41 research outputs found

    Primary Carcinosarcoma of Ovary an Unusual Tumor Case Report with Review of Literature

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    Primary ovarian carcinosarcoma is a rare biphasic tumor. There is variable admixture of both malignant epithelial and stromal component seen in this tumor. We report a case of a primary carcinosarcoma of ovary in a 72‑year‑old post‑menopausal female presenting with the complaint of abdominal distension. Staging laparotomy was done for this patient, and final histopathology was reported as the carcinosarcoma of ovary. The epithelial and sarcomatous components showed immunohistochemical positivity for their respective markers.Keywords: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor, ovary, primary carcinosarcom

    Carcinoma or Sarcoma of the Breast

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    Carcinosarcomas comprise less than 1% of invasive carcinomas of the breast. They are a heterogeneous group of malignant tumors in which part or all of the carcinomatous epithelium is transformed into a nonglandular component by metaplastic growth process. We report a case of carcinosarcoma of breast. She was a 62-year-old female who presented with complaint of pain and lump in left breast of 6 months duration. There was a discharging ulcer measuring 4 ×6 cm over the nipple of 1-month duration. Computed tomography of chest and positron emission tomography report was suggestive of carcinoma of left breast with left axillary lymphadenopathy and lung metastasis. Histopathology of the tumor was reported as infiltrating duct cell carcinoma (IDC) with angiosarcoma. The IDC was estrogen and progesterone receptor negative and Human Epidermal Growth Factor -2 receptor positive. The angiosarcoma was positive for vimentin, vascular endothelial growth factor, CD34, and CD31. The Ki-67 labeling index was 60% and the epidermal growth factor receptor was positive. This is a case of carcinosarcoma of breast adding to the existing literature.Keywords: Breast, carcinosarcoma, metaplastic carcinom

    Glycoprotein gene truncation in avian metapneumovirus subtype C isolates from the United States

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    The length of the published glycoprotein (G) gene sequences of avian metapneumovirus subtype-C (aMPV-C) isolated from domestic turkeys and wild birds in the United States (1996–2003) remains controversial. To explore the G gene size variation in aMPV-C by the year of isolation and cell culture passage levels, we examined 21 turkey isolates of aMPV-C at different cell culture passages. The early domestic turkey isolates of aMPV-C (aMPV/CO/1996, aMPV/MN/1a-b, and 2a-b/97) had a G gene of 1,798 nucleotides (nt) that coded for a predicted protein of 585 amino acids (aa) and showed >97% nt similarity with that of aMPV-C isolated from Canada geese. This large G gene got truncated upon serial passages in Vero cell cultures by deletion of 1,015 nt near the end of the open reading frame. The recent domestic turkey isolates of aMPV-C lacked the large G gene but instead had a small G gene of 783 nt, irrespective of cell culture passage levels. In some cultures, both large and small genes were detected, indicating the existence of a mixed population of the virus. Apparently, serial passage of aMPV-C in cell cultures and natural passage in turkeys in the field led to truncation of the G gene, which may be a mechanism of virus evolution for survival in a new host or environment


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    [EN] A study on growth ferfonnance on 90 broiler rabbits of White Giant and Sovie Chinchilla, weaned a 28 days and malntained on 3 different diets for 56 days, was conducted with an objective to work out an economical feeding s~tem. First group (T1) was provided concentrate pellets and co~ea hay (Vigna sinens1s) plus green alfalfa, second ~oup (T2) ad libitum complete pelleted raed and third group 3) was provided ad libitum concentrate pellet alongwit green alfalfa fodder. Dry matter intake in T3 was (139g/d) significantly (P<0.01) higher than that of T1 (106g/d) and T2 (97 g/d), the latter two, however did not dlffer significantly from each other. The average daily gain in T2 ~30 ~R and T3 (29 g/d) were significantfy hlgher fhan In T1 24 ó/d . The highest net return per rabbit was recordad in T2 Rs ~. m followed by T3 (Rs 6.21) comparad to T1 (Rs - .88). The results tend to conclude that the economlcal weight gain of about 30a/d under tropical conditlons can be ach1evea in exotic farm 6red broiler rábbits maintained either on complete pelleted feed or concentrate pellets supplemented with good quality green alfalfa, fed ad libitum.[FR] Les performances de croissance de 90 lapins de chair Géant Blanc et Chinchilla Soviétique ont.été étudiées dans le but de mettre au poínt une méthode d'alimentatíon économique. Les animaux sevrés a 28 jours ont r~u trois r_égimes différents : Le premier (f1) est constitué de concentré granulé et de foin de dolique (Vigna sinensis) + de la luzerne verte, le second (I2J de granulé complet dlstrlbué ad libitum et le troisleme {T3) de granulé concentré distribué ad libitum en m§me temps que de la luzeme verte. La matiere sache íngérée dans le groupe T3 {139g/fi est sígnificativement f!.IUS elevé (P<0.01) que dans les groupes T1 (106g/j) et T2 (97g/j), ces derníers cependant ne se différencíant pas significativement entre eux. Le gaín mayen quotidien du groupe T2 (30alj) et du group_e T3 (29a/l) est significativement plus éleve ·que celw de T1 {24a/J).-l"e bénéffce net par lapin le plus élev8 a été enreglstié óáns le groupe T2 (9.87 Rs) suivl de T3 (6.21 Rs) en comparaison avec le groupe T1 (-2.88 Rs). De ces réSultats on peut conclure qu'un gaín de poids Journaller d'environ 3ogJJ, économiquement conveniJble dans des conditions tropk;ales, peut §tre obtenu dans des é/evages utllisant des lapins de chaír de race exotique aussi bien avec uniquement de l'aliment granulé complet qu'avec un alíment concentré supplémenté avec de la luzeme verte de bonne qualité distríbuee ad libitum.Prasad, R.; Singh, G.; Patnayak, B. (1996). GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF BROILER RABBITS MAINTAINED ON DIFFERENT DIETS. World Rabbit Science. 04(1). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1996.26304


