21 research outputs found

    Some Aspects of Wood Use in the Architecture of Lithuania in the Soviet Period

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    <p>The paper analyses wood use in a certain period of time. It is maintained that wood was used only for the smallest dwelling houses in the first decades of the soviet period. It is noted that, though until the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade there were many attempts to find coherence with traditional folk architecture, wood as a building material was practically replaced by other materials. However, at the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade worldwide ideas of regionalism „genius loci“ and modernism again encouraged the architects of Lithuania to use wood. Since that time the typology of wooden or partly wooden buildings and their geography expanded. <br />Although the soviet wooden architecture is spare, it is exclusive, interesting and important in the history of the Lithuanian architecture and demands more attention of researchers.</p><p>Article in Lithuanian</p

    Evoliution of castle palaces in Lithuanian renaissance / Pilių rūmų evoliucija Lietuvos renesanso laikotarpiu

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    The article author examines the problem of architecture history associated with the evolution of castle palaces in the current territory of Lithuania in the Lithuanian Renaissance period. The article is based on research papers thematically close to the publication, other literature and archive documents. After prehistory review of castle palaces at a theoretical level and clarifying the conditions for their occurrence, significant development trends of castle palaces during the Renaissance period in current Lithuania territory is revealed. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Italian, Flemish and Flanders Renaissance reached Lithuania and merged with the local tradition; in the light of the Lithuanian Renaissance castle palaces reached their prosperity period in Lithuania. Castle palaces were distinguished by the diversity of their structural and architectural forms, relatively meaningful connection between function and artistic expression and a sustainable link with the components of environment. Santrauka Nagrinėjama architektūros istorijos problema, susijusi su pilių rūmų evoliucija dabartinėje Lietuvos teritorijoje Lietuvos renesanso laikotarpiu. Remtasi darbo tematikai artima mokslinių publikacijų medžiaga ir kita literatūra, archyviniais dokumentais. Teoriniu lygmeniu apžvelgiant pilių rūmų priešistorę, ištyrus jų atsiradimo sąlygas, atskleidžiamos esminės pilių rūmų raidos tendencijos renesanso laikotarpiu dabartinėje Lietuvos teritorijoje. XVI amžiaus pradžioje italų, flamandų, Flandrijos renesansui pasiekus Lietuvą ir susiliejus su vietos lietuviškomis tradicijomis, lietuviškojo renesanso laikotarpiu pilių rūmai Lietuvoje pasiekė klestėjimo laikotarpį. Pilių rūmai pasižymėjo konstrukcijų, architektūros formų įvairumu, palyginti tikslinga funkcijos ir meninės išraiškos sąsaja, darnia jungtimi su aplinkos komponentais. Raktiniai žodžiai: pilies rūmai; paveldo apsauga; renesanso architektūra; Lietuvos architektūros istorij