244 research outputs found

    Participatory plant breeding: a way to arrive at better-adapted onion varieties

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    The search for varieties that are better adapted to organic farming is a current topic in the organic sector. Breeding programmes specific for organic agriculture should solve this problem. Collaborating with organic farmers in such programmes, particularly in the selection process, can potentially result in varieties better adapted to their needs. Here, we assume that organic farmers' perceptive of plant health is broader than that of conventional breeders. Two organic onion farmers and one conventional onion breeder were monitored in their selection activities in 2004 and 2005 in order to verify whether and in which way this broader view on plant health contributes to improvement of organic varieties. They made selections by positive mass selection in three segregating populations under organic conditions. The monitoring showed that the organic farmers selected in the field for earliness and downy mildew and after storage for bulb characteristics. The conventional breeder selected only after storage. Farmers and breeder applied identical selection directions for bulb traits as a round shape, better hardness and skin firmness. This resulted in smaller bulbs in the breeders’ populations, while the bulbs in the farmer populations were bigger than in the original population. In 2006 and 2007 the new onion populations will be compared with each other and the original populations to determine the selection response

    The organic seed regulations framework in Europe – current status and recommendations for future development

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    Organic agriculture regulations, in particular European regulation EC 889/2008, prescribe the use of organically produced seed. For many cultivated plants, however, organic seed is often not available. This is mainly because investment in organic plant breeding and seed production has been low in the past. To bridge the gap between organic seed supply and demand, national and European regulations define certain circumstances under which organic producers are permitted to use non-organically produced seed. While the organic sector currently depends on these concessions, they also threaten to impede a further increase in the demand for organic seed, thereby potentially restraining present and future investment in organic seed production and plant breeding. We review the current status of the organic seed regulations framework by analysing key issues such as the role of the national derogation regimes, the role of expert groups, databases and seed prices. Key points are that (a) the situation of the organic seed sector has improved over the last few years; however, (b) reporting on organic seed to the EU by different countries needs to be harmonised; (c) the success of the organic seed sector depends critically on the implementation and improvement of national expert groups; and (d) to protect genetic diversity, the use of local varieties and landraces should not be impeded by organic seed regulations

    Broccoli cultivar performance under organic and conventional management systems and implications for crop improvement

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    To determine if present commercial broccoli cultivars meet the diverse needs of organic management systems, such as adaptation to low N input, mechanical weed management, and no chemical pesticide use, and to propose the selection environments for crop improvement for organic production, we compared horticultural trait performance of 23 broccoli cultivars (G) under two management (M) systems (organic and conventional) in two regions of the United States (Oregon and Maine), including spring and fall trials. In our trials, location and season had the largest effect on broccoli head weight, with Oregon outperforming Maine, and fall trials outperforming spring plantings. M main effects and G × M interactions were often small, but G × M × E (location and season) were large. Cultivars with both greater head weight and stability under conventional conditions generally had high head weight and stability under organic growing conditions, although there were exceptions in cultivar rank between management systems. Larger genotypic variances and somewhat increased error variances observed in organic compared with conventional management systems led to repeatability for head weight and other horticultural traits that were similar or even higher in organic compared with conventional conditions. The ratio of correlated response (predicting performance under organic conditions when evaluated in conventional conditions) to direct response (predicted performance in organic when evaluated under organic conditions) for all traits was close to but less than 1.0 with the exception of bead uniformity. This would imply that in most cases, direct selection in an organic environment could result in a more rapid genetic gain than indirect selection in a conventional environment

    Variation in Broccoli Cultivar Phytochemical Content under Organic and Conventional Management Systems: Implications in Breeding for Nutrition

