330 research outputs found

    Novel phylogenetic algorithm to monitor human tropism in Egyptian H5N1-HPAIV reveals evolution toward efficient human-to-human transmission

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    Years of endemic infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A subtype H5N1 virus in poultry and high numbers of infections in humans provide ample opportunity in Egypt for H5N1-HPAIV to develop pandemic potential. In an effort to better understand the viral determinants that facilitate human infections of the Egyptian H5N1-HPAIVvirus, we developed a new phylogenetic algorithm based on a new distance measure derived from the informational spectrum method (ISM). This new approach, which describes functional aspects of the evolution of the hemagglutinin subunit 1 (HA1), revealed a growing group G2 of H5N1-HPAIV in Egypt after 2009 that acquired new informational spectrum (IS) properties suggestive of an increased human tropism and pandemic potential. While in 2006 all viruses in Egypt belonged to the G1 group, by 2011 these viruses were virtually replaced by G2 viruses. All of the G2 viruses displayed four characteristic mutations (D43N, S120(D,N), (S,L)129Δ and I151T), three of which were previously reported to increase binding to the human receptor. Already in 2006–2008 G2 viruses were significantly (p<0.02) more often found in humans than expected from their overall prevalence and this further increased in 2009–2011 (p<0.007). Our approach also identified viruses that acquired additional mutations that we predict to further enhance their human tropism. The extensive evolution of Egyptian H5N1-HPAIV towards a preferential human tropism underlines an urgent need to closely monitor these viruses with respect to molecular determinants of virulence

    Variability of pomological characteristics of the Šumatovka apple

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    Variability refers to a process by which differences occur among individuals of the same plant species. However, some characteristics change very little while others, especially quantative ones, change rather quickly and readily even when environmental conditions change slightly. This fact has prompted an investigation aimed to establish the variability of pomological characteristics of the Šumatovka cv. apple tree, a rather old and autochthonous cultivar grown widely throughout Eastern Serbia. Its special characteristic is an ability to grow and bear fruit without any particular care and cultivation, and in conditions of especially severe water deficiency and drought. Šumatovka cv. fruits are small- or medium-sized on the average, the length Measuring 51.3 ± 6.62 mm (CV 12.9%), width 55.5 ± 6.35 mm (CV 11.4%), pedicel lenght 19.5 ± 3.2 mm (CV 16.4%) and fruit mass 66.0 ±20.6 g (CV 31.3%). Total soluble dry matter content of the mesocarp varies between 15.6 and 1.92% (CV 12.31%), total sugars 14.3 ± 4.7% (CV 32.8%) and total sour substances 0.95 ± 0.11% (CV 18.6%). Especially examined were the large-sized Šumatovka fruits measuring 72.0 mm in lenght and width, and 169.4 g in mass

    Effect of acute adrenalectomy on rat liver glucocorticoid receptor

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    In order to improve current clinical treatment of human hypocortisolism, it is necessary to understand molecular aspects of this pathophysiology. In this study liver tissues from male Wistar rats were used as an experimental model to study structural and functional properties of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the absence of glucocorticoid hormones (GC). Results show that acute adrenalectomy (ADX) significantly increases the number of GR binding sites and GR protein content. In addition, acute ADX stimulates increase in stability of the GR, decrease in stability of the glucocorticoid- receptor complex (G-R), and changes in accumulation of the G-R complex in nuclei and its cellular distribution.

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emission from cigar burner combustion system and comparison of their content in fly ashes

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    Agricultural biomass is considered a preferred RES in Serbia because of its availability and suitability to limit the use of fossil fuel resources and reduce GHG emissions. Therefore, constant work has been done to develop technologies that enable its utilization for energy purposes. As an example of these efforts, in the Agricultural Corporation PKB, the soybean straw cigarette-type combustion system has been applied for greenhouse heating for over a decade. However, many volatile and semivolatile organic compounds are emitted directly into the atmosphere or concentrated in ash particles during agricultural biomass combustion. Since some of the emitted compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are toxic, monitoring their concentrations in fly ash is recommended. Literature data regarding PAHs content in agricultural biomass ashes are insubstantial, especially in Serbia. For that purpose, PAHs contents in the cyclone and stack fly ashes of soybean straw were investigated and compared. In addition, the emission factors, toxicity, carcinogenicity and benzo[a]pyrene equivalence concentrations were determined and used to estimate the potential environmental impact of these ashes. As a result, stack ash has been shown to have a higher potential environmental risk than cyclone ash. Hence, an assessment of using soybean straw as a feed fuel in a real cigarette-type combustion plant regarding PAHs emission is given. These results provide important information for optimizing combustion conditions and assisting the local entities in managing air pollution and control policies in Serbia

