216 research outputs found

    Kondo Physics and Exact Solvability of Double Dots Systems

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    We study two double dot systems, one with dots in parallel and one with dots in series, and argue they admit an exact solution via the Bethe ansatz. In the case of parallel dots we exploit the exact solution to extract the behavior of the linear response conductance. The linear response conductance of the parallel dot system possesses multiple Kondo effects, including a Kondo effect enhanced by a nonpertubative antiferromagnetic RKKY interaction, has conductance zeros in the mixed valence regime, and obeys a non-trivial form of the Friedel sum rule.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2: published form to appear in August 2007 issue of Phys. Rev. Let

    On Ising Correlation Functions with Boundary Magnetic Field

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    Exact expressions of the boundary state and the form factors of the Ising model are used to derive differential equations for the one-point functions of the energy and magnetization operators of the model in the presence of a boundary magnetic field. We also obtain explicit formulas for the massless limit of the one-point and two-point functions of the energy operator.Comment: 19 pages, 5 uu-figures, macros: harvmac.tex and epsf.tex three references adde

    Understanding the entanglement entropy and spectra of 2D quantum systems through arrays of coupled 1D chains

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    We describe an algorithm for studying the entanglement entropy and spectrum of 2D systems, as a coupled array of NN one dimensional chains in their continuum limit. Using the algorithm to study the quantum Ising model in 2D, (both in its disordered phase and near criticality) we confirm the existence of an area law for the entanglement entropy and show that near criticality there is an additive piece scaling as cefflog(N)/6c_{eff}\log (N)/6 with ceff1c_{eff} \approx 1. \textcolor{black}{Studying the entanglement spectrum, we show that entanglement gap scaling can be used to detect the critical point of the 2D model. When short range (area law) entanglement dominates we find (numerically and perturbatively) that this spectrum reflects the energy spectrum of a single quantum Ising chain.Comment: 8 pages (4 + supplementary material). 10 figure

    Orbital Dependence of Quasiparticle Lifetimes in Sr2RuO4

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    Using a phenomenological Hamiltonian, we investigate the quasiparticle lifetimes and dispersions in the three low energy bands, gamma, beta, and alpha of Sr2RuO4. Couplings in the Hamiltonian are fixed so as to produce the mass renormalization as measured in magneto-oscillation experiments. We thus find reasonable agreement in all bands between our computed lifetimes and those measured in ARPES experiments by Kidd et al. [1] and Ingle et al. [2]. In comparing computed to measured quasiparticle dispersions, we however find good agreement in the alpha-band alone.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Glimmers of a Quantum KAM Theorem: Insights from Quantum Quenches in One Dimensional Bose Gases

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    Real-time dynamics in a quantum many-body system are inherently complicated and hence difficult to predict. There are, however, a special set of systems where these dynamics are theoretically tractable: integrable models. Such models possess non-trivial conserved quantities beyond energy and momentum. These quantities are believed to control dynamics and thermalization in low dimensional atomic gases as well as in quantum spin chains. But what happens when the special symmetries leading to the existence of the extra conserved quantities are broken? Is there any memory of the quantities if the breaking is weak? Here, in the presence of weak integrability breaking, we show that it is possible to construct residual quasi-conserved quantities, so providing a quantum analog to the KAM theorem and its attendant Nekhoreshev estimates. We demonstrate this construction explicitly in the context of quantum quenches in one-dimensional Bose gases and argue that these quasi-conserved quantities can be probed experimentally.Comment: 21 pages with appendices; 13 figures; version accepted by PR

    Studying the Perturbed Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten SU(2)k Theory Using the Truncated Conformal Spectrum Approach

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    We study the SU(2)kSU(2)_k Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) theory perturbed by the trace of the primary field in the adjoint representation, a theory governing the low-energy behaviour of a class of strongly correlated electronic systems. While the model is non-integrable, its dynamics can be investigated using the numerical technique of the truncated conformal spectrum approach combined with numerical and analytical renormalization groups (TCSA+RG). The numerical results so obtained provide support for a semiclassical analysis valid at k1k\gg 1. Namely, we find that the low energy behavior is sensitive to the sign of the coupling constant, λ\lambda. Moreover for λ>0\lambda>0 this behavior depends on whether kk is even or odd. With kk even, we find definitive evidence that the model at low energies is equivalent to the massive O(3)O(3) sigma model. For kk odd, the numerical evidence is more equivocal, but we find indications that the low energy effective theory is critical.Comment: 30 pages, 19 eps figures, LaTeX2e file. Version 2: manuscript accepted for publication; small changes in text and in one of the figure

    Interference effects in interacting quantum dots

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    In this paper we study the interplay between interference effects in quantum dots (manifested through the appearance of Fano resonances in the conductance), and interactions taken into account in the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. In the non-interacting case we find that interference may lead to the observation of more than one conductance peak per dot level as a function of an applied gate voltage. This may explain recent experimental findings, which were thought to be caused by interaction effects. For the interacting case we find a wide variety of different interesting phenomena. These include both monotonous and non-monotonous filling of the dot levels as a function of an applied gate voltage, which may occur continuously or even discontinuously. In many cases a combination of the different effects can occur in the same sample. The behavior of the population influences, in turn, the conductance lineshape, causing broadening and asymmetry of narrow peaks, and determining whether there will be a zero transmission point. We elucidate the essential role of the interference between the dot levels in determining these outcomes. The effects of finite temperatures on the results are also examined.Comment: 11 pages, 9 fugures, REVTeX