303 research outputs found
Effects of late flushing and ewe breed on lamb mortality at birth.
A total of 92 Zel and 92 Zel×Shal ewes, 3–5 years of age and body weight of between 35 and 45 kg were randomly allocated in to four groups in order to determine effects of late flushing and breed on lamb mortality at birth. A completely randomized design in factorial arrangement with two factors (Flushing & Breed) and two levels were used. Ewes were fed in two nutritional groups including none flushing diet (2 mcal/kg metabolizeble energy, 11.5 percent crud protein and 1.7 kg/ewe/day dry matter intake) and flushing diet (2.2 mcal/kg metabolizeble energy, 11.5 percent crud protein and 1.7 kg/ewe/day dry matter intake). The flushing continued for last six week of pregnancy. Animals were housed in pens (10 ewes/pen) and allowed free access to water. The results showed that late flushing had a significant effect on lamb mortality at birth (P<0.05). Zel breed had lower lamb mortality than Zel×Shal breed (P<0.05)
Recent Deformation in the Bottom Sediments of Western and Southeastern Lake Ontario and its Association with Major Structures and Seismicity
Geophysical surveys, undertaken in the Toronto-Burlington corridor of western Lake Ontario and in the Rochester Basin of southeastern Lake Ontario, revealed the presence of features affecting the young lake-bottom sediments. In the western part of the lake, they include inferred pop-ups in bedrock, and plumose structures, dark linear patterns, and linear belts of circular to elliptical signatures in the modern mud. In southeastern Lake Ontario the glacial and post-glacial sediments display vertical separations of on the order of 10-15 m. Pop-ups are tectonically-induced structures. The features in the modern mud commonly parallel the orientation of P-stresses measured in Paleozoic rocks nearby and, along with the pop-ups, are spatially related to an aeromagnetic lineament. Furthermore, all of these features occur within a seismically active belt. The vertical displacements of the layered glacial and post-glacial sediments, within the Rochester Basin, are located along the southern margin of the postulated WSW extension of the seismically active St. Lawrence rift system and are interpreted to be due to faulting. The geologically young age of the sediments affected by the various deformational features, along with the characteristics of the features themselves, suggest that the lake-bottom sediments surveyed in this study may have recorded the effects of neotectonic processes.Des levés géophysiques effectués dans le corridor Toronto-Burlington, dans l'ouest du lac Ontario, a révélé la présence d'éléments qui altèrent les jeunes sédiments lacustres du fond. Dans la partie ouest du lac, dans la roche en place, il s'agit de structures de soulèvement (pop-ups) et, dans les boues récentes, de structures plumeuses, de réseaux de traits sombres et de zones linéaires de tracés circulaires à elliptiques. Dans la partie sud-est du lac Ontario, il y a dans les sédiments glaciaires et postglaciaires des rejets verticaux de l'ordre de 10 à 15 m. Les structures de soulèvement sont d'origine tectonique. Les formes dans les boues récentes, généralement parallèles à l'orientation des contraintes de compression mesurées dans les roches paléozoïques voisines, sont spatialement reliés, comme les structures de soulèvement, à un linéament aéromagnétique. De plus, toutes ces formes se trouvent dans une zone sismique active. Les rejets verticaux dans les sédiments glaciaires et postglaciaires stratifiés, à l'intérieur du basssin de Rochester, sont localisés le long de la bordure sud du prolongement présumé WSW du système actif du rift du Saint-Laurent et sont probablement attribuables à la formation de failles. La jeunesse des sédiments altérés par les déformations et les caractéristiques des déformations mêmes laissent croire que ces sédiments ont probablement enregistré les effets de processus néotectoniques.Geophysikalische Vermessungen, die im Toronto Burlington-Korridor des westlichen Ontariosees und im Rochester-Becken des sùdôstlichen Ontariosees durchgefùhrt wurden, deckten die Anwesenheit von Elementen auf, welche auf die jungen Seegrundsedimente einwirken. Im westlichen Teil des Sees bestehen sie aus Hebungen im anste-henden