708 research outputs found

    Seizure outcome after switching antiepileptic drugs: A matched, prospective study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Outcomes after changing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have largely been studied in single cohort series. We recently reported the first study to examine this question in a controlled manner. Here we expand on these results by using a matched, prospective methodology applied to both uncontrolled and well-controlled patients taking any AED. METHODS: We reviewed all outpatient notes over a 9-month period and identified patients with focal epilepsy who were on monotherapy. We classified those who switched AEDs as case patients, with those remaining on the same drug serving as controls. We matched cases with controls for seizure status (seizure-free in the preceding 6 months or not), current AED, and number of failed AEDs. We subsequently assessed outcome 6 months later. RESULTS: Seizure-free patients who switched drug (n = 12) had a 16.7% rate of seizure recurrence at 6 months, compared to 2.8% among controls remaining on the same drug (n = 36, p = 0.11). There was a 37% remission rate among uncontrolled patients who switched drug compared to 55.6% among controls (n = 27 per group, p = 0.18). Uncontrolled patients who had previously tried more than one AED were somewhat less likely to enter remission (p = 0.057). Neither AED mechanism of action nor change in dosage impacted outcome. SIGNIFICANCE: Herein we provide further estimation of the modest risk (~14%) associated with switching AEDs in patients in remission compared to being maintained on the same regimen. Uncontrolled patients were no more likely to enter remission after a drug switch than they were after remaining on the same drug, suggesting that spontaneous changes in disease state, and not drug response, underlie remission in this population

    Long-term effect of antiepileptic drug switch on serum lipids and C-reactive protein.

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    BACKGROUND: Prior studies have shown that switching patients from inducing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) to lamotrigine, levetiracetam, or topiramate reduces serum lipids and C-reactive protein (CRP). These studies were all of short duration, and some drugs, such as zonisamide, have not been investigated. METHODS: We recruited 41 patients taking phenytoin or carbamazepine who were being switched to zonisamide, lamotrigine, or levetiracetam. We measured serum lipids and CRP before the switch, \u3e6weeks after, and \u3e6months after. An untreated control group (n=14) underwent similar measurement. We combined these data with those of our previous investigation (n=34 patients and 16 controls) of a very similar design. RESULTS: There were no differences in outcome measures between the two inducing AEDs nor among the three noninducing AEDs. Total cholesterol (TC), atherogenic lipids, and CRP were higher under inducer treatment than in controls. All measures were elevated under inducer treatment relative to noninducer treatment, including TC (24mg/dL higher, 95% CI: 17.5-29.9, p CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that switching from inducing to noninducing AEDs produces an enduring reduction in serum lipids and CRP. These results provide further evidence that inducing AEDs may be associated with elevated vascular disease risk. These are the first vascular risk marker data in patients taking zonisamide, which shows a profile similar to that of other noninducing AEDs

    Dietary Protein Deficiency and Mycobacterium Bovis BCG Affect Interleukin-2 Activity in Experimental Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Inbred strain 2 guinea pigs were vaccinated with Mycobacterium bovis BCG or were left unvaccinated. They were maintained for 6 weeks on defined, isocaloric diets containing either 30% (control animals) or 10% (animals receiving low protein) ovalbumin as the sole protein source. Animals were challenged by the respiratory route with a low dose of virulent M. tuberculosis H37Rv and killed 4 weeks later. Protein-malnourished animals were not protected by previous vaccination with BCG. Lymphocytes isolated from various tissues were tested in vitro for proliferative responses to mitogen (concanavalin A) and antigen (purified protein derivative [PPD]), production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), and response to exogenous recombinant IL-2 (rIL-2). Protein-malnourished guinea pigs responded only weakly to PPD skin tests, and their blood and lymph node lymphocytes exhibited impaired proliferation when cultured with PPD in vitro. IL-2 levels were consistently low in cultures of stimulated blood and spleen lymphocytes from protein-deprived animals. BCG vaccination of nutritionally normal guinea pigs, on the other hand, induced significantly more IL-2 production by PPD- and concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes. The addition of exogenous mouse rIL-2 (40 and 80 U/ml) in vitro to PPD-stimulated blood and lymph node cells from nonvaccinated, protein-deprived guinea pigs resulted in no improvement of the proliferative response. Previous vaccination of malnourished guinea pigs did not consistently enhance the response of PPD-stimulated lymphocytes to added rIL-2. Dietary protein deficiency and BCG vaccination appear to modulate antigen-driven cellular immunity in animals with tuberculosis by altering the production of, and the response to, IL-2 by PPD-stimulated lymphocytes

