3,445 research outputs found

    Domain Growth in Random Magnets

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    We study the kinetics of domain growth in ferromagnets with random exchange interactions. We present detailed Monte Carlo results for the nonconserved random-bond Ising model, which are consistent with power-law growth with a variable exponent. These results are interpreted in the context of disorder barriers with a logarithmic dependence on the domain size. Further, we clarify the implications of logarithmic barriers for both nonconserved and conserved domain growth.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic van der Waals Theory of two-phase fluids in heat flow

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    We present a dynamic van der Waals theory. It is useful to study phase separation when the temperature varies in space. We show that if heat flow is applied to liquid suspending a gas droplet at zero gravity, a convective flow occurs such that the temperature gradient within the droplet nearly vanishes. As the heat flux is increased, the droplet becomes attached to the heated wall that is wetted by liquid in equilibrium. In one case corresponding to partial wetting by gas, an apparent contact angle can be defined. In the ther case with larger heat flux, the droplet completely wets the heated wall expelling liquid.Comment: 6pages, 8figure

    Mobility of Atmospheric Vortices

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    Menguji Sikap Implisit Dengan Implicit Association Test

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan implisit association test (IAT) sebagai pengukuran sikap implisit dan menguji apakah IAT dapat mengukur sikap antarkelompok Islam-Kristen di Indonesia secara valid, reliabel. Mahasiswa tingkat awal yang beragama Islam dan Kristen dilibatkan dalam studi ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa IAT memiliki validitas yang memuaskan untuk mengukur sikap implisit terkait agama, dimana IAT berkorelasi positif dengan pengukuran sikap eksplisit dan mampu membedakan respons kelompok partisipan Islam dan Kristen secara signifikan. IAT juga memiliki reliabilitas yang memuaskan, dimana bila diukur antar waktu respons partisipan sangat stabil dan item-itemnya konsisten mengukur hal yang sama. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa indeks sikap berdasarkan IAT akan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan skor sikap berdasarkan pengukuran eksplisit. Bahkan, IAT dapat mengidentifikasi partisipan yang menyangkal dalam pengukuran eksplisit bahwa ia memiliki sikap negatif terhadap kelompok agama lain. Diskusi apakah skor IAT menunjukkan prasangka disertakan. Keywords: IAT, implicit attitude, religion related prejudic

    Optimal Reachability in Divergent Weighted Timed Games

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    Weighted timed games are played by two players on a timed automaton equipped with weights: one player wants to minimise the accumulated weight while reaching a target, while the other has an opposite objective. Used in a reactive synthesis perspective, this quantitative extension of timed games allows one to measure the quality of controllers. Weighted timed games are notoriously difficult and quickly undecidable, even when restricted to non-negative weights. Decidability results exist for subclasses of one-clock games, and for a subclass with non-negative weights defined by a semantical restriction on the weights of cycles. In this work, we introduce the class of divergent weighted timed games as a generalisation of this semantical restriction to arbitrary weights. We show how to compute their optimal value, yielding the first decidable class of weighted timed games with negative weights and an arbitrary number of clocks. In addition, we prove that divergence can be decided in polynomial space. Last, we prove that for untimed games, this restriction yields a class of games for which the value can be computed in polynomial time

    The systematic study of the influence of neutron excess on the fusion cross sections using different proximity-type potentials

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    Using different types of proximity potentials, we have examined the trend of variations of barrier characteristics (barrier height and its position) as well as fusion cross sections for 50 isotopic systems including various collisions of C, O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Ar, Ti and Ni nuclei with 1N/Z<1.61\leq N/Z < 1.6 condition for compound systems. The results of our studies reveal that the relationships between increase of barrier positions and decrease of barrier heights are both linear with increase of N/ZN/Z ratio. Moreover, fusion cross sections also enhance linearly with increase of this ratio.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 5 Table

    Surgical Stabilization of Femur Fractures in Post-Traumatic Hypoxemic Patients: When and Why?

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    Background: Post-traumatic hypoxemia can deteriorate during operative manipulations. Objectives: In the present study, criteria-based approach was applied to determine optimum conditions for femur surgery. The aim of this study was to optimize perioperative management of post-traumatic hypoxemia. Patients and Methods: In this prospective observational study, post-traumatic adults with PaO2 200 mmHg (FiO2 < 0.5, PEEP < 8 cm H2O). Results: A total of 31 adults (26 males and 5 females) with LIS of 0.1 to 2.5 (26 patients) and > 2.5 (five patients) at admission were recruited. Sixteen patients were admitted within 24 hours and 15 between 24 and 90 hours after injury. Thirteen patients were operated within 24 hours. Post-operative LIS was improved. No adverse sequels or mortality were seen. Conclusions: Appropriate surgical stabilization can be safely performed during established post-traumatic hypoxemia using a multidisciplinary approach, continuous monitoring, and serial investigations to diagnose fulminant pathology and associated injuries

    Konsep Green Architecture pada Taman Warisan Melayu Singapura

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    Taman mempunyai arti penting bagi kehidpan manusia. Di daerah padat penduduk sudah sangat jarang sekali ditemukan taman yang nyaman. Taman Warisan Melayu merupakan salah satu kawasan wisata di Kampung Gelam, Singapura yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan usia dan juga dapat dijadikan sebagai taman edukasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan konsep green architecture pada Taman Warisan Melayu ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa lahan hijau pada taman ini sekitar ±70% dari total luas lahan. Jenis tanaman sebagian besar terdiri dari tanaman obat, buah-buahan dan rumput-rumputan, dan sudah dikelompokkansesuai dengan manfaatnya. Elemen alami yang terdapat pada taman ini terdiri dari tumbuh-tumbuhan dan air. Elemen buatan pada taman ini merupakan elemen yang alami tetapi telah mengalami pengolahan lebih lanjut. Sistem pengolahan sampah dengan sistem dikumpulkan, dipadatkan, diangkut, dibakar, dan dibuang dengan konsep waste to energy