251 research outputs found

    Tuberculose de la glande thyroide : a propos d’un cas

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    La tuberculose thyroïdienne est une entité rare. La symptomatologie clinique est non spécifique faite par un tableau de goitre ou de thyroïdite avec une évolution subaigüe ou chronique. nous rapportons le cas d’une tuberculose thyroïdienne chez une patiente âgée de 56 ans présentant un goitre thyroïdien sans manifestations générales. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par l’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire. Un traitement antituberculeux a été instauré pendant neuf mois avec une bonne évolution.Mots clés : glande thyroïde ; tuberculose.Thyroid is a rare localization of tuberculosis. The clinical course of the disease may resemble toxic goiter or acute thyroiditis or may follow a subacute or chronic pattern without specific symptomatology. We report the case of 56 years-old woman referred to the hospital with a diagnosis of goiter without clinical signs of tuberculosis. The diagnosis was established after total thyroidectomy and histological exam. nine-month treatment with antituberculous drugs was administered with a good outcome.Keywords: thyroid gland; tuberculosis

    The Impact of Sparkling Mechanism on Improving Oil Recovery in Nano-Particle Injection through Pseudo-3-Dimensional Micromodels

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    Abstract: Nano-materials and nano-particles are used in oilfields to enhance injection processes by changing wettability of porous media, increasing the viscosity of injecting fluid, decreasing the interfacial tension between injection fluid and reservoir fluid. Light alcohol-based nano-fluid slugs (here neutrally wettable nano-silicon) decrease the underriding of injection fluid and improve the vertical sweep efficiency. In addition, small size of nanoparticles makes it possible to push the oil in the small pores that remain unrecoverable in polymer injection (named Inaccessible Pore Volumes). Despite of continuous fluid bulks, there is another advantage about dispersed particles; dispersed particles can hit the porous media wall and remove the oil on the wall. This mechanism that is here called "Sparkling Mechanism" significantly improves the oil recovery factor in comparison with the same viscosity polymeric fluid through "Pseudo-3-Dimensional" glass micromodels which are using innovatively in this work

    Les ostéomes sinusiens

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    Introduction: Osteoma of the paranasal sinus is a rare and benign tumor that develops slowly when therapy becomes mandotory, it is necessarily surgical. Results: We report 38 cases of osteoma, operated by external approach in 36 cases and endonasal approach in 2 cases. The osteoma involved the frontal sinus in 27 cases, ethmoid in 5 cases and the junctional zone in 6 patients. The follow up patients was correctly done in 36 cases. The functional results were satisfying without recurrence in 34 of them (follow-up: 18 months). In the other 2 patients a recurrence was diagnosed. Conclusion: sinus osteoma is a benign tumor. Symptomatic form does been treated by a surgery. The approach depends on the location of osteoma and CT-Scan may guide the choice   Key words: Osteoma, sinus, external approach, endonasal approach.

    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques de la parotide a propos de 3 cas

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    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques (CAK) représentent 2 à 4% des tumeurs de la parotide et 12% des tumeurs malignes. Ce sont des tumeurs à croissance lente qui sont caractérisées par leur capacité à infiltrer les gaines nerveuses. Les auteurs rapportent trois cas de CAK de la glande parotide diagnostiqués et traités entre l’année 2000 et 2007. Il s’agissait de 2 hommes et une femme qui ont consulté devant l’apparition d’une tuméfaction de la loge parotidienne associée à une paralysie faciale dans un cas. Les aires ganglionnaires étaient libres. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d’une exploration comportant une échographie, une TDM dans un cas et une IRM chez un patient. Le traitement a consisté en une parotidectomie totale associée à un curage ganglionnaire dans tous les cas et à une radiothérapie complémentaire. L’évolution a été favorable dans deux cas. Le carcinome adénoïde kystique de la parotide est une tumeur rare, caractérisée par une évolution très lente, une agressivité locale, un caractère fortement récidivant localement et un haut pouvoir métastatique à distance.Mots-clés : Carcinome adénoïde kystique, glande parotide, chirurgie, radiothérapie

    Implantation cochléaire et malformation de l’oreille interne

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    Les indications de l'implant cochléaire se sont élargies depuis 1995. La plupart des candidats à l'implant sont des enfants sourds profonds congénitaux. L'implant peut actuellement se discuter dans certains cas particuliers notamment chez des enfants présentant une malformation de l'oreille interne (vésicule unique, malformation de type Mondini, Mondini-like, dilatation de l'aqueduc du vestibule). Les risques sont chirurgicaux et infectieux : geyser à la cochléostomie, paralysie faciale, otoliquorrhée secondaire et méningite. Nous rapportons le cas d’une fille âgée de 4 ans et 8 mois qui a présenté suite à un traumatisme minime une surdité brutale totale bilatérale qui n’a pas récupéré sous traitement médical. L’audiométrie avait confirmé la surdité bilatérale et l’examen orthophonique a retrouvé un langage oral bien conservé. Une imagerie a été pratiquée mettant en évidence une dilatation bilatérale des aqueducs du vestibule et des sacs endolymphatiques avec un aspect normal de la cochlée et des canaux semi-circulaires. La patiente a bénéficiée d’une implantation cochléaire gauche avec des suites simples et un excellent résultat à 2 ans.Mots-clés : Implant cochléaire, malformation de l’oreille interne

