28 research outputs found

    Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources.

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    Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fundamental to improvement in human health, agriculture and the environment. In support of these discoveries, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand.Here we present a community-driven curation effort, supported by ELIXIR-the European infrastructure for biological information-that aspires to a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources. The sustainable upkeep of this Tools and Data Services Registry is assured by a curation effort driven by and tailored to local needs, and shared amongst a network of engaged partners.As of November 2015, the registry includes 1785 resources, with depositions from 126 individual registrations including 52 institutional providers and 74 individuals. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at https://bio.tools

    Specific radar emitter identification based on principal component analysis

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    W artykule zosta艂a przedstawiona problematyka zwi膮zana z identyfikacj膮 emiter贸w radarowych nale偶膮cych do tego samego typu i klasy. Jest to specyficzny rodzaj identyfikacji (SEI, ang. Specific Emitter Identification), polegaj膮cy na rozr贸偶nianiu poszczeg贸lnych egzemplarzy tego samego typu radaru. Klasyczna identyfikacja sygna艂贸w bazuj膮ca na analizie statystycznej podstawowych parametr贸w mierzalnych sygna艂u nie spe艂nia wymaga艅 stawianych przed SEI. Przedstawiona w artykule metoda identyfikacji opiera si臋 na przekszta艂ceniu Karhunena-Loeve'a (KL), kt贸ra nale偶y do metod analizy sk艂adowych g艂贸wnych (PCA, ang. Principal Component Analysis).One of the most difficult tasks in the radar signal processing is optimal features extraction and classification. The multifunction radar systems cannot be classified and precisely recognized by most of new and modern Electronic Support Measure and Electronic Intelligence Devices in the real time. In most cases, the modern ESM/ELINT systems cannot recognize the different devices of the same type or class. New method of the radar identification with a high quality of recognizing is the Specific Emitter Identification (SEI). The main task is to find non-intentional modulations in the receiving signals. This paper provides an overview of the new methods of measurement emitter signal features parameters and their transformation. This paper presents some aspects of radar signal features processing using Karhunen-Loeve's expansion as a feature selection and classification transform

    O-GLYCBASE version 4.0: a revised database of O-glycosylated proteins.

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    O-GLYCBASE is a database of glycoproteins with O-linked glycosylation sites. Entries with at least one experimentally verified O-glycosylation site have been compiled from protein sequence databases and literature. Each entry contains information about the glycan involved, the species, sequence, a literature reference and http-linked cross-references to other databases. Version 4.0 contains 179 protein entries, an approximate 15% increase over the last version. Sequence logos representing the acceptor specificity patterns for GalNAc, GlcNAc, mannosyl and xylosyl transferases are shown. The O-GLYCBASE database is available through the WWW at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/databases/OGLYCBASE

    Problems of agricultural social insurance fund in recourse and prevention activities

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    W podsumowaniu mo偶na stwierdzi膰, 偶e maszyny i urz膮dzenia do produkcji rolnej, jakie oferuj膮 krajowi oraz zagraniczni producenci w pewnym stopniu zawsze b臋d膮 stwarza艂y zagro偶enia wypadkowe, poniewa偶 na etapie projektowania i konstruowania tych maszyn nie mo偶na przewidzie膰 wszystkich zagro偶e艅 wypadkowych podczas ich eksploatacji. Nie mo偶na te偶 przewidzie膰 "zachowa艅" u偶ytkownik贸w przy niezgodnym z przeznaczeniem uzytkowaniu nawet najprostszych narz臋dzi, a czynnik ludzki decyduje w du偶ej mierze o powstawaniu wypadk贸w. Nale偶a艂oby podj膮膰 kroki w kierunku zacie艣nienia wsp贸艂pracy stosownych instytucji, instytut贸w, uczelni, producent贸w i sprzedawc贸w w zakresie szerszej wymiany informacji, spostrze偶e艅, przekazywania w gospodarstwach rolnych nowej wiedzy poprzez organizowanie szkole艅, po艂膮czonych z pokazami pracy maszyn. Pozwoli to skutecznie ograniczy膰 ryzyko wyst臋powania wypadk贸w, r贸wnie偶 z udzia艂em maszyn, a co z tym si臋 wi膮偶e problem贸w w prowadzeniu post臋powa艅 regresowych i prewencyjnych.To sum it all up, one can say that agricultural production machinery and equipment offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers will always cause some accident threats, as it is impossible to predict all operation dangers at the stage of design and construction. It is also impossible to predict how users will "behave", when operating even simplest tools for purposes other than intended, and the human factor is quite significant when it comes to accidents. It is necessary to undertake steps to tighten cooperation of relevant institutions, institutes, universities, manufacturers and vendors, to promote more widespread exchange of information, observations and transfer of new knowledge amongst farms, by organising training combined with machinery shows. This is likely to effectively reduce the risk of accidents, including ones with participation of machinery, thus reducing any problems with recourse and preventive activities