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    Organic agriculture requires cultivars that can adapt to organic crop management systems without the use of synthetic pesticides as well as genotypes with improved nutritional value. The aim of this study encompassing 16 experiments was to compare 23 broccoli cultivars for the content of phytochemicals associated with health promotion grown under organic and conventional management in spring and fall plantings in two broccoli growing regions in the US (Oregon and Maine). The phytochemicals quantified included: glucosinolates (glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, neoglucobrassin), tocopherols (d-, c-, a-tocopherol) and carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, b-carotene). For glucoraphanin (17.5%) and lutein (13%), genotype was the major source of total variation; for glucobrassicin, region (36%) and the interaction of location and season (27.5%); and for neoglucobrassicin, both genotype (36.8%) and its interactions (34.4%) with season were important. For d- and ctocopherols, season played the largest role in the total variation followed by location and genotype; for total carotenoids, genotype (8.41–13.03%) was the largest source of variation and its interactions with location and season. Overall, phytochemicals were not significantly influenced by management system. We observed that the cultivars with the highest concentrations of glucoraphanin had the lowest for glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin. The genotypes with high concentrations of glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin were the same cultivars and were early maturing F1 hybrids. Cultivars highest in tocopherols and carotenoids were open pollinated or early maturing F1 hybrids. We identified distinct locations and seasons where phytochemical performance was higher for each compound. Correlations among horticulture traits and phytochemicals demonstrated that glucoraphanin was negatively correlated with the carotenoids and the carotenoids were correlated with one another. Little or no association between phytochemical concentration and date of cultivar release was observed, suggesting that modern breeding has not negatively influenced the level of tested compounds. We found no significant differences among cultivars from different seed companies

    Urinary Properdin and sC5b-9 Are Independently Associated With Increased Risk for Graft Failure in Renal Transplant Recipients

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    The pathophysiology of late kidney-allograft failure remains complex and poorly understood. Activation of filtered or locally produced complement may contribute to the progression of renal failure through tubular C5b-9 formation. This study aimed to determine urinary properdin and sC5b-9 excretion and assess their association with long-term outcome in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Methods: We measured urinary properdin and soluble C5b-9 in a well-defined cross-sectional cohort of RTR. Urinary specimens were taken from a morning urine portion, and properdin and sC5b-9 were measured using an enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cox proportional hazard regression analyses were used to investigate prospective associations with death-censored graft failure. Results: We included 639 stable RTR at a median [interquartile range] 5.3 (1.8-12.2) years after transplantation. Urinary properdin and sC5b-9 excretion were detectable in 161 (27%) and 102 (17%) RTR, respectively, with a median properdin level of 27.6 (8.6-68.1) ng/mL and a median sC5b-9 level of 5.1 (2.8-12.8) ng/mL. In multivariable-adjusted Cox regression analyses, including adjustment for proteinuria, urinary properdin (HR, 1.12; 95% CI 1.02-1.28; P = 0.008) and sC5b-9 excretion (HR, 1.34; 95% CI 1.10-1.63; P = 0.003) were associated with an increased risk of graft failure. If both urinary properdin and sC5b-9 were detectable, the risk of graft failure was further increased (HR, 3.12; 95% CI 1.69-5.77; P < 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings point toward a potential role for urinary complement activation in the pathogenesis of chronic allograft failure. Urinary properdin and sC5b-9 might be useful biomarkers for complement activation and chronic kidney allograft deterioration, suggesting a potential role for an alternative pathway blockade in RTR

    Renal Endothelial Cytotoxicity Assay to Diagnose and Monitor Renal Transplant Recipients for Anti-Endothelial Antibodies

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    Tissue-specific nonhuman leukocyte antigen (HLA) antigens can play crucial roles in allograft immunity and have been shown to trigger humoral responses leading to rejection of HLA-matched kidney allografts. Interest in the role of endothelial-specific antigens has grown over the past years, and several case reports have been described in which antibodies reacting with endothelial cells (ECs) are associated with rejection. Such antibodies escape the detection in conventional crossmatch tests as they do not react with lymphocytes. However, due to the heterogeneity of endothelial cells from different vascular beds, it remains difficult to draw organ-specific conclusions from studies describing endothelial crossmatch assays. We present a case of a 69-year-old male patient whose kidney allograft was rejected as hyperacute, despite the absence of pretransplant HLA-specific antibodies. To place findings from previous studies in a kidney-related context, we performed crossmatch assays with primary renal endothelial cells. The patient's serum was reactive with primary renal ECs, demonstrated by antibody binding and complement-dependent cytotoxicity. Antibodies from this patient did not react with lymphocytes nor were HLA donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) found. Two years later, the patient successfully received a second kidney transplant after treatment with rituximab and plasmapheresis before and after transplantation. We demonstrated that the removal of antibodies against non-HLA EC-specific molecules can be monitored using a primary renal EC crossmatch test, possibly contributing to a successful transplantation outcome

