8 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Kombinasi Pakan Ampas Tahu dan Pelet untuk Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias SP)

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    Pakan merupakan bagian utama dalam menunjang keberhasilan kegiatan budidaya yang dilakukan. Dengan demikian, diperlukan kajian yang intensif untuk mencari formulasi yang tepat agar tujuan tersebut dapat tercapai secara optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji persentase yang optimal antara ampas tahu dengan pelet untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan lele sangkuriang dan menekan biaya pakan seminimal mungkin. Metode analisa data yang digunakan berupa rancangan acak kelompok non-faktorial dengan 5 (lima) perlakuan dan 3 (tiga) kali ulangan, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan uji F. Perlakuan tersebut berupa: 1) Pakan A: Ampas tahu 80% + pelet 20%; 2) Pakan B: Ampas tahu 60% + pelet 40%; 3) Pakan C: Ampas tahu 40% + pelet 60%; 4) Pakan D: Ampas tahu 20% + pelet 80%; dan 5) Pakan E: Pelet 100% (kontrol). Parameter penelitian meliputi efisiensi pakan, laju pertumbuhan ikan, dan kelangsungan hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai efisiensi pakan terbaik pada pakan kontrol (pelet) sebesar 77,61%, laju pertumbuhan harian ikan lele sangkuriang yang terbaik diperoleh dari pakan pelet (kontrol) sebesar 3,64%. Sementara untuk kelangsungan hidup yang terbaik didapat pada perlakuan pakan B dan C yaitu sebesar 100%.Feed is a major part in the success of farming activities undertaken. Thus, the necessary intensive study to find the right formulation so that these objectives can be achieved optimally. This study was conducted to test the optimal percentage of tofu by product (TbP) with the pellets to increase fish growth and suppress catfish feed costs to a minimum. Data analysis method used in the form of non-factorial randomized design with 5 (five) treatments and 3 (three) replications, then the data were analyzed by F test. These treatments include: 1) Feed A: TbP 80% + 20% pellets; 2) Feed B: TbP 60% + 40% pellets; 3) Feed C: TbP 40% + 60% pellets; 4) Feed D: TbP 20% + 80% pellets; and 5) Feed E: Pellet 100% (control). Parameter research include feed efficiency, growth rate of fish, and survival. The results showed that the best feed efficiency in the control diet (pellets) amounted to 77.61%, daily growth rate of fish catfish are best obtained from feed pellets (control) of 3.64%. While survival is best obtained at treatment of feed B and C equal to 100%

    Robot Pendeteksi Dan Penghitung Jalan Berlobang Menggunakan Sensor Infra Merah Berbasis Mikrokontroler At89s51

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    Robot Detection And Counters Road perforated Using Infrared Sensor-Based Microcontroller AT89S51 is a robot designed to follow the line and is equipped with infrared sensors as detection aperture, alarm indicator as there are holes, and counter up as a counter aperture of the detection results, and comes with applications using Visual Basic 6.0 as counte up on the computer. In this research tool has been designed in the form of hollow road robot detection and application of robots counter counter up hollow road detection. From the test results and application of robots, robotic and computing dikethui hollow road detection and application of robot detection counter up the road can be perforated to function properly, the robot can calculate and detect holes, and the application can calculate the detection of hollow road detection using infrared sensors

    Transhumanism in India: Past, Present and the Future

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    The Indian subcontinent has a particularly rich cultural heritage, which has a certain level of natural compatibility with the transhumanist ... Chapter 56: Transhumanism in India: Past, Present and the Future 56.1 Transhumanism in Ancient India