385 research outputs found

    Extensive near-infrared (H-band) photometry in Coma

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    We present extensive and accurate photometry in the near-infrared H band of a complete sample of objects in an area of about 400 arcmin2 toward the Coma cluster of galaxies. The sample, including about 300 objects, is complete down to H~17 mag, the exact value depending on the type of magnitude (isophotal, aperture, Kron) and the particular region studied. This is six magnitudes below the characteristic magnitude of galaxies, well into the dwarfs' regime at the distance of the Coma cluster. For each object (star or galaxy) we provide aperture magnitudes computed within five different apertures, the magnitude within the 22 mag arcsec2 isophote, the Kron magnitude and radius, magnitude errors, as well as the coordinates, the isophotal area, and a stellarity index. Photometric errors are 0.2 mag at the completness limit. This sample is meant to be the zero-redshift reference for evolutionary studies of galaxies.Comment: A&AS in press, paper, with high resolution images & tables are available at http://oacosf.na.astro.it/~andreon/listapub.htm

    Coma cluster object populations down to M_R~-9.5

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    This study follows a recent analysis of the galaxy luminosity functions and colour-magnitude red sequences in the Coma cluster (Adami et al. 2007). We analyze here the distribution of very faint galaxies and globular clusters in an east-west strip of ∌42×7\sim 42 \times 7 arcmin2^2 crossing the Coma cluster center (hereafter the CS strip) down to the unprecedented faint absolute magnitude of MR∌−9.5_R \sim -9.5. This work is based on deep images obtained at the CFHT with the CFH12K camera in the B, R, and I bands. The analysis shows that the observed properties strongly depend on the environment, and thus on the cluster history. When the CS is divided into four regions, the westernmost region appears poorly populated, while the regions around the brightest galaxies NGC 4874 and NGC 4889 (NGC 4874 and NGC 4889 being masked) are dominated by faint blue galaxies. They show a faint luminosity function slope of -2, very significantly different from the field estimates. Results are discussed in the framework of galaxy destruction (which can explain part of the very faint galaxy population) and of structures infalling on to Coma.Comment: To be published in A&

    Very High-Redshift Lensed Galaxies

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    We review in this paper the main results recently obtained on the identification and study of very high-z galaxies usinglensing clusters as natural gravitational telescopes. We present in detail our pilot survey with ISAAC/VLT, aimed at the detection of z>7 sources. Evolutionary synthesis models for extremely metal-poor and PopIII starbursts have been used to derive the observational properties expected for these high-z galaxies, such as expected magnitudes and colors, line fluxes for the main emission lines, etc. These models have allowed to define fairly robust selection criteria to find z~7-10 galaxies based on broad-band near-IR photometry in combination with the traditional Lyman drop-out technique. The first results issued from our photometric and spectroscopic survey are discussed, in particular the preliminary confirmation rate, and the global properties of our high-z candidates, including the latest results on the possible z=10.0 candidate A1835-1916. The search efficiency should be significantly improved by the future near-IR multi-object ground-based and space facilities. However, strong lensing clusters remain a factor of ~5-10 more efficient than blank fields in this redshift domain, within the FOV of a few arcminutes around the cluster core, for the typical depth required for this survey project.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 225: The Impact of Gravitational Lensing on Cosmology, Y. Mellier and G. Meylan, Ed

    ISAAC/VLT observations of a lensed galaxy at z=10.0

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    We report the first likely spectroscopic confirmation of a z 10.0 galaxy from our ongoing search for distant galaxies with ISAAC/VLT. Galaxy candidates at z >~ 7 are selected from ultra-deep JHKs images in the core of gravitational lensing clusters for which deep optical imaging is also available, including HST data. The object reported here, found behind Abell 1835, exhibits a faint emission line detected in the J band, leading to z=10.0 when identified as Ly-a, in excellent agreement with the photometric redshift determination. Redshifts z < 7 are very unlikely for various reasons we discuss. The object is located on the critical lines corresponding to z=9 to 11. The magnification factor \mu ranges from 25 to 100. For this object we estimate SFR(Ly-a) (0.8-2.2) Msun/yr and SFR(UV) (47-75) Msun/yr, both uncorrected for lensing. The steep UV slope indicates a young object with negligible dust extinction. SED fits with young low-metallicity stellar population models yield (adopting mu=25) a lensing corrected stellar mass of M*~8.e+6 Msun, and luminosities of 2.e+10 Lsun, corresponding to a dark matter halo of a mass of typically M_tot>~ 5.e+8 Msun. In general our observations show that under excellent conditions and using strong gravitational lensing direct observations of galaxies close to the ``dark ages'' are feasible with ground-based 8-10m class telescopes.Comment: To be published in A&A, Vol. 416, p. L35. Press release information, additional figures and information available at http://obswww.unige.ch/sfr and http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/galaxie

    Likelihood Analysis of Cosmic Shear on Simulated and VIRMOS-DESCART Data

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    We present a maximum likelihood analysis of cosmological parameters from measurements of the aperture mass up to 35 arcmin, using simulated and real cosmic shear data. A four-dimensional parameter space is explored which examines the mean density \Omega_M, the mass power spectrum normalization \sigma_8, the shape parameter \Gamma and the redshift of the sources z_s. Constraints on \Omega_M and \sigma_8 (resp. \Gamma and z_s) are then given by marginalizing over \Gamma and z_s (resp. \Omega_M and \sigma_8). For a flat LCDM cosmologies, using a photometric redshift prior for the sources and \Gamma \in [0.1,0.4], we find \sigma_8=(0.57\pm0.04) \Omega_M^{(0.24\mp 0.18) \Omega_M-0.49} at the 68% confidence level (the error budget includes statistical noise, full cosmic variance and residual systematic). The estimate of \Gamma, marginalized over \Omega_M \in [0.1,0.4], \sigma_8 \in [0.7,1.3] and z_s constrained by photometric redshifts, gives \Gamma=0.25\pm 0.13 at 68% confidence. Adopting h=0.7, a flat universe, \Gamma=0.2 and \Omega_m=0.3 we find \sigma_8=0.98 \pm0.06 . Combined with CMB, our results suggest a non-zero cosmological constant and provide tight constraints on \Omega_M and \sigma_8. We finaly compare our results to the cluster abundance ones, and discuss the possible discrepancy with the latest determinations of the cluster method. In particular we point out the actual limitations of the mass power spectrum prediction in the non-linear regime, and the importance for its improvement.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to A&
