27 research outputs found

    Macroautophagy—a novel β-amyloid peptide-generating pathway activated in Alzheimer's disease

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    Macroautophagy, which is a lysosomal pathway for the turnover of organelles and long-lived proteins, is a key determinant of cell survival and longevity. In this study, we show that neuronal macroautophagy is induced early in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and before β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits extracellularly in the presenilin (PS) 1/Aβ precursor protein (APP) mouse model of β-amyloidosis. Subsequently, autophagosomes and late autophagic vacuoles (AVs) accumulate markedly in dystrophic dendrites, implying an impaired maturation of AVs to lysosomes. Immunolabeling identifies AVs in the brain as a major reservoir of intracellular Aβ. Purified AVs contain APP and β-cleaved APP and are highly enriched in PS1, nicastrin, and PS-dependent γ-secretase activity. Inducing or inhibiting macroautophagy in neuronal and nonneuronal cells by modulating mammalian target of rapamycin kinase elicits parallel changes in AV proliferation and Aβ production. Our results, therefore, link β-amyloidogenic and cell survival pathways through macroautophagy, which is activated and is abnormal in AD

    Zur Reform der polnischen Wirtschaftsordnung

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    SIGLEBibliothek Weltwirtschaft Kiel B181,810 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Heterologous Combination of VSV-GP and NYVAC Vectors Expressing HIV-1 Trimeric gp145 Env as Vaccination Strategy to Induce Balanced B and T Cell Immune Responses.

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    The generation of a vaccine against HIV-1 able to induce durable protective immunity continues a major challenge. The modest efficacy (31.2%) of the phase III RV144 clinical trial provided the first demonstration that a prophylactic HIV/AIDS vaccine is achievable but emphasized the need for further refinements of vaccine candidates, formulations, and immunization regimens. Here, we analyzed in mice the immunogenicity profile elicited by different homologous and heterologous prime/boost combinations using the modified rhabdovirus VSV-GP combined with DNA or poxviral NYVAC vectors, all expressing trimeric membrane-bound Env (gp145) of HIV-1 96ZM651 clade C, with or without purified gp140 protein component. In cultured cells infected with recombinant VSV-GP or NYVAC viruses, gp145 epitopes at the plasma membrane were recognized by human HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). In immunized mice, the heterologous combination of VSV-GP and NYVAC recombinant vectors improved the induction of HIV-1 Env-specific humoral and cellular immune responses compared to homologous prime/boost protocols. Specifically, the combination of VSV-GP in the prime and NYVAC in the boost induced higher HIV-1 Env-specific T cell (CD4/CD8 T cells and T follicular helper -Tfh- cells) immune responses compared to the use of DNA or NYVAC vectors in the prime and VSV-GP in the boost. Such enhanced T cell responses correlated with an enhancement of the Env-specific germinal center (GC) B cell population and with a heavily biased Env-specific response toward the Th1-associated IgG2a and IgG3 subclasses, while the other groups showed a Th2-associated IgG1 bias. In summary, our T and B cell population data demonstrated that VSV-GP-based vectors could be taken into consideration as an optimized immunogenic HIV-1 vaccine candidate component against HIV-1 when used for priming in heterologous combinations with the poxvirus vector NYVAC as a boost

    A serum-stable RNA aptamer specific for SARS-CoV-2 neutralizes viral entry

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has created an urgent need for new technologies to treat COVID-19. Here we report a 20-fluoro protected RNA aptamer that binds with high affinity to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, thereby preventing its interaction with the host receptor ACE2. A trimerized version of the RNA aptamer matching the three RBDs in each spike complex enhances binding affinity down to the low picomolar range. Binding mode and specificity for the aptamer-spike interaction is supported by biolayer interferometry, single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, and flow-induced dispersion analysis in vitro. Cell culture experiments using virus-like particles and live SARS-CoV-2 show that the aptamer and, to a larger extent, the trimeric aptamer can efficiently block viral infection at low concentration. Finally, the aptamer maintains its high binding affinity to spike from other circulating SARS-CoV-2 strains, suggesting that it could find wide-spread use for the detection and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants

    Potency and durability of T and B cell immune responses after homologous and heterologous vector delivery of a trimer-stabilized, membrane-displayed HIV-1 clade ConC Env protein.

