686 research outputs found

    Impact of non-Poisson activity patterns on spreading processes

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    Halting a computer or biological virus outbreak requires a detailed understanding of the timing of the interactions between susceptible and infected individuals. While current spreading models assume that users interact uniformly in time, following a Poisson process, a series of recent measurements indicate that the inter-contact time distribution is heavy tailed, corresponding to a temporally inhomogeneous bursty contact process. Here we show that the non-Poisson nature of the contact dynamics results in prevalence decay times significantly larger than predicted by the standard Poisson process based models. Our predictions are in agreement with the detailed time resolved prevalence data of computer viruses, which, according to virus bulletins, show a decay time close to a year, in contrast with the one day decay predicted by the standard Poisson process based models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Urban Political Ecology of Post-industrial Scottish Towns: Examining Greengairs and Ravenscraig

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    Urban ecological politics is shaped by both moments of concerted action and more silent perceptions and responses. Instead of only being evident in situations of organised protest, the politics of urban ecology is also manifested, in material and symbolic terms, in the daily life of the residents. The fragmentation of urban political ecology turns out to be an important element in the affirmation of post-political forms of urban governance. Those issues were the object of fieldwork research carried out in Greengairs and Ravenscraig, two towns in North Lanarkshire, near Glasgow, with the goal of unravelling the understanding and the coping mechanisms of environmentally deprived residents. The towns are permeated by a widespread, often dissimulated, political ecology that is nonetheless always present. Empirical results demonstrate that a more comprehensive handling of the political ecology of the urban is crucial in order to halt the sources of marginalisation and ecological degradation

    Bimodal pumice populations in the 13.5 Ma Harsány ignimbrite, Bükkalja Volcanic Field, Northern Hungary: Syn-eruptive mingling of distinct rhyolitic magma batches?

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    Abstract The 13.5 Ma Harsány ignimbrite, in the eastern part of the Bükkalja volcanic field, eastern-central Europe, provides a rare example of mingled rhyolite. It consists of two distinct pumice populations (‘A’- and ‘B’-type) that can be recognized only by detailed geochemical work. The pumice and the host ignimbrite have a similar mineral assemblage involving quartz, plagioclase, biotite and sporadic Kfeldspar. Zircon, allanite, apatite and ilmenite occur as accessory minerals. The distinct pumice types are recognized by their different trace element compositions and the different CaO contents of their groundmass glasses. Plagioclase has an overlapping composition; however, biotite shows bimodal composition. Based on trace element and major element modeling, a derivation of ‘A’-type rhyolite magma from the ‘B’-type magma by fractional crystallization is excluded. Thus, the two pumice types represent two isolated rhyolite magma batches, possibly residing in the same crystal mush. Coeval remobilization of the felsic magmas might be initiated by intrusion of hot basaltic magma into the silicic magma reservoir The rapid ascent of the foaming rhyolite magmas enabled only a short-lived interaction and thus, a syn-eruptive mingling between the two magma batches

    Актуальні проблеми застосування державних соціальних стандартів та гарантій в Україні

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    The 16.4Ma old Bogács Ignimbrite, located south of the Bükk Mountains, northern Hungary, was formed during a silicic ignimbrite flare-up in the Pannonian Basin that occurred from 20Ma to 13Ma. It comprises two main units, a lower, variably welded pumiceous and an upper, scoriaceous pyroclastic flow unit. Bulk chemistry of the juvenile clasts indicates a gradual change of geochemical character with an upward decreasing SiO 2 content through the stratigraphic section. A detailed in-situ major and trace element investigation of the main mineral phases and glasses combined with petrogenetic model calculations reveals complex magma reservoir processes. Based on the major and trace element variability, six juvenile clast types were distinguished and each contain fresh glass fractions with distinct compositions. The mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, biotite with minor and variable amounts of quartz, amphibole, ilmenite, zircon and allanite. The anorthite content of the plagioclases varies from 20 to 90mol%, whilst the Enstatite content of orthopyroxenes covers also a wide range from 40 to 90mol%. This large compositional variation can be detected even in single crystals. This extreme geochemical variability can be explained by mixing of crystal mush bodies evolved from both basaltic and more silicic magmas. The calcic plagioclases (An=80-90mol%) and magnesian orthopyroxenes (En=70-90mol%) clearly indicate the role of primitive mafic magmas in the growth of the silicic magma reservoir, even though no basaltic volcanic activity was associated with the Miocene silicic volcanism in the Pannonian basin. The prolonged crystallization in the mushy sills resulted in compositionally different residual melt fractions that moved upwards and accumulated in separated melt pods at the roof of the magma reservoir. Intermittent intrusions of mafic and intermediate magmas into this silicic magma system could have resulted in thorough stirring of the crystal mush bodies and the melt pods, leading to eruptive products having compositionally heterogeneous glass and mineral assemblage

    Structure and photo-induced volume changes of obliquely deposited amorphous selenium

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    Atomic scale computer simulations on structures and photo induced volume changes of flatly and obliquely deposited amorphous selenium films have been carried out in order to understand how the properties of chalcogenide glasses are influenced by their preparation method. Obliquely deposited a-Se thin films contain more coordination defects, larger voids than the flatly deposited ones. To model the photo induced volume changes the electron excitation and hole creation were treated independently within the framework of tight-binding formalism. Covalent and interchain bond breakings and formations were found. The obliquely deposited samples containing voids showed a wide spectrum of photo induced structural changes in microscopic and volume changes in macroscopic levels.Comment: 14 page

    Bounded and unitary elements in pro-C^*-algebras

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    A pro-C^*-algebra is a (projective) limit of C^*-algebras in the category of topological *-algebras. From the perspective of non-commutative geometry, pro-C^*-algebras can be seen as non-commutative k-spaces. An element of a pro-C^*-algebra is bounded if there is a uniform bound for the norm of its images under any continuous *-homomorphism into a C^*-algebra. The *-subalgebra consisting of the bounded elements turns out to be a C^*-algebra. In this paper, we investigate pro-C^*-algebras from a categorical point of view. We study the functor (-)_b that assigns to a pro-C^*-algebra the C^*-algebra of its bounded elements, which is the dual of the Stone-\v{C}ech-compactification. We show that (-)_b is a coreflector, and it preserves exact sequences. A generalization of the Gelfand-duality for commutative unital pro-C^*-algebras is also presented.Comment: v2 (accepted

    The static spherically symmetric body in relativistic elasticity

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    In this paper is discussed a class of static spherically symmetric solutions of the general relativistic elasticity equations. The main point of discussion is the comparison of two matter models given in terms of their stored energy functionals, i.e., the rule which gives the amount of energy stored in the system when it is deformed. Both functionals mimic (and for small deformations approximate) the classical Kirchhoff-St.Venant materials but differ in the strain variable used. We discuss the behavior of the systems for large deformations.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure