214 research outputs found


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    Il lavoro su cui qui si riferisce ha tratto spunto dall’iniziativa – supportata da Inail Piemonte – del concorso “meno carta più sicurezza”, un concorso nato per valorizzare le buone prassi vantaggiose anche in termini di gestione economica dei rischi ed estendibilità a situazioni assimilabili. Sin dalle prime fasi di attività della giuria, ci si è resi conto della mancanza di metodiche formalizzate di valutazione, essendo la maggior parte dei criteri adottati a livello nazionale ed europeo, basati su un approccio qualitativo, non esente da valutazioni soggettive. Inail Piemonte e Politecnico di Torino hanno, quindi, ritenuto utile impostare un metodo formalizzato per: a) individuare un criterio di organizzazione dei dati di ingresso, b) identificare nei progetti parametri valutabili, oggettivi e numericamente quantificabili, c) sviluppare un algoritmo di elaborazione dei valori di detti parametri, per una valutazione motivata delle proposte. Detto metodo è stato testato su una serie di casi reali tratti dal citato concorso e sviluppato in forma di tecnica computer assistita

    Information, formation and training for the maintenance operations: the lesson learned from fatal accidents

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    The list of possible machinery / equipment-related injuries is as long as it is worrying; they represent a non-negligible part of the total accidents in most industrial sectors, in terms of both numbers and severity, in normal conditions and during the maintenance operations. Lack of maintenance or inadequate maintenance can lead to dangerous situations, accidents and health problems; but, at the same time, maintenance itself is a high-risk activity due to special hazards resulting from the particular nature of the work. Moreover, the workers involved are more likely than other employees directly exposed to the risks, since direct contact between the worker and the machinery to be maintained cannot be substantially reduced

    La sicurezza nelle UniversitĂ : aspetti peculiari del problema

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    Presentazione al convegno su invito:"Torino 2013 - FORUM SICUREZZA. Forum internazionale sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e nei cantieri". 11 maggio 201

    Anti-collision systems in tunneling to improve effectiveness and safety in a system-quality approach: A review of the state of the art

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    Tunnelling and underground construction operations are often characterized by critical safety issues mainly due to poor visibility and blind spots around large vehicles and equipment. This can lead to collisions between vehicles or between vehicles and pedestrians or structural elements, causing accidents and fatalities. To improve the OS&H conditions, it is important to investigate the possible introduction of innovative techniques and technologies to reduce the occurrences and consequences of shared spaces (spaces used by both vehicles and pedestrians). For this reason, research was conducted to investigate the possible use of different technologies of anti-collision systems in tunnelling operations. First, to achieve this goal, an extensive review of the literature was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA statement to select the current techniques and technologies used by general anti-collision systems in civil and mining construction sites. Then, the operating principles, the relative advantages and disadvantages, combinations, and costs were examined for each of these. Eight types of systems and many examples of applications of anti-collision systems in underground environments were identified as a result of the analysis of the literature. Generally, it was noted that the anti-collision techniques available have found limited application in the excavation sites of underground civil works up to the present day, though the improvement in terms of safety and efficiency would be considerable

    Documenting Complexity for the 20TH Century Heritage: the Enriched 3d Models of the Turin Exposition Nervi's Halls Digitization

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    Abstract. Great attention is increasingly paid to the heritage belonging to the XX century, particularly for the spatial structures made of concrete, that are a significant trait of this modern movement architecture. Since they demand today urgent conservation plans sustaining their deterioration, the multidisciplinary researches should devotes a profound investigations for tailored approaches providing a clear indication of best practices and recommendation for correct 3D documentation, information management and structural assessment and monitoring. In this framework, the Geomatics approaches are advancing the interests toward the multi-scale and multi-sensor digitization and for supporting management of complex information in enriched 3D models. The iconic halls B and C in Torino Esposizioni (Italy), designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, is the case study presented. It was recently awarded by the Getty Keeping it Modern grant. The multi-disciplinary research conducted, still in progress, focuses a particularly into the investigation of the structural analysis and consistency of ferrocement elements of the vaulted system finalized to the structural condition assessment. Here the role of multi-scale and multi-sensor 3D models is investigated, such as the development of a digital twin of the halls as a starting point to create an enriched informative system. The reconstruction of this model particularly considering the large extension and the complexity of the spaces, is addressed to works as a collector of 3D multi-sensor data and information related to the diagnostic investigation on structural health monitoring for the durability of ferrocement elements

    La sicurezza nelle UniversitĂ : aspetti peculiari del problema

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    Presentazione al convegno su invito:"Torino 2013 - FORUM SICUREZZA. Forum internazionale sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e nei cantieri". 11 maggio 201


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    Great attention is increasingly paid to the heritage belonging to the XX century, particularly for the spatial structures made of concrete, that are a significant trait of this modern movement architecture. Since they demand today urgent conservation plans sustaining their deterioration, the multidisciplinary researches should devotes a profound investigations for tailored approaches providing a clear indication of best practices and recommendation for correct 3D documentation, information management and structural assessment and monitoring. In this framework, the Geomatics approaches are advancing the interests toward the multi-scale and multi-sensor digitization and for supporting management of complex information in enriched 3D models. The iconic halls B and C in Torino Esposizioni (Italy), designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, is the case study presented. It was recently awarded by the Getty Keeping it Modern grant. The multi-disciplinary research conducted, still in progress, focuses a particularly into the investigation of the structural analysis and consistency of ferrocement elements of the vaulted system finalized to the structural condition assessment. Here the role of multi-scale and multi-sensor 3D models is investigated, such as the development of a digital twin of the halls as a starting point to create an enriched informative system. The reconstruction of this model particularly considering the large extension and the complexity of the spaces, is addressed to works as a collector of 3D multi-sensor data and information related to the diagnostic investigation on structural health monitoring for the durability of ferrocement elements
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