    Translocations of threatened plants in the Mediterranean Basin: current status and future directions

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    The Mediterranean Basin is one of the World's plant diversity hotspots and a region prone to several anthropic pressures, besides being one of the World's areas most susceptible to climate change. In this region, which hosts a high percentage of threatened species, there has been a large increase in practical conservation actions to prevent the extinction of many plants or improve their conservation status. In this framework, plant translocations have become increasingly important. To obtain a picture of the status and to depict possible directions, data on plant translocations was collected through the available databases, national experts, and the grey literature available online. Overall, a list of 836 translocations relating to 572 plant species was found. These actions are mainly concentrated in Spain, France, and Italy (c. 87%) and, except for some pioneering actions, translocations have strongly increased starting from 2010. A subsequent in-depth bibliographic search of the scientific databases was conducted to determine how much information about plant translocations was documented in the scientific literature. This search resulted in a list of 133 peer-reviewed papers, of which only 17 describing one or more translocations and, as a whole, reporting 101 experiences carried out on 56 plant species. Our research highlighted a great discrepancy between the scarce scientific documentation in comparison to the large number of practical conservation actions carried out. The great experience gained in these translocations constitutes an enormous heritage potentially available to implement the necessary conservation actions to preserve the plant diversity of the Mediterranean Basin

    The effect of the process on mechanical properties of polylactic acid - date palm leaf fibers composite films produced by extrusion blowing

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    Biocomposite films prepared with melt compounding and film blowing have become a new trend in plastic research to deliver more eco-friendly packages. Polylactic acid (PLA) was melt compounded with minimally processed date palm leaf fiber (DPLF) and converted into films by blown film extrusion. The compounding was done in order to enhance the film mechanical properties in one hand, and to decrease the film production cost in the other hand. In this present study, a reference PLA film and films with 1%, 2%, and 5% of DPLF (weight %) were produced with different process parameters. The spatial variations in films thickness and lay flat width indicate that the addition of DPLF up to 2% enhances the bubble stability for the tested process parameters. However, the composite with 5% DPLF shows nearly the same processability window as the neat PLA. The structural and mechanical characterizations of films suggest a reinforcing effect of the PLA matrix up to 2% of fiber (with an optimum at 1%). Larger DPLF loading leads to depressed and more anisotropic mechanical properties, related to an increased density of defects at the fiber-PLA fragile interface and to a DPLF-induced enhanced PLA thermal degradation and amorphous phase orientatio

    La déhiscence du canal semi circulaire supérieur

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    Introduction : Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is a rare entity witch is recently described. The common symptom is pressure-induced vertigo.Patients and methods: we report 2 cases of superior semicircular canal dehiscence identified by computed tomography (CT) of the petrous bone in patients with mixed hearing loss and a normal tympanic membrane.Results: Superior semicircular canal dehiscence was bilateral in 1 patient.Mixed hearing loss with a normal tympanic membrane without vertigo was the presenting manifestation in all cases. Ultrahigh-resolution CT of the petrous bones with coronal and sagittal sections provided the diagnosis of superior semicircular canal dehiscence.Conclusion: Mixed hearing loss with a normal tympanic membrane should suggest superior semi circular canal dehiscence. Coronal and sagittal CT sections less than 1 mm in thickness establish the diagnosis.Key words : Superior semicircular canal, dehiscence, hearing loss

    Mucocèle sphénoïdale bilatérale : a propos d’un cas

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    Les mucocèles sphénoïdales sont des formations pseudokystiques expansives, d’évolution lente, qui se développent au sein de la cavité sinusienne sphénoïdale. Elles possèdent la capacité d’éroder les parois osseuses et présentent une évolution pseudotumorale. Les rapports neuroméningés et orbitaires font la gravité de cette localisation sinusienne  la présentation clinique qui est souvent d’apparition retardée par rapport à la constitution de la mucocèle. L’imagerie (TDM et IRM) permet le diagnostic positif et le diagnostic différentiel avec certains processus développés au niveau de l’étage moyen de la base du crâne. La marsupialisation chirurgicale par voie endoscopique endonasale permet l’effondrement de la mucocèle.Mots-clés : mucocèle, sinus sphénoïda

    Fluid Injection Optimization Using Modified Global Dynamic Harmony Search

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    Abstract One of the mostly used enhanced oil recovery methods is the injection of water or gas under pressure to maintain or reverse the declining pressure in a reservoir. Several parameters should be optimized in a fluid injection process. The usual optimizing methods evaluate several scenarios to find the best solution. Since it is required to run the reservoir simulator hundreds of times, the process is very time consuming and cumbersome. In this study a new intelligent method of optimization, called "global dynamic harmony search" is used with some modifications in combination with a commercial reservoir simulator (ECLIPSE ® ) to determine the optimum solution for fluid injection problem unknowns. Net present value (NPV) is used as objective function to be maximized. First a simple homogeneous reservoir model is used for validating the developed method and then the new optimization method is applied to a real model of one of the Iran oil reservoirs. Three strategies, including gas injection, water injection, and well placement are considered. Comparing the values of NPV and field oil efficiency (FOE) of gas injection and water injection strategies, it is concluded that water injection strategy surpasses its rival. Considering water injection to be the base case, a well placement optimization is also done and best locations for water injection wells are proposed. The results show the satisfying performance of the algorithm regarding its low iterations
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