11,139 research outputs found

    A 5-Dimensional Spherical Symmetric Solution in Einstein-Yang-Mills Theory With Gauss-Bonnet Term

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    We present a numerical solution on a 5-dimensional spherically symmetric space time, in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory using a two point boundary value routine. It turns out that the Gauss-Bonnet contribution has a profound influence on the behaviour of the particle-like solution: it increases the number of nodes of the YM field. When a negative cosmological constant in incorporated in the model, it turns out that there is no horizon and no singular behaviour of the model. For positive cosmological constant the model has singular behaviour.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    "Public Employment and Women: The Impact of Argentina’s Jefes Program on Female Heads of Poor Households"

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    In 2002, Argentina implemented a large-scale public employment program to deal with the latest economic crisis and the ensuing massive unemployment and poverty. The program, known as Plan Jefes, offered part-time work for unemployed heads of households, and yet more than 70 percent of the people who turned up for work were women. The present paper evaluates the operation of this program, its macroeconomic effects, and its impact on program participants. We report findings from our 2005 meetings with policymakers and visits to different project sites. We find that Jefes addresses many important community problems, is well received by participants, and serves the needs of women particularly well. Some of the benefits women report are working in mother-friendly jobs, getting needed training and education, helping the community, and finding dignity and empowerment through work.

    Spectrum of TeV Particles in Warped Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    In warped supersymmetric grand unification, XY gauge particles appear near the TeV scale along with Kaluza-Klein towers of the standard model gauge fields. In spite of this exotic low-energy physics, MSSM gauge coupling unification is preserved and proton decay is naturally suppressed. In this paper we study in detail the low-lying mass spectrum of superparticles and GUT particles in this theory, taking supersymmetry breaking to be localized to the TeV brane. The masses of the MSSM particles, Kaluza-Klein modes, and XY states are all determined by two parameters, one which fixes the strength of the supersymmetry breaking and the other which sets the scale of the infrared brane. A particularly interesting result is that for relatively strong supersymmetry breaking, the XY gauginos and the lowest Kaluza-Klein excitations of the MSSM gauginos may both lie within reach of the LHC, providing the possibility that the underlying unified gauge symmetry and the enhanced N=2 supersymmetry of the theory will both be revealed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Shadows of the Planck Scale: The Changing Face of Compactification Geometry

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    By studying the effects of the shape moduli associated with toroidal compactifications, we demonstrate that Planck-sized extra dimensions can cast significant ``shadows'' over low-energy physics. These shadows can greatly distort our perceptions of the compactification geometry associated with large extra dimensions, and place a fundamental limit on our ability to probe the geometry of compactification simply by measuring Kaluza-Klein states. We also discuss the interpretation of compactification radii and hierarchies in the context of geometries with non-trivial shape moduli. One of the main results of this paper is that compactification geometry is effectively renormalized as a function of energy scale, with ``renormalization group equations'' describing the ``flow'' of geometric parameters such as compactification radii and shape angles as functions of energy.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Quasi-Localization of Gravity by Resonant Modes

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    We examine the behaviour of gravity in brane theories with extra dimensions in a non-factorizable geometry. We find that for metrics which are asymptotically flat far from the brane there is a resonant graviton mode at zero energy. The presence of this resonance ensures quasi-localization of gravity, whereby at intermediate scales the gravitational laws on the brane are approximately four dimensional. However, for scales larger than the lifetime of the graviton resonance the five dimensional laws of gravity will be reproduced due to the decay of the four dimensional graviton. We also present a simple classification of the possible types of effective gravity theories on the brane that can appear for general non-factorizable background theories.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures included. Requires JHEP.cls. Typos fixed, note and references added. Added expression for width of resonanc

    Gauge Theories in AdS5AdS_5 and Fine-Lattice Deconstruction

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    The logarithmic energy dependence of gauge couplings in AdS_5 emerges almost automatically when the theory is deconstructed on a coarse lattice. Here we study the theory away from the coarse-lattice limit. While we cannot analytically calculate individual KK masses for a fine lattice, we can calculate the product of all non-zero masses. This allows us to write down the gauge coupling at low energies for any lattice-spacing and curvature. As expected, the leading log behaviour is corrected by power-law contributions, suppressed by the curvature. We then turn to intermediate energies, and discuss the gauge coupling and the gauge boson profile in perturbation theory around the coarse-lattice limit.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, typos in listing version of abstract correcte

    Iodine sorption study on the proposed use of Viton A in a shuttle galley water accumulator

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    The installation of a Viton A accumulator in the Shuttle galley has been proposed to prevent overpressurization of the hot water supply system. A laboratory study has been conducted to determine if there would be any interaction between the Viton A material and the iodine used to disinfect the water. Coupons of Viton A were exposed for 24 hours to aqueous iodine solutions similar in quality to the Shuttle's potable water. Changes in the iodine residual were monitored to determine the rate of iodine sorption by the coupon. Total organic carbon (TOC) was monitored to determine the rate of desorption of organic materials from the Viton A. The same coupons were then soaked in reagent-grade water for 24 hours, and iodine was monitored to determine the rate of iodine desorption. The coupons were again exposed to iodine solutions for 24 hours and iodine and TOC were monitored. No significant change in the iodine sorption rate was detected between the first and second exposures. A triangle taste test indicated at a 1 percent confidence level that the water exposed to Viton A had a different taste which was less acceptable to the panelists

    Current and future graphics requirements for LaRC and proposed future graphics system

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    The findings of an investigation to assess the current and future graphics requirements of the LaRC researchers with respect to both hardware and software are presented. A graphics system designed to meet these requirements is proposed

    Brane in 6D with increasing gravitational trapping potential

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    A new solution to Einstein equations in (1+5)-spacetime with an embedded (1+3) brane is given. This solution localizes the zero modes of all kinds of matter fields and 4-gravity on the (1+3) brane by an increasing, transverse gravitational potential. This localization occurs despite the fact that the gravitational potential is not a decreasing exponential, and asymptotically approaches a finite value rather than zero.Comment: Revised paper. 6 pages, revtex 4. to be published in PR
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