44 research outputs found

    Indirect costs of parasitism are shaped by variation in the type of immune challenge and food availability

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    Parasites can inflict indirect fitness costs to their hosts by eliciting costly immune responses. These costs depend on the type and amount of immunostimulants presented to the host immune system but also on the amount of resources available to fuel host immune responses. Here, we investigated how the relative costs of two different types of immune challenge are modulated by variation in food availability. We injected nestling tawny owls (Strix aluco) with either 10 mu g of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or 20 mu g of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and subsequently raised them under two different food regimes (food-restricted vs. ad libitum). After controlling for food consumption, we found that LPS-injected nestlings lost more body mass than PHA-injected ones only when food-restricted. We also found that body mass gain of owlets fed ad libitum decreased with the intensity of the skin swelling response against LPS, but not PHA. These experimental and correlative results suggest that nestling tawny owls suffered greater immune costs when treated with LPS than PHA, and that variation in the costs of two different types of immune challenge can be exacerbated under conditions of low food availability. Our study highlights the importance of taking into consideration the interplay between host immunity and nutrition in the study of indirect costs of parasitism

    Clinical risk factors for age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in Western countries. Numerous risk factors have been reported but the evidence and strength of association is variable. We aimed to identify those risk factors with strong levels of evidence which could be easily assessed by physicians or ophthalmologists to implement preventive interventions or address current behaviours. METHODS: A systematic review identified 18 prospective and cross-sectional studies and 6 case control studies involving 113,780 persons with 17,236 cases of late AMD that included an estimate of the association between late AMD and at least one of 16 pre-selected risk factors. Fixed-effects meta-analyses were conducted for each factor to combine odds ratio (OR) and/or relative risk (RR) outcomes across studies by study design. Overall raw point estimates of each risk factor and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. RESULTS: Increasing age, current cigarette smoking, previous cataract surgery, and a family history of AMD showed strong and consistent associations with late AMD. Risk factors with moderate and consistent associations were higher body mass index, history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and higher plasma fibrinogen. Risk factors with weaker and inconsistent associations were gender, ethnicity, diabetes, iris colour, history of cerebrovascular disease, and serum total and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking, previous cataract surgery and a family history of AMD are consistent risk factors for AMD. Cardiovascular risk factors are also associated with AMD. Knowledge of these risk factors that may be easily assessed by physicians and general ophthalmologists may assist in identification and appropriate referral of persons at risk of AMD

    Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird

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    To ensure long-term persistence, organisms must adapt to climate change, but an evolutionary response to a quantified selection pressure driven by climate change has not been empirically demonstrated in a wild population. Here, we show that pheomelanin-based plumage colouration in tawny owls is a highly heritable trait, consistent with a simple Mendelian pattern of brown (dark) dominance over grey (pale). We show that strong viability selection against the brown morph occurs, but only under snow-rich winters. As winter conditions became milder in the last decades, selection against the brown morph diminished. Concurrent with this reduced selection, the frequency of brown morphs increased rapidly in our study population during the last 28 years and nationwide during the last 48 years. Hence, we show the first evidence that recent climate change alters natural selection in a wild population leading to a microevolutionary response, which demonstrates the ability of wild populations to evolve in response to climate change

    A geographic cline induced by negative frequency-dependent selection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Establishment of geographic morph frequency clines is difficult to explain in organisms with limited gene flow. Balancing selection, such as negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS), is instead suggested to establish a morph frequency cline on a geographic scale at least theoretically. Here we tested whether a large-scale smooth cline in morph frequency is established by NFDS in the female-dimorphic damselfly, <it>Ischnura senegalensis</it>, where andromorphs and gynomorphs are maintained by NFDS.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a large-scale latitudinal cline in the morph frequency: andromorph frequency ranged from 0.05 (South) to 0.79 (North). Based on the empirical data on the numbers of eggs, the number of ovariole, abdomen length and latitude, the potential fitness of andromorphs was estimated to be lower than that of gynomorphs in the south, and higher in the north, suggesting the gene-by-environment interaction. From the morph-specific latitudinal cline in potential fitness, the frequency of andromorphs was expected to shift from 0 to 1 without NFDS, because a morph with higher potential fitness wins completely and the two morphs will switch at some point. In contrast, NFDS led to the coexistence of two morphs with different potential fitness in a certain geographic range along latitude due to rare morph advantage, and resulted in a smooth geographic cline of morph frequency.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results provide suggestive evidence that the combination of NFDS and gene-by-environment interaction, i.e., multi-selection pressure on color morphs, can explain the geographic cline in morph frequency in the current system.</p