    Ruptured heterotopic pregnancy presenting as hemorrhagic shock

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    Background: Heterotopic pregnancy is a rare event consisting of simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies. If undiagnosed, it is probable the patient will present to an Emergency Department and require emergent care. Case Report: A 25 year-old woman arrived at the Emergency Department at 14 weeks gestation reporting sharp abdominal cramping and pelvic pain with a history of current tobacco use. Trans-abdominal ultrasound revealed a viable intrauterine pregnancy consistent with 14 weeks, closed cervix with free fluid noted in pelvis, and no evidence of ovarian torsion. Over the next three hours, the patient’s condition deteriorated and hemoglobin levels dropped. The surgeon on call was consulted and suspected ruptured hepatic adenoma versus hepatic hemangioma versus visceral aneurysm. A laparotomy was emergently performed with supraceliac control of aorta to permit resuscitation, and the right and left upper quadrants of the abdominal cavity were investigated without discovery of bleeding source. Further investigation revealed ruptured left tubal ectopic pregnancy and a partial salpingectomy was performed. Conclusions: This case serves as a clinical reminder that while heterotopic pregnancy is thought to be rare, when a patient presents with known intrauterine pregnancy and abdominal pain, heterotopic pregnancy should be included in the differential diagnosis. More common use of assisted reproductive technology may increase the incidence of heterotopic pregnancies, making familiarity with the signs, symptoms, and risk factors for this condition important

    Conversion from enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs to topiramate: effects on lipids and C-reactive protein.

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    PURPOSE: We previously demonstrated that converting patients from the enzyme-inducers phenytoin or carbamazepine to the non-inducers levetiracetam or lamotrigine reduces serum lipids and C-reactive protein (CRP). We sought to determine if the same changes would occur when patients were switched to topiramate, which has shown some evidence of enzyme induction at high doses. We also examined the effects of drug switch on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle concentration. METHODS: We converted 13 patients from phenytoin or carbamazepine monotherapy to topiramate monotherapy (most at doses of 100-150 mg/day). Fasting lipids, including LDL particle concentration, and CRP were obtained before and ≥6 weeks after the switch. A group of normal subjects had the same serial serologic measurements to serve as controls. RESULTS: Conversion from inducers to topiramate resulted in a -35 mg/dL decline in total cholesterol (p=0.033), with significant decreases in all cholesterol fractions, triglycerides, and LDL particle concentration (p≤0.03 for all), as well as a decrease of over 50% in serum CRP (p CONCLUSIONS: Changes seen when inducer-treated patients are converted to TPM closely mimic those seen when inducer-treated patients are converted to lamotrigine or levetiracetam. These findings provide evidence that CYP450 induction elevates CRP and serum lipids, including LDL particles, and that these effects are reversible upon deinduction. Low-dose TPM appears not to induce the enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis

    AR2, a novel automatic muscle artifact reduction software method for ictal EEG interpretation: Validation and comparison of performance with commercially available software.

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    Objective: To develop a novel software method (AR2) for reducing muscle contamination of ictal scalp electroencephalogram (EEG), and validate this method on the basis of its performance in comparison to a commercially available software method (AR1) to accurately depict seizure-onset location. Methods: A blinded investigation used 23 EEG recordings of seizures from 8 patients. Each recording was uninterpretable with digital filtering because of muscle artifact and processed using AR1 and AR2 and reviewed by 26 EEG specialists. EEG readers assessed seizure-onset time, lateralization, and region, and specified confidence for each determination. The two methods were validated on the basis of the number of readers able to render assignments, confidence, the intra-class correlation (ICC), and agreement with other clinical findings. Results: Among the 23 seizures, two-thirds of the readers were able to delineate seizure-onset time in 10 of 23 using AR1, and 15 of 23 using AR2 (

    Improved prime editors enable pathogenic allele correction and cancer modelling in adult mice [preprint]

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    Prime editors (PEs) mediate genome modification without utilizing double-stranded DNA breaks or exogenous donor DNA as a template. PEs facilitate nucleotide substitutions or local insertions or deletions within the genome based on the template sequence encoded within the prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA). However, the efficacy of prime editing in adult mice has not been established. Here we report an NLS-optimized SpCas9-based prime editor that improves genome editing efficiency in both fluorescent reporter cells and at endogenous loci in cultured cell lines. Using this genome modification system, we could also seed tumor formation through somatic cell editing in the adult mouse. Finally, we successfully utilize dual adeno-associated virus (AAVs) for the delivery of a split-intein prime editor and demonstrate that this system enables the correction of a pathogenic mutation in the mouse liver. Our findings further establish the broad potential of this new genome editing technology for the directed installation of sequence modifications in vivo, with important implications for disease modeling and correction
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