1,289 research outputs found

    Reckoning of the Divided Self

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    Using a personal narrative, this article describes a clinician\u27s journey through a peer-review process after committing a medical error. It strives to identify the limitations of a system that is created to identify medical errors without prioritizing clinician-well being and concludes that a culture of safety needs to acknowledge the humanity and inevitable fallibility of medical providers

    Career development of women in the hotel industry: An Overview

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    This paper focuses on factors affecting career progression of women in the hotel industry as discussed by researchers in different geographical locations in the world and to investigate whether women are indeed blocked in the process of advancing in their career. It is also focused to explore the mechanism adopted by the hospitality companies to mitigate the issue related to women’s career progression. An in-depth study was carried to by reviewing twenty-two articles related to the hotel industry and twenty-eight articles related to hospitality industry. It was revealed that specific factors are common to the industry irrespective of the geographical locations such as networking, gender discrimination, segregation, long and irregular working hours and work and family balance. However, factors like cultural barriers, taking risks on non-linear assignments and significance of finding a sponsor were limited to individual countries. Irrespective of the economic and social developments of the countries concerned covering America, Europe, Australia, Africa, Middle Eastern countries, Far East Asia and South Asian regions, the issue of lack of women leaders in the hotel industry has been a significant issue. The Glass ceiling effect on career development for women was widely discussed and confirmed the existence in many countries irrespective of legal frameworks of equal opportunities. Few uncommon issues were also publicised in the study in the USA commenting few challenges and barriers such as the importance of having a sponsor, making lateral moves with new opportunities and being a ‘”token” in a male-dominated executive table

    Dynamics of spray - swirl - acoustics interactions

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    Combustors with fuel-spray atomizers are particularly susceptible to pressure or velocity oscillations resulting from the occurrence of thermoacoustic oscillations. Experimental investigations of distilled water spray – swirl – acoustic interactions are presented. The presence of a swirl flow field alters the behavior of water spray drastically. Investigations showed complex behavior of water sprays in an acoustic cycle. In the presence of acoustic oscillations the phase averaged droplet diameter variation with in an acoustic cycle is more at the axial locations compared with off axis locations. The phase averaged axial velocity variation of the droplets is high compared to that of phase averaged radial and tangential velocities with in an acoustic cycle. Periodic clustering of droplets in the spray field is observed in the presence of acoustic field. A maximum particle count of 14 times the minimum count in a phase angle bin is observed within an acoustic cycle for the acoustic pressure amplitude of 3000 Pa. The droplet diameter distribution in the spray field is affected in the presence of acoustic oscillations

    Comparison of dosimetry in head and neck cancer patients treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy and helical tomotherapy

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    Background: This study was conducted to compare dosimetric parameters and dose to specific organs at risk (spinal cord and parotids) between intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and helical tomotherapy (HT) in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC).Methods: Thirty patients with histologically proven HNSCC were treated with chemo radiotherapy, to a dose of 60-70 Gray in 30-35 fractions. This study consists of two arms; IMRT arm and tomotherapy arm. Fifteen consecutive patients treated under IMRT and 15 patients were treated under helical tomotherapy, along with concurrent chemotherapy. PTV1 encompasses low risk planning target volume (PTV) which receives 50 Gy; PTV2 encompasses intermediate risk PTV which receives 54-60 Gy and PTV3 encompasses high risk PTV which receives 66-70 Gy. After completion of planning, dose to the organs at risk (OARs) and targets, homogeneity index and conformity index were evaluated, and tabulated.Results: On evaluation of plans we found that V95% in PTV1, PTV2 and PTV3 were 91.82%, 96.85% and 90.67% respectively for IMRT and 99.25%, 99.68% and 99.73% respectively for tomotherapy. For PTV3, V110% was 0.11% for IMRT and 0.01% for tomotherapy. Homogeneity index in IMRT arm was 0.285 and it was 0.206 in tomotherapy arm. Conformity index was found to be 1.04 for IMRT plans and 1.06 for tomotherapy plans. When mean dose to contra lateral parotids was evaluated, it was 26.91 Gy in IMRT arm and 25.97 Gy in tomotherapy arm. Max dose to spinal cord was better in tomotherapy (43.07 Gy in IMRT and 34.41 Gy in tomotherapy).Conclusions: There was statistically significant reduction in spinal cord maximum dose and point doses in tomotherapy plans compared to IMRT plans. The decrease in spinal cord dose can increase the tolerance reserve which can be useful in dose escalation or re-irradiation if required. There was also decrease in contra lateral parotid doses (not statistically significant). There was significant improvement in V95% in tomotherapy arm compared to IMRT arm, indicating the significantly superior coverage of target volumes in helical tomotherapy plans compared to IMRT plans. V110% (hot spots) inside the target was very minimal in tomotherapy arm compared to IMRT arm. Conformity index, homogeneity index between two arms were comparable