    SNCR in biomass combustion facilities: from theories to existing models

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    With the significant use of biomass for energy purposes, as the only CO2-neutral carbon-based renewable energy source, besides several well-known advantages, certain disadvantages appear. One of them is the possible increased emission of nitrogen oxides, NOx, which is especially pronounced with the usage of agricultural biomass. Given the available resources of this biomass and increasingly stringent legal norms regarding NOx emissions, this problem needs special attention, which is the topic of this paper. The paper presents: mechanisms of NOx formation and conversion of nitrogen from fuel during combustion, a brief overview of available methods for denitrification, both conventional and newer ones that have not yet come to industrial-scale application. NOx emissions from biomass combustion are mainly caused by fuel-bound nitrogen, which is especially present in biomass with a high content of bound nitrogen such as agricultural biomass. Therefore, the focus is on selective non-catalytic reduction, SNCR, as a secondary measure of denitrification. Theoretical bases of SNCR, presentation of SNCR reagents, main pathways of chemical reduction reactions for different reagents, and reaction kinetics are given. Also, the general bases for setting numerical SNCR reduction models and reviewing existing ones, as well as experimental results from the available literature, are presented. Finally, examples of industrial applications of SNCR reactors and general recommendations for the application of this denitrification measure are introduced


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    Biomass combustion has many advantages compared to fossil fuels due to reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, but several issues are present during biomass combustion. One that must always be considered is emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which have significant impact on the environment and health. At biomass combustion, main mechanism responsible for NOx emission is oxidation of fuel-bound nitrogen. Increased NOx emissions are particularly present at agricultural biomass combustion, due to its increased nitrogen content, which is further expressed by the use of nitrogen fertilizer. Denitrification methods are classified as pre-combustion, combustion control and post-combustion (flue gas treatment) methods. Aim of this paper is to provide insight in different flue gas denitrification methods (DeNOx measures) from the review of existing literature, with emphasis on post-combustion methods, since they have higher efficiency. Also, pre-combustion and combustion control methods at agricultural biomass combustion often do not provide reduction below emission standards. Selective catalytic (SCR) and selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR), wet scrubbing, adsorption, electron beam, electrochemical method, non-thermal plasma and microbial approach were considered. For each method, mechanism of NOx reduction is given and discussed, alongside with efficiency that could be achieved. Overall comparison of advantages and disadvantages for these methods is provided. Further research of denitrification and optimization of described methods, to overcome NOx emission problem is required. Application of these methods in commercial use and increasing their efficiency, while solving cost and methods disadvantages, is key for biomass to be used as a renewable energy source and fossil fuel replacement

    Assessment of grammar knowledge of preschool children using TROG test: A preliminary research

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    The research goal was to identify the characteristics of grammar comprehension abilities in preschool children and to investigate whether certain factors impact the level of acquisition of grammar knowledge among these children. The research was conducted on a sample of 102 children (56 boys and 46 girls), age 4-6. For the purpose of this research, the children were grouped in four groups, with a five-month age interval among them. The Test for the Reception of Grammar (TROG) was used for assessing the acquisition of grammar knowledge. The research results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the level of acquisition of grammatical abilities relative to children's age (F (3.98)=5.48; p=0.002; ƞ2 =0.14). By analysing the obtained data, we identified statistically significant differences in the achievement on applied tasks between the youngest group of children and other groups, where older children had higher scores (p lt 0.05). On the other hand, no statistically significant differences were identified between boys and girls in terms of achievement (t (100)=-0.968; p=0.335; d=0.22). Contrary to our expectations, no statistically significant differences were observed in the summary score on TROG test relative to mothers' level of education. The research results show that statistically significant differences are present only in the level of achievement of the children whose mothers have high school or college education, to the advantage of mothers with college education (p=0.009). More significant results were obtained in the same variable, where fathers' education is viewed as an impact (F (3.98)=2.90, p=0.039, ƞ2=0.081).Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje karakteristika gramatičkih sposobnosti kod dece predškolskog uzrasta, kao i da li određeni faktori utiču na usvojenost gramatičkog znanja kod ove grupe dece. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od sto dva deteta (pedeset šest dečaka i četrdeset šest devojčica), uzrasta od četiri do šest godina. Za potrebe istraživanja deca su podeljena u četiri grupe, sa uzrasnim intervalom između grupa od pet meseci. U istraživanju je za procenu usvojenosti gramatičkog znanja korišćen Test razumevanja gramatike - TROG. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike u usvojenosti gramatičkih sposobnosti u odnosu na uzrast dece (F (3.98)=5.48; p=0.002; ƞ2 =0.14). Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u postignuću na primenjenim zadacima između najmlađe grupe dece i ostalih uzrasnih grupa, u korist starije dece (p lt 0.05). Sa druge strane, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u postignuću između dečaka i devojčica (t (100)=-0.968; p=0.335; d=0.22). Suprotno našim očekivanjima, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u sumarnom skoru TROG testa u odnosu na obrazovni nivo majki. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da statistički značajne razlike postoje samo između postignuća dece majki sa srednjim i visokim nivoom obrazovanja, u korist visokoobrazovanih majki (p=0.009). Značajnije rezultate uočavamo na istoj varijabli kada kao uticaj posmatramo obrazovanje oca (F (3.98)=2.90, p=0.039, ƞ2=0.081)