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    [EN] The growth study was conducted with nine groups of six weaner kits each maintained on three levels of energy (2585, 2778, 3043 kcal DE/kg) and protein (16.07, 19.69, 22.70 %) in nine combinations. Weaning weight o kits was similar at the initiation of the experiment and in ad libitum feeding regimen, irrespective of energy and protein variation the kits were able to achieve 2 kg finishing weight at 12 weeks of age, with total gain of 1.5 to 1.8 kg and average daily gain of 27 to 32 g. Total feed consumad during the experiment and DMI (g/d) was higher (P<0.01) in low energy (6.83 kg, 114.9 g/d) followed by medium (6.58 kg, 113.3 g/d) and was lowest in high energy (5.5 kg, 95.1 g/d) regimens. Digestibilities of DM, CP and energy increased (P<0.01) with increase in energy content of the diets whereas on expression in terms of protein variation only digestibility of protein increased with increase of protein content. AH the kits were in positiva N balance and it was higher (P<0.05) in high protein (2.17 g) followed by medium (1 .99 g) and low (1.68 g) protein regimen, whereas expressed in terms of energy variation the balance was found to be similar. The regression of average daily gain on the ratio of digestible energy and cruda protein intake of the diets indicated non significant effects of the ratio on average daily gain. lt was found that on an average the growing kits required 91 g DM, 13 g DCP and 255 Kcal DE/kg wº· 75 to gain @ of 28 g/day.[FR] L 'étude de la croissance a été conduite sur 9 groupes de chacun 6 lapins au sevrage maintenus a 3 niveaux d'énergie (2585, 2778, 3043 kcal/kg) et de protéines (16.07, 19.69 et 22.7 %) selon 9 combinaisons. Au début de /'expérimentation le poids au sevrage des lapereaux était identique et le régime alimentaire ad libitum, et que/que soit le niveau d'énergie ou de protéines les /apereaux ont pu atteindre un poids final de 2 kg a 12 semaines d'age avec un gain de poids total de 1.5 a 1.8 kg et un gain de poids moyen journalier de 27 a 32 g. La quantité totale d'aliment consommé pendant l'expérimentation et la quantité de matiere seche (MS) ingérée (g/d) était plus élevés (P<0.01) dans le groupe "énergie basse" (6.83 kg, 114.9 g/j) suivie par te groupe "moyen" (6.58 kg, 113.3 g/j) et le plus bas pour le groupe "énergie haute" (5.5kg, 95.1 g/j). La digestibilité de la MS, des protéines brutes et de l'énergie augmente (P<0.01) avec l'accroissement du contenu énergétique des régimes. Par contre, seu/e la digestibilité des protéines augmente avec /'accroissement du contenu protéique. Tous les lapereaux ont un bitan azoté positif, plus élevé (P<0.05) pour le régime "haute protéine• (2. 17 g) suivi par le "moyen protéine" (1.99 g) et le "bas protéine" (1.68 g) Par contre, les variations de la concentration énergétique de /'aliment ne modifient pas le bilan azoté. La régression du gain moyen journalier sur le ratio de l'énergie digestible et des protéines brutes ingérées des régimes indiquent un effet non significatif du ratio sur le gain moyen journalier. On peut conclure que les besoins moyens des /apereaux en croissance sont 91g MS'l: 13g de protéines digestibles et 255kcal ED/kg Poids vifD. '5 pour un gain journalier de 28g.Prasad, R.; Karim, S.; Patnayak, B. (1996). GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF BROILER RABBITS MAINTAINED ON DIETS WITH VARYING LEVELS OF ENERGY AND PROTEIN. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1996.274.SWORD04

    Chemical investigation of Indian fruits. Part III. A study of the characteristic crystalline components of certain citrus fruits (oranges of the circars)

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    Operation theatre utilization and efficiency

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    Case Report: Primary Ovarian Leiomyoma: An Uncommon Entity ‑ Case Report and a Brief Review of Literature

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    Among all benign primary ovarian smooth muscle tumors, ovarian leiomyoma, is uncommon, accounting for 0.5-1% of all tumors. Most of these tumors are unilateral, small in size, and generally occur in premenopausal women. This paper presents a case report of primary ovarian leiomyoma, which is a rare entity, in a postmenopausal female with complaints of abdominal pain. The left ovarian mass was histopathologically and immunohistochemically diagnosed as ovarian leiomyoma. Unlike smooth muscle tumors of uterine origin, there are no definite histological criteria to categorize smooth muscle tumors of ovary. This is an additional case of ovarian leiomyoma with brief review of literature, especially highlighting differential diagnosis of ovarian spindle cell lesions.Keywords: Histopathology, immunohistochemistry, ovarian leiomyom