Gestein und im modernen Schlamm aus federartigen Strukturen, dunklen linearen Mustern und linearen Gùrteln mit kreisformigen bis ellipsenfôrmigen Umrissen. Im sùdôstlichen Ontariosee gibt es in den glazialen und postglazialen Sedimenten verti-kale Verwùrfe der GrôRenordnung von 10-15 m. Die Hebungen sind tektonischen Ursprungs. Die Formen im modernen Schlamm liegen im allgemeinen paralell zu der Orientierung der in den benachbarten palàozoischen Felsen gemessenen P-Stresse und sind zusammen mit den Hebungen ràumlich mit einem aeromagnetischen Lineament verbunden. AuRerdem treten aile dièse Formen innerhalb eines seismisch aktiven Gùrtels auf. Die vertikalen Verstellungen der geschichteten glazialen und postglazialen Sedimente innerhalb des Rochester-Beckens werden entlang des sùdlichen Rands der angenommenen WSW-Verlàngerung des seismisch aktiven Sankt-Lorenz-Spaltensystems lokalisiert. Das geologisch relativ junge Alter der durch die verschiedenen Verformungen Iàf3t vermu-ten, daB die in dieser Studie gemessenen Seegrundsedimente moglicherweise die Wirkungen neotektonischer Prozesse aufgezeichnet haben
Analyzing the Impact of Urban Planning and Building Typologies in Urban Heat Island Mitigation
Urban and building typologies have a serious impact on the urban climate and determine at large the magnitude of the urban overheating and urban heat island intensity. The present study aims to analyze the impact of various city typologies and urban planning characteristics on the mitigation of the urban heat island. The effect of the building height, street width, aspect ratio, built area ratio, orientation, and dimensions of open spaces on the distribution of the ambient and surface temperature in open spaces is analyzed using the Sydney Metropolitan Area as a case study for both unmitigated and mitigated scenarios. Fourteen precincts are developed and simulated using ENVI-met the simulation tool. The ambient temperature, surface temperature, and wind speed are extracted. The parameter ‘Gradient of the Temperature Decrease along the Precinct Axis’ (GTD) is introduced to study the cooling potential of the various precincts. In the mitigated precincts, the GTD ranges between 0.01 K/m to 0.004 K/m. In the non-mitigated precincts, the GTD ranges between 0.0093 K/m to 0.0024 K/m. A strong correlation is observed between the GTD of all the precincts, with and without mitigation, and their corresponding average aspect ratio, (Height of buildings to Width of streets). The higher the aspect ratio of the precinct, the lower the cooling potential. It is also observed that the higher the Built Area Ratio of the precincts, the lower the cooling contribution of the mitigation measures
Inverse problems associated with integrable equations of Camassa-Holm type; explicit formulas on the real axis, I
The inverse problem which arises in the Camassa--Holm equation is revisited
for the class of discrete densities. The method of solution relies on the use
of orthogonal polynomials. The explicit formulas are obtained directly from the
analysis on the real axis without any additional transformation to a "string"
type boundary value problem known from prior works
Insight into blood pressure targets for universal coverage of hypertension services in Iran: the 2017 ACC/AHA versus JNC 8 hypertension guidelines
BACKGROUND: We compared the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in Iran based on two hypertension guidelines; the 2017 ACC/AHA -with an aggressive blood pressure target of 130/80 mmHg- and the commonly used JNC8 guideline cut-off of 140/90 mmHg. We shed light on the implications of the 2017 ACC/AHA for population subgroups and high-risk individuals who were eligible for non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies. METHODS: Data was obtained from the Iran national STEPS 2016 study. Participants included 27,738 adults aged ≥25 years as a representative sample of Iranians. Regression models of survey design were used to examine the determinants of prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension based on JNC8 was 29.9% (95% CI: 29.2-30.6), which soared to 53.7% (52.9-54.4) based on the 2017 ACC/AHA. The percentage of awareness, treatment, and control were 59.2% (58.0-60.3), 80.2% (78.9-81.4), and 39.1% (37.4-40.7) based on