    Voluntary attestation of products in the Agricultural Social Fund as an instrument of accidents prevention in agriculture

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    Ustawa o ubezpieczeniu spo艂ecznym rolnik贸w zobowi膮za艂a KRUS m.in. do podejmowania stara艅 o w艂a艣ciw膮 produkcj臋 i dystrybucj臋 bezpiecznych 艣rodk贸w stosowanych w rolnictwie oraz sprz臋tu i odzie偶y ochronnej dla rolnik贸w. Dzia艂ania Kasy w zakresie tego obowi膮zku przejawiaj膮 si臋, zar贸wno w promowaniu wyrob贸w bezpiecznych w gospodarstwach rolnych, jak r贸wnie偶 zmniejszania zainteresowania rolnik贸w wyrobami wadliwymi. Kasa pomaga producentom w promocji 艣rodk贸w zwi臋kszaj膮cych bezpiecze艅stwo pracy w rolnictwie. Od dnia 1 stycznia 1995 roku Prezes Kasy umo偶liwi艂 dostawcom oznaczania wyrob贸w "Znakiem Bezpiecze艅stwa KRUS". Kasa badaj膮c okoliczno艣ci i przyczyny wypadk贸w przy pracy rolniczej, ma mo偶liwo艣膰 wyselekcjonowania maszyn i urz膮dze艅, kt贸re s膮 najbezpieczniejsze i takim wyrobom krajowym i importowanym mo偶e by膰 przyznany "Znak Bezpiecze艅stwa KRUS". Aktualnie wa偶nych jest 41 zezwole艅 Prezesa Kasy, upowa偶niaj膮cych 19 producent贸w do oznaczania Znakiem KRUS 122 wyrob贸w. Kasa m. in. popularyzuje w艣r贸d rolnik贸w bezpieczne 艣rodki produkcji i ochrony pracy, tak偶e poprzez przyznawanie wyr贸偶nie艅 targowych pn. "DOBROS艁AW" za " Wyr贸b zwi臋kszaj膮cy bezpiecze艅stwo pracy w gospodarstwie rolnym" podczas mi臋dzynarodowych imprez targowych, dotycz膮cych 艣rodk贸w produkcji dla rolnictwa i 艣rodk贸w ochrony pracy mo偶liwych do zastosowania w rolnictwie. Od 1996 roku Prezes Kasy przyzna艂 49 wyr贸偶nie艅 targowych dla 42 dostawc贸w (producent贸w i importer贸w) 75 typ贸w wyrob贸w (54 grup wyrob贸w).The law on social insurance of farmers obliged the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, among other things, to make efforts for proper production and distribution of safe means applied in agriculture as well as protective equipment and clothing for farmers. Actions of the Fund in the scope of this obligation entail both: promotion of safe products on farms and reduction of the farmer's interest in defective products. The Fund helps manufacturers in promotion of the means which increase the work safety level in agriculture. Since the 1st of January, 1995 the Chairman of the Fund has made possible to deliverers to mark their products with the "Safety Mark of KRUS". The Fund, when investigating circumstances and causes of accidents in agriculture, can select some machines and equipment which are the safetest, and to such products may be awarded the "Safety Mark of KRUS". At present there are 41 valid permissions of the Fund Chairman for 19 manufacturers, allowing them to mark of 122 products with the "Safety Mark of KRUS"