    Mass transfer and microbiological profile of pork meat dehydrated in two different osmotic solutions

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    The effects of osmotic dehydration on mass transfer properties and microbiological profile were investigated in order to determine the usefulness of this technique as pre-treatment for further treatment of meat. Process was studied in two solutions (sugar beet molasses, and aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sucrose), at two temperatures (4 and 22°C) at atmospheric pressure. The most significant parameters of mass transfer were determined after 300 minutes of the dehydration. The water activity (aw) values of the processed meat were determined, as well as the change of the microbiological profile between the fresh and dehydrated meat. At the temperature of 22°C the sugar beet molasses proved to be most suitable as an osmotic solution, despite the greater viscosity

    Structural brain imaging studies offer clues about the effects of the shared genetic etiology among neuropsychiatric disorders

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    Malalties; GenèticaEnfermedades; GenéticaDiseases; GeneticsGenomewide association studies have found significant genetic correlations among many neuropsychiatric disorders. In contrast, we know much less about the degree to which structural brain alterations are similar among disorders and, if so, the degree to which such similarities have a genetic etiology. From the Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) consortium, we acquired standardized mean differences (SMDs) in regional brain volume and cortical thickness between cases and controls. We had data on 41 brain regions for: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), bipolar disorder (BD), epilepsy, major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and schizophrenia (SCZ). These data had been derived from 24,360 patients and 37,425 controls. The SMDs were significantly correlated between SCZ and BD, OCD, MDD, and ASD. MDD was positively correlated with BD and OCD. BD was positively correlated with OCD and negatively correlated with ADHD. These pairwise correlations among disorders were correlated with the corresponding pairwise correlations among disorders derived from genomewide association studies (r = 0.494). Our results show substantial similarities in sMRI phenotypes among neuropsychiatric disorders and suggest that these similarities are accounted for, in part, by corresponding similarities in common genetic variant architectures

    Atmospheric solids analysis probe with mass spectrometry for chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon determination in apples

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    hlorpyrifos (CPS) is a toxic pesticide present in several pesticide formulations, with low degradability by natural processes. The degradation leads to the toxic metabolite chlorpyrifos-oxon (CPO). The analytical techniques used for the CPS and CPO analysis, like UPLC-PDA and GC-MS, are accurate but also expensive and time consuming, and they need sample pretreatment. In the search of a more rapid and simple analytical procedure, atmospheric solids analysis probe with mass spectrometry (ASAP-MS) was optimized for the determination of CPS and CPO in apples (Malus domestica "Idared"). The identification of the analytes was based on protonated ion and isotopic pattern, while the quantification was based on peak intensities. The obtained results were confirmed by re-validated UPLC-PDA and GC-MS techniques. CPS and CPO concentrations determined by ASAP-MS and UPLC-PDA showed moderate discrepancies (on average by 10-20%), thus demonstrating that ASAP-MS can be a semiquantitative tool for the quantification of these compounds. As additional goal of this work, the efficiency of a gamma irradiation treatment to remove CPS and CPO from apples was tested by analyzing their content before and after the irradiation: 89-99% of CPS and CPO were degraded with doses of 3.5-3.8 kGy and 66-72 h of irradiation per sample. Identical degradation results were obtained by UPLC-PDA and ASAP-MS, indicating that the latter technique is well suitable to rapidly check pesticide degradation in apples