368 research outputs found

    Pengenalan Konsep Matematika Melalui Penggunaan Bahan Alam Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The purpose of this research is to know the cognitive ability of children in the introduction of mathematical concepts through the use of natural materials in children aged 5-6 years in PAUD Bersinar Kecamatan Pontianak Selatan. Problems that are often found by teachers only use the existing learning media and less creative use of natural materials that exist around PAUD PAUD institutions. Whereas the method used is descriptive method. The results obtained from the 1st cycle of assessment categories developed as expected (BSH) increased to 27%. In cycle 2 the introduction of mathematical concepts using natural ingredients with the category of developing children\u27s assessment as expected increased to 47% and even increased to 70% of children, and 7% of the category categories developed very well in the introduction of mathematical concepts using natural materials

    Multinationals and Unionism in Indonesia

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    This paper presents a critical analysis of the factors shaping the interaction between multinationals and trade unions in Indonesia, focusing on the recent period of democratization following the downfall of the Suharto regime. It has been suggested that union growth risks undermining Indonesia’s competitive advantages (cheap labour) and could encourage the exit of multinationals to cheaper competitors. In order to test this proposition, two case studies were conducted: one in the automotive industry and the other in the banking industry.The paper first provides an overview of multinational activity and FDI in Indonesia, and their interaction with a nascent union movement. This is followed by presenting the findings of interviews conducted at the multinational enterprises with managers and union officials; to provide empirical insights into the bargaining process. The final part of the paper provides a preliminary assessment of the impact of union behaviour on MNC profitability and competitiveness in Indonesia. In contrast to traditional views of unions as impeding MNC profitability and “encouraging” exit, the paper finds that unions and MNCs can engage in constructive partnerships, but that pressures and contradictions in the relationship remain

    Inclusion complexes between amylose and polytetrahydrofurans:the supramolecular assembly of homopolymers and block copolymers

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    Amylose is een lineair polysacharide met α-(14)-glycosidebindingen. De enkele helix V-amylose heeft een hydrofobe holte welke gast polymeren zoals polytetrahydrofuran (PTHF) kan insluiten. Amylose-PTHF complexen werden bereid door directe menging omdat het rendabeler is in vergelijking met de in situ complexering via "vine-twinning polymerisatie". De complexen werden direct gevormd tijdens het mengen van opgelost amylose en geëmulgeerd PTHF. De polymerisatie graad (DPn) en de eind groepen van het gast PTHF beïnvloeden de complexvorming, omdat het mechanisme via insertie van het gast PTHF lijkt te gaan, in plaats van er omheen te wikkelen. De complexen zijn stabiel tegen bewaren, echter verminderen in organische oplosmiddelen. De morfologie van met ethanol gewassen amylose-PTHF complexen bestaat uit sferulitische structuren, opgebouwd uit verticaal gestapelde ronde lamellen. De hoge smelt temperatuur van de complexen (tm 125-145 °C) indiceert een hoge kristalliniteit. Röntgendiffractie (XRD) laat zien dat de gevormde amylose complexen uit de V-amylose form bestaat met 6 glucose residuen per helix draaiing (V6-amylose), waarschijnlijk een mengsel of een intermediair tussen V6I- en V6II-amylose. Deze structuur werd ook waargenomen bij de complexvorming van laag DPn PTHF met PTHF-b-amylose (tm complexen 120-139 °C). Echter de V6II-amylose welke de aanwezigheid van het gast PTHF tussen de amylose helices aangeeft, is ook waargenomen in PTHF-b-amylose. Dit impliceert dat de structuren van het overeenkomstige PTHF-b-[amylose-PTHF complex] beïnvloed lijken te worden door zowel de organisatie van het blokcopolymeer als door de vorming van het inclusie complex. Van andere polymeren zoals amylose-b-PTHF-b-amylose en driearmige PTHF-b-amylose wordt ook verwacht te fungeren als host-moleculen

    Pengawas Sekolah/madrasah: Pengembangan Karir Seorang Pendidik

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    This paper describes career development for educators through different functional promotions. School/madrasah supervisor is one functional position that can be filled by educators as a career development form or promotion. Based on the regulations study related to the requirements assessment of being a school /madrasah supervisor and professional development based on competencies that must be possessed, it can be concluded that a school/madrasah supervisor is a career path that can be achieved by active, dynamic teachers which experienced as representatives or headmaster

    Penerjemahan Pronomina dan Nama Diri: Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dan Sebaliknya

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    This article describes one of the difficulties in translating/interpretating Indonesian into English and vise-versa, that is the difference in pronominal systems of the two languages. It is about the difference in the secondary senses of certain pronouns and the ambiguities caused by culture -based given names. Detailed discussion of each is provided with some examples that commonly occur in written texts. Some ways on how to deal with these problems are also recommended in each topic discussed

    Strategi Penerjemahan Puisi-puisi Chairil Anwar Oleh Raffel Dalam Buku the Complete Prose and Poetry of Chairil Anwar

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    This article discusses Indonesian—Poetry translation. The purpose of this article is to describe the strategies of translating poetry of Chairil Anwar by Raffel Raffel in “The Complete Prose and Poetry of Chairil Anwar”, a book written and edited by Raffel Raffel. In order to reach the purpose, the poetries of the source language are compared with the poetries of the target language in order to find out the strategy used in the translation. The method applied in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis of the meaning. The data were analyzed by using some strategies of translation theory in general given by Newmark, Vinay and Dalberhet, Baker, and Hoed and the strategy of translating poetry by Lavefere. The result of the analysis shows that the general translation strategy used in the translation of Chairil Anwar Poetries are modulation translation, calque or literal translation, descriptive equivalence translation, generic words translation, additional translation and interpretation translation. Meanwhile the strategies of translating poetry used by Raffel are metrical translation, rhymed translation, blank verse translation, and interpretation translation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui strategi picture and picture dan jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK), dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 2 Ngrampal. Sebagai subjek penerima tindakan adalah siswa kelas VIII B yang berjumlah 39 siswa dan subjek pelaksanaan tindakan adalah peneliti dan guru matematika kelas VIII B. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Untuk menjamin validitas data digunakan teknik triangulasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis interaktif yang terjadi dari reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) ada peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa melalui strategi picture and picture. Hal ini dilihat dari aspek a). Mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru sebelum tindakan 26,64% meningkat menjadi 51,28% pada akhir tindakan; b). Menanggapi guru dan siswa yang lain sebelum tindakan 2,56% meningkat menjadi 20,51% pada akhir tindakan; c). Mengerjakan soal ke depan kelas sebelum tindakan 7,69% meningkat menjadi 17,95% setelah tindakan; dan d). Menanyakan yang belum jelas sebelum tindakan 5,13% meningkat menjadi 20,51% setelah tindakan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah dengan menerapkan strategi picture and picture dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dalam proses pembelajaran matematika pada pokok bahasan kubus dan balo

    Teknik Dan Ideologi Penerjemahan Di Wordpress

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    The topic of this article is about translation in blog, especially WordPress. This research aims at identifying the translation techniques and ideology in translating blog terms which are applied by Google Inc in WordPress. This method is descriptive qualitative. The data of this research is blog terms that exist in WordPress in forms of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The technique used in this research is writing technique. The result of the research shows that there are 47 words, 12 phrases, 41 sentences blog terms in WordPress in English. There are six techniques found in the data, namely 1) borrowing technique, 2) calque technique,3) literal technique, 4) reduction technique, 5) transpotition`technique, and 6) the comibnation of some techniques. The ideology of the translation mostly found is foreignization