JNC8, which dropped to 37.1% (36.2-38.0), 71.3% (69.9-72.7), and 19.6% (18.3-21.0), respectively, by applying the 2017 ACC/AHA. Based on the new guideline, adults aged 25-34 years had the largest increase in prevalence (from 7.3 to 30.7%). They also had the lowest awareness and treatment rate, contrary to the highest control rate (36.5%) between age groups. Compared with JNC8, based on the 2017 ACC/AHA, 24, 15, 17, and 11% more individuals with dyslipidaemia, high triglycerides, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease events, respectively, fell into the hypertensive category. Yet, based on the 2017 ACC/AHA, 68.2% of individuals falling into the hypertensive category were eligible for receiving pharmacologic therapy (versus 95.7% in JNC8). LDL cholesterol< 130 mg/dL, sufficient physical activity (Metabolic Equivalents≥600/week), and Body Mass Index were found to change blood pressure by - 3.56(- 4.38, - 2.74), - 2.04(- 2.58, - 1.50), and 0.48(0.42, 0.53) mmHg, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Switching from JNC8 to 2017 ACC/AHA sharply increased the prevalence and drastically decreased the awareness, treatment, and control in Iran. Based on the 2017 ACC/AHA, more young adults and those with chronic comorbidities fell into the hypertensive category; these individuals might benefit from earlier interventions such as lifestyle modifications. The low control rate among individuals receiving treatment warrants a critical review of hypertension services
Automatic reconstruction of the delivered dose of the day using MR-linac treatment log files and online MR imaging
Background and purpose Anatomical changes during external beam radiotherapy prevent the accurate delivery of the intended dose distribution. Resolving the delivered dose, which is currently unknown, is crucial to link radiotherapy doses to clinical outcomes and ultimately improve the standard of care. Material and methods In this study, we present a dose reconstruction workflow based on data routinely acquired during MR-guided radiotherapy. It employs 3D MR images, 2D cine MR images and treatment machine log files to calculate the delivered dose taking intrafractional motion into account. The developed pipeline was used to measure anatomical changes and assess their dosimetric impact in 89 prostate radiotherapy fractions delivered with a 1.5 T MR-linac at our institute. Results Over the course of radiation delivery, the CTV shifted 0.6 mm ± 2.1 mm posteriorly and 1.3 mm ± 1.5 mm inferiorly. When extrapolating the dose changes in each case to 20 fractions, the mean clinical target volume and clinical target volume dose-volume metrics decreased by 1.1 Gy ± 1.6 Gy and 0.1 Gy ± 0.2 Gy, respectively. Bladder did not change (0.0 Gy ± 1.2 Gy), while rectum decreased by 1.0 Gy ± 2.0 Gy. Although anatomical changes and their dosimetric impact were small in the majority of cases, large intrafractional motion caused the delivered dose to substantially deviate from the intended plan in some fractions. Conclusions The presented end-to-end workflow is able to reliably, non-invasively and automatically reconstruct the delivered prostate radiotherapy dose by processing MR-linac treatment log files and online MR images. In the future, we envision this workflow to be adapted to other cancer sites and ultimately to enter widespread clinical use
A Cross-Generational Study of Contraception and Reproductive Health Among Sudanese and Eritrean Women in Brisbane, Australia
This study conducted in Brisbane, Australia, was undertaken with a cross-section of Sudanese and Eritrean mothers and daughters. We explored and documented the women’s intergenerational experiences and knowledge of reproductive health and contraception. Underpinned by a qualitative approach, focus group discussions were undertaken along with key informant interviews with health and multicultural sector professionals. Through examination of knowledge shared, the analysis distilled key aspects of intergenerational fears, cultural safety, and health. Participants proposed recommendations on how refugee and migrant women in Australia and resettled countries globally can more effectively and holistically exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights
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