    Modulation Signal Chain for a 5G PDSCH Reciever

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    LTE (Long Term Evolution), marketed as 5G LTE, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. It increases the system capacity and speed. The standard is developed by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). The scrambling and modulation was implemented using hardware and software methods. The using of scrambling and modulation mapping with help of constellation method is used. Constellation method is easily differentiating the real and imaginary terms of the modulation mapping. Depending on the hardware structure, particular scrambling and modulation mapping was designed using Verilog RTL coding. Simulation and synthesis was carried out using Xilinx Vivado 2015.4.2 design and implemented on Artix-7 FPGA board. Clock cycle delay is reduced to two clock cycle


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    The paper examines sectoral return predictability for eleven sectoral indices of National Stock Exchange (NSE). The article shows that investors can predict the movement of sectoral indices using the index valuation ratios of those sectors. A predictive regression using the index valuation ratios as predictor variables was run for each sector using Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM). Lagged dependent variables were used as instruments to solve the problem of endogeneity. The study also uses Newey-West (HAC) correction to get unbiased coefficients. The index valuation ratios predict the returns in nine out of eleven sectors for the sample period running from 2005 to 2019. The findings assist individual investors and fund managers to forecast the sectoral returns and develop an informed trading strategy to maximize returns and diversify their portfolio to minimize the loss

    Estimasi Perdagangan Indonesia Dan India Trade Estimation of Indonesia and India

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    Artikel ini mengkaji estimasi perdagangan Indonesia dan India. Perdagangan terdiri dari ekspor dan imporyang seharusnya mempertimbangkan keadaan seasonal dan irregularity dari data yang ada. Structural Time-Series Model (STSM) dari perdagangan Indonesia dan India memperlihatkan bahwa estimasi volume dan nilaiperdagangan migas dan non-migas Indonesia dan India relatif stabil dengan kecenderungan meningkat.Pemangku kebijakan perdagangan seharusnya bisa memberikan fokus yang lebih kepada pola seasonalperdagangan dimana terjadi fluktuasi perdagangan pada bulan-bulan tertentu serta penurunan perdagangan ditahun 2014 dan 2016. Hal ini bisa diantisipasi oleh otoritas terkait dengan cara melakukan perbaikaninfrastruktur perdagangan serta peningkatan komitmen perjanjian perdagangan yang lebih komprehensif antaraIndonesia dan India

    Definition of Definition

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    There is an inseparable link between human existence and communication. Words are exchanged externally through all forms of communication, but in reality, what is exchanged there is its driving force: the meaning. For this reason, it is significant to know the meaning of a word. Although the meaning of a word is determined by its definition, the existence of a set of definitions for a single word raises a fundamental problem for us, the researchers whether it could be so. Based on that, this study was conducted with the primary objective of finding the definition of definition. The contextual nature of the study, language used to collect data and the time frame limited the researchers to use qualitative reasoning and literary sources. The study confirmed that scholars are in a constant struggle for more than two millennia in searching a way to find the meaning of a word. We found that the generation of new knowledge sometimes might be hampered by a gap in the existing knowledge on language and the inability to reach certain sources of knowledge. Referring to rarely referred local literary sources, we could conclude the definition of a definition while introducing a novel approach on verifying available literary information. Thus, the academia is aided, as the authors fostered novel ways of questioning the definition of the definition, which would help the scholars to set conceptual and operational definitions in their respective researches.             KEYWORDS:  Definition, Inner Form, Nirukti, Sound of a Word, Verifying Informatio

    Readiness of the Port of Colombo as a Mega Hub Port for Transshipment Containers

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    The Colombo Port has become a hub port for transshipment containers in the South-Asia region mainly due to its location advantage and have further carved out a niche linking feeder connections in the Indian subcontinent trade to main sea routes on the back of its access to the Indian Ocean. During past couple of decades major ports around the world have faced significant challenges due to rapid evolvement in marine technology and international logistical system. Primarily there were two major thrusts have been impacting the seaports which identified as ‘Increased specialization of ship design’ and the ‘Growth in ship size’. These two aspects of ship specialization and capacity enhancement that were continued to progress resulted a greater demand in Ports and container terminals to invest on improvements to equipment and ports infrastructure. Each subsequent generation of containership which evolved has not only created new challenges to ports around the world, but also limited the number of port calls. Presently only one deep water container terminal available in Port of Colombo to handle modern day Ultra large container carriers (ULCC’s)