    The adaptative function of melanin-based colour variants

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    Résumé : Les mécanismes de contrôle des couleurs mélaniques chez les vertébrés sont encore discutés parmi les biologistes de l'évolution. Une hypothèse récente affirme que les effets pléiotropies du système des mélanocortines expliquent l'association fréquente entre la coloration eumélanique noire (due à la déposition d'eumélanine) et de nombreux traits physiologiques et comportementaux. De nombreuses études suggèrent, en effet, que des niveaux plus élevés des mélanocortines induisent l'assombrissement des téguments eumélaniques et affectent d'autres traits phénotypiques simultanément. Cependant, il n'est pas encore établi si ce mécanisme de pléiotropie peut s'appliquer aux colorations dues à la déposition de phaeomélanine, une autre forme commune de mélanine. Les antagonistes des mélanocortines déclenchent le phaeomélanogenèse et bloquent l'effet des mélanocortines ou ont un effet pharmacologique opposé. Nous nous proposons donc d'évaluer l'hypothèse que les effets pléiotropes des antagonistes des mélanocortines génèrent des covariations entre la coloration phaeomélanique et des aspects de la qualité individuelle. Comme prédit par cette hypothèse, nous constatons chez la chouette effraie (Tyto alba) que les traits phénotypiques (résistance au stress oxydatif et aux parasites) corrèlent positivement au degré d'expression d'une couleur eumélanique mais négativement au degré d'expression d'une coloration phaeomélanique. Puis, nous montrons chez la chouette hulotte (Strix aluco) que les associations génétiques entre la coloration phaeomélanique et la physiologie (immunité et la régulation de l'homéostasie) confèrent des avantages aux individus de différentes couleurs dans différents environnements caractérisés par l'abondance de nourriture et le niveau d'exposition aux parasites. Ainsi, nos études soutiennent l'hypothèse que les effets pléiotropes des antagonistes des mélanocortines génèrent des covariations entre les traits mélaniques et divers aspects de la qualité individuelle. Finalement, nous montrons chez le faucon crécerelle (Falco Tinnunculus) que l'expression des ornements mélaniques est sensible à la qualité de l'environnement dans lequel les individus grandissent. Ceci suggère que les gènes codant pour les mélanocortines et leurs antagonistes pourraient induire une expression des traits mélaniques dépendante de la condition de l'individu, un pattern d'expression rarement observé pour des traits généralement sous fort contrôle génétique. Summary : The information content and control mechanisms of melanin-based colour signals in vertebrates are still debated among evolutionary biologists. A recent hypothesis contends that pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin system accounts for the frequent association between black eumelanic coloration and physiological and behavioural traits. Accordingly, empirical evidence suggests that higher levels of melanocortins concurrently promote darker eumelanic integuments and affect other phenotypic traits. However, whether this mechanism may apply to signals relying on phaeomelanin, another common form of melanin pigments, remains to be established. Melanocortin antagonists trigger phaeomelanogenesis and block the effect of melanocortins or result in the opposite pharmacological effect. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that pleiotropic effects of melanocortin antagonists and inverse agonists account for covariations between phaeomelanin-based coloration and aspects of individual quality. As predicted, we found that phenotypic traits (resistance to oxidative stress and parasites) correlated positively with a eumelanic trait and negatively with a phaeomelanic trait in the barn owl (Tyto alba). Then, we showed in the tawny owl (Strix aluco) that genetic associations between phaeomelanin-based coloration and physiology (immunity and regulation of energy homeostasis) confer benefits to differently coloured individuals under different levels of food abundance and parasite exposure. Altogether, our studies support the hypothesis that pleiotropic effects of melanocortins antagonists can indeed account for covariations between phaeomelanin-based traits and aspects of individual quality. Eventually, we show in the Eurasian kestrel (Falco Tinnunculus) that expression of melanin-based ornaments is sensitive to the environment in which individuals grow. This suggests that genes coding for melanocortins and their antagonists can mediate the condition-dependent component of melanin-based traits

    Pheomelanin-based coloration and the ability to cope with variation in food supply and parasitism.

