1,265 research outputs found

    Trident pair production in strong laser pulses

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    We calculate the trident pair production amplitude in a strong laser background. We allow for finite pulse duration, while still treating the laser fields nonperturbatively in strong-field QED. Our approach reveals explicitly the individual contributions of the one-step and two-step processes. We also expose the role gauge invariance plays in the amplitudes and discuss the relation between our results and the optical theorem.Comment: 4 pages, 1 .eps figure. Version 2: reference added, published versio

    Master equation approach to friction at the mesoscale

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    At the mesoscale friction occurs through the breaking and formation of local contacts. This is often described by the earthquake-like model which requires numerical studies. We show that this phenomenon can also be described by a master equation, which can be solved analytically in some cases and provides an efficient numerical solution for more general cases. We examine the effect of temperature and aging of the contacts and discuss the statistical properties of the contacts for different situations of friction and their implications, particularly regarding the existence of stick-slip.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Energy Anomaly and Polarizability of Carbon Nanotubes

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    The energy of electron Fermi sea perturbed by external potential, represented as energy anomaly which accounts for the contribution of the deep-lying states, is analyzed for massive d = 1+1 Dirac fermions on a circle. The anomaly is a universal function of the applied field, and is related to known field-theoretic anomalies. We express transverse polarizability of Carbon nanotubes via the anomaly, in a way which exhibits the universality and scale-invariance of the response dominated by pi-electrons and qualitatively different from that of dielectric and conducting shells. Electron band transformation in a strong-field effect regime is predicted.Comment: 4 pg

    Quarkonium formation in statistical and kinetic models

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    I review the present status of two related models addressing scenarios in which the formation of heavy quarkonium states in high energy heavy ion collisions proceed via "off-diagonal" combinations of a quark and an antiquark. The physical process involved belongs to a general class of quark "recombination", although technically the recombining quarks here were never previously bound in a quarkonium state. Features of these processes relevant as a signature of color deconfinement are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, based on invited plenary talk at Hard Probes 2004, Ericeira, Portugal, November 3-11, 2004, to appear in the proceeding

    Quantizing Majorana Fermions in a Superconductor

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    A Dirac-type matrix equation governs surface excitations in a topological insulator in contact with an s-wave superconductor. The order parameter can be homogenous or vortex valued. In the homogenous case a winding number can be defined whose non-vanishing value signals topological effects. A vortex leads to a static, isolated, zero energy solution. Its mode function is real, and has been called "Majorana." Here we demonstrate that the reality/Majorana feature is not confined to the zero energy mode, but characterizes the full quantum field. In a four-component description a change of basis for the relevant matrices renders the Hamiltonian imaginary and the full, space-time dependent field is real, as is the case for the relativistic Majorana equation in the Majorana matrix representation. More broadly, we show that the Majorana quantization procedure is generic to superconductors, with or without the Dirac structure, and follows from the constraints of fermionic statistics on the symmetries of Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonians. The Hamiltonian can always be brought to an imaginary form, leading to equations of motion that are real with quantized real field solutions. Also we examine the Fock space realization of the zero mode algebra for the Dirac-type systems. We show that a two-dimensional representation is natural, in which fermion parity is preserved.Comment: 26 pages, no figure

    BRST Hamiltonian for Bulk-Quantized Gauge Theory

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    By treating the bulk-quantized Yang-Mills theory as a constrained system we obtain a consistent gauge-fixed BRST hamiltonian in the minimal sector. This provides an independent derivation of the 5-d lagrangian bulk action. The ground state is independent of the (anti)ghosts and is interpreted as the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation, thus establishing a direct connection to the Fokker-Planck hamiltonian. The vacuum state correlators are shown to be in agreement with correlators in lagrangian 5-d formulation. It is verified that the complete propagators remain parabolic in one-loop dimensional regularization.Comment: 23 pages, AMS-LaTeX, 1 feynmf diagram, added 2 refs email addres

    From Dimensional Reduction of 4d Spin Foam Model to Adding Non-Gravitational Fields to 3d Spin Foam Model

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    A Kaluza-Klein like approach for a 4d spin foam model is considered. By applying this approach to a model based on group field theory in 4d (TOCY model), and using the Peter-Weyl expansion of the gravitational field, reconstruction of new non gravitational fields and interactions in the action are found. The perturbative expansion of the partition function produces graphs colored with su(2) algebraic data, from which one can reconstruct a 3d simplicial complex representing space-time and its geometry; (like in the Ponzano-Regge formulation of pure 3d quantum gravity), as well as the Feynman graph for typical matter fields. Thus a mechanism for generation of matter and construction of new dimensions are found from pure gravity.Comment: 11 pages, no figure, to be published in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    Canonical analysis of the BCEA topological matter model coupled to gravitation in (2+1) dimensions

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    We consider a topological field theory derived from the Chern - Simons action in (2+1) dimensions with the I(ISO(2,1)) group,and we investigate in detail the canonical structure of this theory.Originally developed as a topological theory of Einstein gravity minimally coupled to topological matter fields in (2+1) dimensions, it admits a BTZ black-hole solutions, and can be generalized to arbitrary dimensions.In this paper, we further study the canonical structure of the theory in (2+1) dimensions, by identifying all the distinct gauge equivalence classes of solutions as they result from holonomy considerations. The equivalence classes are discussed in detail, and examples of solutions representative of each class are constructed or identified.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Effects of technicolor on standard model running couplings

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    We discuss the running couplings in the standard model, SU(3)C×)_C \times SU(2)L×)_L \times U(1)Y)_Y, when the Higgs sector is replaced by SU(NTC)N_{TC}) technicolor. Particular attention is given to the running of the couplings at momentum scales where technicolor is nonperturbative, and in this region we apply a relativistic constituent technifermion model. This model has been tested against the known running of the QED coupling due to nonperturbative QCD. An understanding of this low momentum running allows the calculation of the couplings at a higher scale, Λpert\Lambda_{pert}, where technicolor becomes perturbative. We provide numerical values for the changes in the three standard model couplings between mZm_Z and Λpert\Lambda_{pert} due to technicolor, assuming separately ``one doublet'' and ``one family'' technicolor models. The distinction between a running and walking technicolor coupling is also considered.Comment: 14 pages of LaTeX, UTPT-94-

    Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories in Trapped Ions

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    We propose the quantum simulation of a fermion and an antifermion field modes interacting via a bosonic field mode, and present a possible implementation with two trapped ions. This quantum platform allows for the scalable add-up of bosonic and fermionic modes, and represents an avenue towards quantum simulations of quantum field theories in perturbative and nonperturbative regimes.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter
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