8,103 research outputs found

    Determinants of net interest margin under regulatory requirements: an econometric study

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    Using data for the period 1995-96 to 1999-2000, this paper seeks to identify the factors influencing spreads of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India. Among the explanatory variables, we incorporate, in addition to the standard set of variables, regulatory requirement variables. Our analysis reveals that (i) size does not necessarily correlate with higher spread, and (ii) higher fee income enables banks to tolerate lower spreads. With regard to regulatory requirement variables, it is found that (i) capital plays an important role in affecting spreads of public sector banks, and (ii) non-performing assets is uniformly important across all bank groups in influencing spreads.Net interest margin; regulatory requirements; banking; India

    Towards a string bit formulation of N=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We show that planar cal N=4 Yang-Mills theory at zero 't Hooft coupling can be efficiently described in terms of 8 bosonic and 8 fermionic oscillators. We show that these oscillators can serve as world-sheet variables, the string bits, of a discretized string. There is a one to one correspondence between the on shell gauge invariant words of the free Y-M theory and the states in the oscillators' Hilbert space, obeying a local gauge and cyclicity constraints. The planar two-point functions and the three-point functions of all gauge invariant words are obtained by the simple delta-function overlap of the corresponding discrete string world sheet. At first order in the 't Hooft coupling, i.e. at one-loop in the Y-M theory, the logarithmic corrections of the planar two-point and the three-point functions can be incorporated by nearest neighbour interactions among the discretized string bits. In the SU(2) sub-sector we show that the one-loop corrections to the structure constants can be uniquely determined by the symmetries of the bit picture. For the SU(2) sub-sector we construct a gauged, linear, discrete world-sheet model for the oscillators, with only nearest neighbour couplings, which reproduces the anomalous dimension Hamiltonian up to two loops. This model also obeys BMN scaling to all loops.Comment: 64 pages, 6 figures, typos fixed, references adde

    Structure constants of planar N =4 Yang Mills at one loop

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    We study structure constants of gauge invariant operators in planar N=4 Yang-Mills at one loop with the motivation of determining features of the string dual of weak coupling Yang-Mills. We derive a simple renormalization group invariant formula characterizing the corrections to structure constants of any primary operator in the planar limit. Applying this to the scalar SO(6) sector we find that the one loop corrections to structure constants of gauge invariant operators is determined by the one loop anomalous dimension Hamiltonian in this sector. We then evaluate the one loop corrections to structure constants for scalars with arbitrary number of derivatives in a given holomorphic direction. We find that the corrections can be characterized by suitable derivatives on the four point tree function of a massless scalar with quartic coupling. We show that individual diagrams violating conformal invariance can be combined together to restore it using a linear inhomogeneous partial differential equation satisfied by this function.Comment: 52 pages, 12 figures, Typos fixed, reference adde

    Duality Symmetries in N=2 Heterotic Superstring

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    We review the derivation and the basic properties of the perturbative prepotential in N=2 compactifications of the heterotic superstring. We discuss the structure of the perturbative monodromy group and the embedding of rigidly supersymmetric monodromies associated with enhanced gauge groups, at both perturbative and non-perturbative level.Comment: Based on talks presented at several conferences. 12 pages, LaTe

    Position-Based Multi-Agent Dynamics for Real-Time Crowd Simulation (MiG paper)

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    Exploiting the efficiency and stability of Position-Based Dynamics (PBD), we introduce a novel crowd simulation method that runs at interactive rates for hundreds of thousands of agents. Our method enables the detailed modeling of per-agent behavior in a Lagrangian formulation. We model short-range and long-range collision avoidance to simulate both sparse and dense crowds. On the particles representing agents, we formulate a set of positional constraints that can be readily integrated into a standard PBD solver. We augment the tentative particle motions with planning velocities to determine the preferred velocities of agents, and project the positions onto the constraint manifold to eliminate colliding configurations. The local short-range interaction is represented with collision and frictional contact between agents, as in the discrete simulation of granular materials. We incorporate a cohesion model for modeling collective behaviors and propose a new constraint for dealing with potential future collisions. Our new method is suitable for use in interactive games.Comment: 9 page

    Kaluza-Klein States versus Winding States: Can Both Be Above the String Scale?

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    When closed strings propagate in extra compactified dimensions, a rich spectrum of Kaluza-Klein states and winding states emerges. Since the masses of Kaluza-Klein states and winding states play a reciprocal role, it is often believed that either the lightest Kaluza-Klein states or the lightest winding states must be at or below the string scale. In this paper, we demonstrate that this conclusion is no longer true for compactifications with non-trivial shape moduli. Specifically, we demonstrate that toroidal compactifications exist for which all Kaluza-Klein states as well as all winding states are heavier than the string scale. This observation could have important phenomenological implications for theories with reduced string scales, suggesting that it is possible to cross the string scale without detecting any states associated with spacetime compactification.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Dynamics of Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Photosphere

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    The interaction of magnetic fields and convection is investigated in the context of the coronal heating problem. We study the motions of photospheric magnetic elements using filtergrams obtained at the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope at La Palma. We use potential-field modeling to extrapolate the magnetic and velocity fields to larger height. We find that the velocity in the chromosphere can be locally enhanced at the separatrix surfaces between neighboring flux tubes. The predicted velocities are several km/s, significantly larger than those of the photospheric flux tubes, which may have important implications for coronal heating. sComment: submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 10 figure
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