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    Although gene by environment interactions may play a key role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, little is known about the ecological factors involved in these interactions. We investigated whether food supply and parasites can mediate covariation between the degree of adult pheomelanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, and offspring body mass in the tawny owl (Strix aluco). We swapped clutches between nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments. Three weeks after hatching, we challenged the immune system of 80 unrelated nestlings with either a phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or a lipopolysaccharide, surrogates of alternative parasites, and then fed them ad lib. or food-restricted them during the following 6 days in the laboratory. Whatever the immune challenge, nestlings fed ad lib. converted food more efficiently into body mass when their biological mother was dark pheomelanic. In contrast, food-restricted nestlings challenged with PHA lost less body mass when their biological mother was pale pheomelanic. Nestling tawny owls born from differently melanic mothers thus show differing reaction norms relative to food availability and parasitism. This suggests that dark and pale pheomelanic owls reflect alternative adaptations to food availability and parasites, factors known to vary in space and time

    Pale and dark reddish melanic tawny owls differentially regulate the level of blood circulating POMC prohormone in relation to environmental conditions.

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    Knowledge of the hormonal pathway controlling genotype-specific norms of reaction would shed light on the ecological factors to which each genotype is adapted. Environmentally mediated changes in the sign and magnitude of covariations between heritable melanin-based colouration and fitness components are frequent, revealing that extreme melanin-based phenotypes can display different physiological states depending on the environment. Yet, the hormonal mechanism underlying this phenomenon is poorly understood. One novel hypothesis proposes that these covariations stem from pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin system. Melanocortins are post-translationally modified bioactive peptides derived from the POMC prohormone that are involved in melanogenesis, anti-inflammation, energy homeostasis and stress responses. Thus, differential regulation of fitness components in relation to environmental factors by pale and dark melanic individuals may be due to colour-specific regulation of the POMC prohormone. Accordingly, we found that the degree of reddish melanic colouration was negatively correlated with blood circulating levels of the POMC prohormone in female tawny owls (Strix aluco) rearing a brood for which the size was experimentally reduced, but not when enlarged, and in females located in rich but not in poor territories. Our findings support the hypothesis that the widespread links between melanin-based colouration and fitness components may be mediated, at least in part, by the melanocortin system

    A UV signal of offspring condition mediates context-dependent parental favouritism

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    As fitness returns during a breeding attempt are context-dependent, parents are predicted to bias their food allocation within a brood from poor towards good condition nestlings when environmental conditions deteriorate. We tested this prediction in the Alpine swift and the European starling, two migratory bird species, by modifying an ultraviolet (UV) visual signal of condition in nestlings and exploring how parents allocate food to their young as the season progresses. We show in both species that: (i) UV light reflected by the body skin of offspring positively correlates with their stature (i.e. body mass and skeletal size) and (ii) parental favouritism towards young with more UV reflective skin gradually increases as the season progresses. Early-breeding parents supplied food preferentially to UV pale (i.e. small stature) nestlings, whereas late-breeding parents favoured UV bright offspring (i.e. large stature). These results emphasize that parents use UV signals of offspring condition to adjust their feeding strategies depending on the ecological context

    Pre-hatching maternal effects inhibit nestling humoral immune response in the tawny owl Strix aluco

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    Although evidence is accumulating that mothers can transfer antibodies to their offspring, little is known about the consequences of such a transfer to the offspring immune system. Because maternal antibodies are effective only during a short period of time after their transfer to offspring, one hypothesis is that maternal antibodies provides a transitory antigen-specific protection to offspring, thus lessening the need for offspring to mount their own humoral immune response towards these specific antigens. In birds, this scenario predicts that offspring immune response towards a specific antigen is inhibited to a larger extent in hatchlings than in older nestlings. We tested this hypothesis in tawny owls Strix aluco by cross-fostering clutches between nests and then challenging siblings with a vaccine either two times (at 4- and 11-d-old) or only one time at 11-d-old to compare the strength of the humoral response between nestlings born from mothers with naturally high and low levels of antibodies against this vaccine. Because maternal antibodies are expected to be effective only during a short period of time after hatching, we predict that maternal antibodies should inhibit the immune response of nestlings vaccinated from the fourth day after hatching more than in nestlings vaccinated only at a later age. As expected, the inhibitory effect of maternal antibodies was stronger in nestlings vaccinated soon after hatching than in siblings injected at a later age. Therefore, in wild avian populations pre-hatching maternal effects may confer offspring with a transitory immune protection in the first days following hatching