24 research outputs found

    A study to evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module on partograph in terms of knowledge among the staff nurses working in selected maternity hospitals at Erode.

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    OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To assess the knowledge of staff nurses on Partograph before & after self- instructional module. 2. To compare mean pretest & mean post test knowledge scores on partograph among the samples. 3. To implement & evaluate the effectiveness of self- instructional module on Partograph among the staff nurses. 4. To find association between pretest level of knowledge on partograph among samples with selected demographic variables. 16 METHODOLOGY The research approach used for this study was quantitative approach and the research design was quasi- experimental design. 60 staff nurses were selected for this study by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected with the help of Self- administered questionnaire on partograph. Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (chi – square, paired “t” test) were used to analyze the data and to test hypothesis. RESULTS: Most of the samples (25%) were in the age group 21-25 years, 31.67% had completed B.Sc (N), 66.66% of samples were equally divided in the categories < 5 years and 11-15 years, 56.67% of them had not attended in- service programme on partograph. In the pretest on partograph, 33.3% of the staff nurses had inadequate knowledge, 60% of them had moderately adequate knowledge and 6.7% of them had adequate knowledge. In the posttest on partograph, 0% of the staff nurses had inadequate knowledge, 23.3% of them had moderately adequate knowledge and 76.7% of them had adequate knowledge. The difference between the overall pretest and posttest mean scores was 9.45, which revealed the effectiveness of the self- instructional module on partograph. Hence there was a significant increase in knowledge of the staff nurses regarding partograph after their exposure to the self- instructional module on partograph. There was significant association between the pretest knowledge of the staff nurses with the demographic variables namely educational qualification, years of experience and exposure to in- service education. There was no significant association between the pretest knowledge of the staff nurses with the demographic variable “age”. CONCLUSION: The study is based on the fact that “improving the professional competencies of the staff nurses by educating them about the current innovations is very essential”. This study could be considered as a part of continuing professional development of the staff nurses. Self- instructional module on partograph served that purpose and was effective in increasing the knowledge of staff nurses

    Socialization in Adults with Intellectual Disability: The Effects of Gender, Mental Illness, Setting Type, and Level of Intellectual Disability

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    Introduction The goal of this study was to examine socialization in adults with intellectual disability in relation to gender, level of intellectual disability, mental illness, and setting type. Methods The sample consisted of 120 participants (60 males and 60 females), aged between 20 and 56 years, divided into two groups: 1. participants with intellectual disability without the diagnosis of mental illness (ID only) and 2. participants with dual diagnosis (intellectual disability and mental illness). Socialization subscale from the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale was used for the assessment of socialization. Results Level of intellectual disability and mental illness had significant effects on socialization scores. In addition to this, interaction effect of gender and level of intellectual disability had a significant effect on socialization. Setting type did not have a significant effect on socialization. Conclusion These results can be very useful in identifying participants with intellectual disability who might need additional individualized support programs in the area of socialization.This is the peer‐reviewed version of the article: Djordjevic, M.; Glumbić, N.; Memisevic, H. Socialization in Adults with Intellectual Disability: The Effects of Gender, Mental Illness, Setting Type, and Level of Intellectual Disability. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2020, 13 (4), 364–383. [https://doi.org/10.1080/19315864.2020.1815914

    A tedious journey from being isolated to identified in Jaishree Misra’s ancient promises: A study

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    Jaishree Misra the profound Indian English Novelist, through her writings centres on the conditions and stipulations of the present day women. She encourages women to have their own life rather than being dependent, her writing exposes the key essence for an urge of identity. She started her writing career with a simple hand written note which she had presented to her husband, she wrote it in a motive to explain the past hurdles which she had experienced in her life. As the event had a personal touch she further elaborated and incorporated it into her debut novel namely Ancient Promises. The study focuses on this particular novel, were it revolves on the life of the major Protagonist Janaki. The incidents from her childhood to adulthood is well moulded were it travels from the pathetic state of innocence, heart break, sufferings and isolation.&nbsp

