1,491 research outputs found

    Target Multiwire for the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beamline

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    The Booster Neutrino Beamline experiment re-quested a new secondary electron emission multiwire profile monitor installation. The device had to be durable in high radiation conditions and mounted within a large 10-foot airtight steel fixture for installation near the beam target. Previous iterations of multiwire suffered radiation damage to both the connectors and wires. To ensure accurate horizontal and vertical beam profile measurements, an updated design was pro-posed, designed, and constructed. The new BNB multiwire utilizes 3 mil diameter gold-plated tungsten sense wires soldered to vertical and horizontal Alumi-na-96 ceramic planes, 50 wires per plane. Radiation hard Kapton insulated 30-gauge wires carry the output signals. Profiles are readout through charge integrator scanner electronics. This paper will detail the design and functionality of the BNB target multiwire and present relevant beam profile data.Comment: 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2023

    Sakry ordynariuszy i sufraganów poznańskich w XVIII stuleciu

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    Formation of Compressed Flat Electron Beams with High Transverse-Emittance Ratios

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    Flat beams -- beams with asymmetric transverse emittances -- have important applications in novel light-source concepts, advanced-acceleration schemes and could possibly alleviate the need for damping rings in lepton colliders. Over the last decade, a flat-beam-generation technique based on the conversion of an angular-momentum-dominated beam was proposed and experimentally tested. In this paper we explore the production of compressed flat beams. We especially investigate and optimize the flat-beam transformation for beams with substantial fractional energy spread. We use as a simulation example the photoinjector of the Fermilab's Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator (ASTA). The optimizations of the flat beam generation and compression at ASTA were done via start-to-end numerical simulations for bunch charges of 3.2 nC, 1.0 nC and 20 pC at ~37 MeV. The optimized emittances of flat beams with different bunch charges were found to be 0.25 {\mu}m (emittance ratio is ~400), 0.13 {\mu}m, 15 nm before compression, and 0.41 {\mu}m, 0.20 {\mu}m, 16 nm after full compression, respectively with peak currents as high as 5.5 kA for a 3.2-nC flat beam. These parameters are consistent with requirements needed to excite wakefields in asymmetric dielectric-lined waveguides or produce significant photon flux using small-gap micro-undulators.Comment: 17


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    The paper considers the ways of forming foreign language communication competence of future medical specialists through ICT on the basis of foreign experience. It focuses on five most popular medical universities that, in particular, show high results in terms of medical research, carried out by the students directly: Medical School at Harvard University, School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine at New York University, Langone, School of Medicine at Stanford University, School of Medicine at University of California – San Francisco.  The paper analyses training programs aimed at the formation of foreign language communication competence of future medical specialists at the above-mentioned Universities: program on the general communication language, “Medical English” distance online courses, professional language for medical students, a  particular attention being paid to Michael Mitchel’s online distance course in the framework of the Swedish project. Besides, the paper considers the use of ICT means: Moodle, SpeakApps, PowerPoint, and other programs for presentations; online simulators, programs for making tests, questionnaires and games; cloud based services for the organization of foreign language online clubs, etc.У статті розглянуто шляхи формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності майбутніх спеціалістів лікувальної справи за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на базі зарубіжного досвіду. Приділено увагу п’ятьом найбільш популярним медичним університетам, що, зокрема, мають високі результати щодо медичних досліджень, які проводяться безпосередньо студентами університетів, таким, як: Медична школа в Гарвардському університеті, Медична школа Університету Джонса Хопкінса, Медична школа в Нью-Йоркському університеті Лангон, Медичний факультет Стенфордського університету, Медичний факультет Каліфорнійського університету – Сан-Франциско. У статті проаналізовано навчальні програми, що направлені на формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності майбутніх спеціалістів лікувальної справи у вищезазначених університетах, такі, як: програма із загальної мови спілкування, дистанційні онлайн-курси «Medical English», професійна мова для студентів лікувальної справи. Окремо приділено увагу дистанційному курсу, створеному Майком Мітчелом у межах шведського проекту. У статті також розглянуто використання засобів ІКТ, таких, як: платформа Moodle; інструменти SpeakApps; PowerPoint та інші програми для створення презентацій; онлайн-симулятори, програми для створення тестів, анкет та ігор; хмарні сервіси для створення онлайн-клубів із вивчення іноземних мов та ін

    Current Gain Controlled CCTA and its Application in Quadrature Oscillator and Direct Frequency Modulator

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    A modified conception of adjustable current conveyor transconductance amplifier (CCTA) and its interesting application in simple quadrature oscillator expandable for direct frequency modulation purposes, employing only four grounded passive elements is presented in this paper. It is quite simple solution for modern communication subsystem components. An electronic adjusting of the oscillation frequency is easily possible and control of condition of the oscillation is realized via only one grounded resistor. The characteristic equation, condition of oscillation and major parasitic influences of real active part are discussed. The verification includes PSpice simulation and measurement with the CCTA block formed by commercially available active elements

    Cueva Ein neues Kupferfungizid auf Basis von Kupfersalzen

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    Cueva ist ein von der Firma Neudorff neu entwickeltes Kupferfungizid, dass mit einer sehr geringen Kupfermenge eine Vielzahl von Pflanzenkrankheiten kontrollieren kann. Cueva ist als Suspensionskonzentrat mit 18 g reinen Kupfer pro Liter formuliert