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    The generation of an HIV-1 vaccine able to induce long-lasting protective immunity remains a main challenge. Here, we aimed to modify next-generation soluble, prefusion-stabilized, close-to-native, glycan-engineered clade C gp140 envelope (Env) trimers (sC23v4 KIKO and ConCv5 KIKO) for optimal display on the cell surface following homologous or heterologous vector delivery. A combination of the following modifications scored best regarding the preservation of closed, native-like Env trimer conformation and antigenicity when using a panel of selected broadly neutralizing (bnAb) and non-neutralizing (nnAb) monoclonal antibodies for flow cytometry: i) replacing the natural cleavage site with a native flexible linker and introducing a single amino acid substitution to prevent CD4 binding (*), ii) fusing a heterologous VSV-G-derived transmembrane moiety to the gp140 C-terminus, and iii) deleting six residues proximal to the membrane. When delivering membrane-tethered sC23v4 KIKO* and ConCv5 KIKO* via DNA, VSV-GP, and NYVAC vectors, the two native-like Env trimers provide differential antigenicity profiles. Whereas such patterns were largely consistent among the different vectors for either Env trimer, the membrane-tethered ConCv5 KIKO* trimer adopted a more closed and native-like structure than sC23v4 KIKO*. In immunized mice, VSV-GP and NYVAC vectors expressing the membrane-tethered ConCv5 KIKO* administered in prime/boost combination were the most effective regimens for the priming of Env-specific CD4 T cells among all tested combinations. The subsequent booster administration of trimeric ConCv5 KIKO* Env protein preserved the T cell activation levels between groups. The evaluation of the HIV-1-specific humoral responses induced in the different immunization groups after protein boosts showed that the various prime/boost protocols elicited broad and potent antibody responses, preferentially of a Th1-associated IgG2a subclass, and that the obtained antibody levels remained high at the memory phase. In summary, we provide a feasible strategy to display multiple copies of native-like Env trimers on the cell surface, which translates into efficient priming of sustained CD4 <sup>+</sup> T cell responses after vector delivery as well as broad, potent, and sustained antibody responses following booster immunizations with the homologous, prefusion-stabilized, close-to-native ConCv5 KIKO* gp140 Env trimer

    Envelope-specific recognition patterns of HIV vaccine-induced IgG antibodies are linked to immunogen structure and sequence

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    Background: A better understanding of the parameters influencing vaccine-induced IgG recognition of individual antigenic regions and their variants within the HIV Envelope protein (Env) can help to improve design of preventive HIV vaccines. Methods: Env-specific IgG responses were mapped in samples of the UKHVC003 Standard Group (UK003SG, n = 11 from UK) and TaMoVac01 (TMV01, n = 17 from Tanzania) HIV vaccine trials. Both trials consisted of three immunizations with DNA, followed by two boosts with recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA), either mediating secretion of gp120 (UK003SG) or the presentation of cell membrane bound gp150 envelopes (TMV01) from infected cells, and an additional two boosts with 5 μg of CN54gp140 protein adjuvanted with glucopyranosyl lipid adjuvant (GLA). Env immunogen sequences in UK003SG were solely based on the clade C isolate CN54, whereas in TMV01 these were based on clades A, C, B, and CRF01AE. The peptide microarray included 8 globally representative Env sequences, CN54gp140 and the MVA-encoded Env immunogens from both trials, as well as additional peptide variants for hot spots of immune recognition. Results: After the second MVA boost, UK003SG vaccinees almost exclusively targeted linear, non-glycosylated antigenic regions located in the inter-gp120 interface. In contrast, TMV01 recipients most strongly targeted the V2 region and an immunodominant region in gp41. The V3 region was frequently targeted in both trials, with a higher recognition magnitude for diverse antigenic variants observed in the UK003SG (p < 0.0001). After boosting with CN54gp140/GLA, the overall response magnitude increased with a more comparable recognition pattern of antigenic regions and variants between the two trials. Recognition of most immunodominant regions within gp120 remained significantly stronger in UK003SG, whereas V2-region recognition was not boosted in either group. Conclusions: IgG recognition of linear antigenic Env regions differed between the two trials particularly after the second MVA boost. Structural features of the MVA-encoded immunogens, such as secreted, monomeric gp120 vs. membrane-anchored, functional gp150, and differences in prime-boost immunogen sequence variability most probably contributed to these differences. Prime-boosting with multivalent Env immunogens during TMV01 did not improve variant cross-recognition of immunodominant peptide variants in the V3 region