    Functional Interactions between KCNE1 C-Terminus and the KCNQ1 Channel

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    The KCNE1 gene product (minK protein) associates with the cardiac KvLQT1 potassium channel (encoded by KCNQ1) to create the cardiac slowly activating delayed rectifier, IKs. Mutations throughout both genes are linked to the hereditary cardiac arrhythmias in the Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). KCNE1 exerts its specific regulation of KCNQ1 activation via interactions between membrane-spanning segments of the two proteins. Less detailed attention has been focused on the role of the KCNE1 C-terminus in regulating channel behavior. We analyzed the effects of an LQT5 point mutation (D76N) and the truncation of the entire C-terminus (Δ70) on channel regulation, assembly and interaction. Both mutations significantly shifted voltage dependence of activation in the depolarizing direction and decreased IKs current density. They also accelerated rates of channel deactivation but notably, did not affect activation kinetics. Truncation of the C-terminus reduced the apparent affinity of KCNE1 for KCNQ1, resulting in impaired channel formation and presentation of KCNQ1/KCNE1 complexes to the surface. Complete saturation of KCNQ1 channels with KCNE1-Δ70 could be achieved by relative over-expression of the KCNE subunit. Rate-dependent facilitation of K+ conductance, a key property of IKs that enables action potential shortening at higher heart rates, was defective for both KCNE1 C-terminal mutations, and may contribute to the clinical phenotype of arrhythmias triggered by heart rate elevations during exercise in LQTS mutations. These results support several roles for KCNE1 C-terminus interaction with KCNQ1: regulation of channel assembly, open-state destabilization, and kinetics of channel deactivation

    Machine-perfused donor kidneys as a source of human renal endothelial cells

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    Renal endothelial cells (ECs) play crucial roles in vasorelaxation, ultrafiltration, and selective transport of electrolytes and water, but also in leakage of the glomerular filtration barrier and inflammatory processes like complement activation and leukocyte recruitment. In addition, they are target cells for both cellular and antibody-mediated rejection in the transplanted kidney. To study the molecular and cellular processes underlying EC behavior in renal disease, well-characterized primary renal ECs are indispensible. In this report, we describe a straightforward procedure to isolate ECs from the perfusion fluid of human donor kidneys by a combination of negative selection of monocytes/macrophages, positive selection by CD31 Dynabeads, and propagation in endothelium-specific culture medium. Thus, we isolated and propagated renal ECs from 102 donor kidneys, representative of all blood groups and major human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II antigens. The obtained ECs were positive for CD31 and von Willebrand factor, expressed other endothelial markers such as CD34, VEGF receptor-2, TIE2, and plasmalemmal vesicle associated protein-1 to a variable extent, and were negative for the monocyte marker CD14 and lymphatic endothelial marker podoplanin. HLA class II was either constitutively expressed or could be induced by interferon-y. Furthermore, as a proof of principle, we showed the diagnostic value of this renal endothelial biobank in renal endothelium-specific cross-matching tests for HLA antibodies. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We describe a new and widely accessible approach to obtain human primary renal endothelial cells in a \standardized fashion, by isolating from the perfusate of machine-perfused donor kidneys. Characterization of the cells showed a mixed population originating from different compartments of the kidney. As a proof of principle, we demonstrated a possible diagnostic application in an endothelium-specific cross-match. Next to transplantation, we foresee further applications in the field renal endothelial research