    Detection of cardamom mosaic virus-related sequences in plant genomes

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    369-371Cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV)-related sequences have been found in cardamom plant genome. Integrated DNA was sequenced and was found identical to the 3′ end of NIb, the RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene of CdMV. This is the first report on the integration of potyviral partial NIb sequence into a plant genome. These CdMV-related integrated DNA sequences were also detected in a few other plant genomes

    Estimation of Fano factor for oversquare HPGe detector

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    Fano factor is a quantity used to measure the departure of the observed variance in the number of charge carriers produced from that predicted using poison statistics. Fano factor varies with the detector type. In case of proportional counters and semiconductor detectors, it is substantially less than unity, whereas, for scintillator detectors, it would be unity. Even in case of semiconductor detectors, it varies with the type and the shape of the detector. Another source of fluctuations that gives the overall resolution of the detector is preamplifier noise. Oversquare coaxial HPGe detectors are a recent development in the field. Literature on the Fano factor of oversquare large volume coaxial detector is not available. In this work, the Fano factor and the electronic noise of an oversquare HPGe coaxial detector are estimated after optimizing the shaping parameters. The Fano factor for the oversquare HPGe detector is estimated as 0.1291 keV, which agrees with the ideal value of 0.13 by 99.98%. The preamplifier noise was found to be 0.048 keV which is 35% lesser than the reported value

    Detection of cardamom mosaic virus-related sequences in plant genomes.

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    Cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV)-related sequences have been found in cardamom plant genome. Integrated DNA was sequenced and was found identical to the 3′ end of NIb, the RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene of CdMV. This is the first report on the integration of potyviral partial NIb sequence into a plant genome. These CdMV-related integrated DNA sequences were also detected in a few other plant genomes.Cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV)-related sequences have been found in cardamom plant genome. Integrated DNA was sequenced and was found identical to the 3′ end of NIb, the RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene of CdMV. This is the first report on the integration of potyviral partial NIb sequence into a plant genome. These CdMV-related integrated DNA sequences were also detected in a few other plant genomes

    Efficient plant regeneration in small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) through somatic embryogenesis

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    407-409An efficient protocol for the induction of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) from the inner core region of rhizome has been established. Calli developed profusely on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 9.0 μM 2,4 D and 2.3 μM Kn. When the friable calli were cultured in MS medium containing 4.4 or 8.8 μM BAP + 0.5 μM NAA, abundant embryogenic calli were obtained. The highest frequency of embryogenic calli (68%) and plantlets (86%) were obtained from MS medium containing 4.4 μM BAP and 0.5 μM NAA. Further shoot development was observed with 13.2 μM BAP + 0.5 μM NAA. In the same medium, roots also appeared, thereby eliminating an additional step of in vitro rooting. The well-developed plants were hardened and transferred to a mist chamber in a greenhouse with 90% survival frequency

    Biomarkers as ecological indices in monitoring the status of market fish

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    Abstract Background Environmental contamination has become a major concern over the past few decades, drawing the attention of numerous researchers from both developed and developing nations. The aquatic system serves as the primary sink for the disposal of garbage, which has a negative impact on the aquatic environment and biota. The reality is that heavy metals cannot be totally removed from the ecosystem because they can bioaccumulate and grow in strength as they move up the food chain. Particularly heavy metals can build up in the tissues of aquatic animals, and as a result, tissue concentrations of heavy metals may be harmful to both human and animal health. Our study aimed to elucidate the possible use of biomarkers in monitoring and assessing the heavy metals contaminants among fresh water fish. Results From the present study, we conclude that glutathione peroxidase can be used as the bioindicator for nickel and iron contamination. Ultimately, these studies focus on measuring levels of pollution that may induce irreversible ecological changes to aquatic ecosystems. Till now the level of toxicity was moderate, and it was progressing toward the danger. Efforts can be made to control the activities that release pollutants unnaturally into the environment from both public and government so that the clean and clear environment can be maintained. Conclusions The work concludes that a multiparameter analysis is needed to assess and monitor the ecological status of the aquatic environment