, an exact relationship between the strength of weak disorder and the electric resistance of the corresponding resistor network is revealed, which is valid in arbitrary networks. This implies that the dynamics are stable against weak asymmetric disorder if the resistance exponent ζ\zeta of the network is negative. In the case of ζ>0\zeta>0, numerical analyses of the mean first-passage time τ\tau on various fractal lattices show that the logarithmic scaling of τ\tau with the distance ll, lnτlψ\ln\tau\sim l^{\psi}, is a general rule, characterized by a new dynamical exponent ψ\psi of the underlying lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Effective target arrangement in a deterministic scale-free graph

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    We study the random walk problem on a deterministic scale-free network, in the presence of a set of static, identical targets; due to the strong inhomogeneity of the underlying structure the mean first-passage time (MFPT), meant as a measure of transport efficiency, is expected to depend sensitively on the position of targets. We consider several spatial arrangements for targets and we calculate, mainly rigorously, the related MFPT, where the average is taken over all possible starting points and over all possible paths. For all the cases studied, the MFPT asymptotically scales like N^{theta}, being N the volume of the substrate and theta ranging from (1 - log 2/log3), for central target(s), to 1, for a single peripheral target.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A simple sandpile model of active-absorbing state transitions

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    We study a simple sandpile model of active-absorbing state transitions in which a particle can hop out of a site only if the number of particles at that site is above a certain threshold. We show that the active phase has product measure whereas nontrivial correlations are found numerically in the absorbing phase. It is argued that the system relaxes to the latter phase slower than exponentially. The critical behavior of this model is found to be different from that of the other known universality classes.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Facilitated diffusion of proteins on chromatin

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    We present a theoretical model of facilitated diffusion of proteins in the cell nucleus. This model, which takes into account the successive binding/unbinding events of proteins to DNA, relies on a fractal description of the chromatin which has been recently evidenced experimentally. Facilitated diffusion is shown quantitatively to be favorable for a fast localization of a target locus by a transcription factor, and even to enable the minimization of the search time by tuning the affinity of the transcription factor with DNA. This study shows the robustness of the facilitated diffusion mechanism, invoked so far only for linear conformations of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted versio

    Freezing and Slow Evolution in a Constrained Opinion Dynamics Model

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    We study opinion formation in a population that consists of leftists, centrists, and rightist. In an interaction between neighboring agents, a centrist and a leftist can become both centrists or leftists (and similarly for a centrist and a rightist). In contrast, leftists and rightists do not affect each other. The initial density of centrists rho_0 controls the evolution. With probability rho_0 the system reaches a centrist consensus, while with probability 1-rho_0 a frozen population of leftists and rightists results. In one dimension, we determine this frozen state and the opinion dynamics by mapping the system onto a spin-1 Ising model with zero-temperature Glauber kinetics. In the frozen state, the length distribution of single-opinion domains has an algebraic small-size tail x^{-2(1-psi)} and the average domain size grows as L^{2*psi}, where L is the system length. The approach to this frozen state is governed by a t^{-psi} long-time tail with psi-->2*rho_0/pi as rho_0-->0.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 2-column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys. A. Revision contains lots of stylistic changes and 1 new result; the main conclusions are the sam

    Solution of an infection model near threshold

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    We study the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model of epidemics in the vicinity of the threshold infectivity. We derive the distribution of total outbreak size in the limit of large population size NN. This is accomplished by mapping the problem to the first passage time of a random walker subject to a drift that increases linearly with time. We recover the scaling results of Ben-Naim and Krapivsky that the effective maximal size of the outbreak scales as N2/3N^{2/3}, with the average scaling as N1/3N^{1/3}, with an explicit form for the scaling function