1,453 research outputs found

    Plumbophyllite, a new species from the Blue Bell claims near Baker, San Bernardino County, California

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    The new mineral plumbophyllite, Pb2Si4O10·H2O, orthorhombic with space group Pbcn and cell parameters a = 13.2083(4), b = 9.7832(3), c = 8.6545(2) Å, V = 1118.33(5) Å^3, and Z = 4. It occurs as colorless to pale blue prismatic crystals to 3 mm, with wedge-shaped terminations at the Blue Bell claims, about 11 km west of Baker, San Bernardino County, California. It is found in narrow veins in a highly siliceous hornfels in association with cerussite, chrysocolla, fluorite, goethite, gypsum, mimetite, opal, plumbotsumite, quartz, sepiolite, and wulfenite. The streak is white, the luster is vitreous, the Mohs hardness is about 5, and there is one perfect cleavage, {100}. The measured density is 3.96(5) g/cm^3 and the calculated density is 3.940 g/cm^3. Optical properties (589 nm): biaxial (+), {alpha} = 1.674(2), β = 1.684(2), {gamma} = 1.708(2), 2V = 66(2)°, dispersion r > v (strong); X = b, Y = c, Z = a. Electron microprobe analysis provided PbO 60.25, CuO 0.23, SiO_2 36.22 wt%, and CHN analysis provided H_2O 3.29 wt% for a total of 99.99 wt%. Powder IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of H_2O and single-crystal IR spectroscopy indicated the H_2O to be oriented perpendicular to the b axis. Raman spectra were also obtained. The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d (hkl) I]: 7.88(110)97, 6.63(200)35, 4.90(020)38, 3.623(202)100, 3.166(130)45, 2.938(312/411/222)57, 2.555(132/213)51, and 2.243(521/332)50. The atomic structure (R1 = 2.04%) consists of undulating sheets of silicate tetrahedra between which are located Pb atoms and channels containing H_2O (and Pb^(2+) lone-pair electrons). The silicate sheets can be described as consisting of zigzag pyroxene-like (SiO_3)_n chains joined laterally into sheets with the unshared tetrahedral apices in successive chains pointed alternately up and down, a configuration also found in pentagonite

    Carlhintzeite, Ca2AlF7•H2O, from the Gigante granitic pegmatite, Córdoba province, Argentina: Description and crystal structure

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    Carlhintzeite, Ca2AlF7•H2O, has been found at the Gigante pegmatite, Punilla Department, Córdoba Province, Argentina. It occurs as colourless prismatic crystals up to 0.8 mm long, ubiquitously twinned on {001}. Electron microprobe analyses provided the empirical formula Ca1.98Al1.02F6.24(OH) 0.76•H1.62O. A crystal fragment used for the collection of structure data provided the triclinic, C1 cell: a = 9.4227(4), b = 6.9670(5), c = 9.2671(7) Å, α = 90.974(6), β = 104.802(5), γ = 90.026(6)°, V = 558.08(7) Å3 and Z = 4. The crystal structure, solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.0322 for 723 Fo > 4σF reflections, is made up of linkages of AlF6 octahedra, CaF8 polyhedra and CaF 6(H2O)2 polyhedra. The AlF6 octahedra are isolated from one another, but share polyhedral elements with Ca polyhedra. Most notably, the Al1 octahedron shares trans faces with two CaF 8 polyhedra and the Al2 octahedron shares trans edges with two CaF6(H2O)2 polyhedra. The linkage of the Ca polyhedra alone can be described as a framework in which edge-sharing chains along b are cross-linked by edge-sharing. Edge-sharing chains of Ca polyhedra along b in the carlhintzeite structure are similar to those along c in the structures of gearksutite, CaAlF4(OH)•(H2O), and prosopite, CaAl2F4(OH)4. © 2010 Mineralogical Society.Fil: Kampf, A. R.. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; Estados UnidosFil: Colombo, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: González Del Tánago, J.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Españ

    Do computer games enhance learning about conflicts? A cross-national inquiry into proximate and distant scenarios in Global Conflicts

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Interactive conflict resolution and peace education have developed as two major lines of practice to tackle intractable inter-group conflicts. Recently, new media technologies such as social media, computer games, and online dialogue are added to the existing set of tools used for peace education. However, a debate is emerging as to how effective they are in motivating learning and teaching skills required for peace building. We take issue with this question and have conducted a study investigating the effect of different conflict contexts on student learning. We have designed a cross-national experimental study with Israeli-Jewish, Palestinian, and Guatemalan undergraduate students using the Israeli–Palestinian and Guatemalan scenarios in the computer game called ‘‘Global Conflicts.’’ The learning effects of these scenarios were systematically analyzed using pre- and post-test questionnaires. The study indicated that Israeli-Jews and Palestinians acquired more knowledge from the Guatemalan game than Guatemalans acquired from the Israeli–Palestinian game. All participants acquired knowledge about proximate conflicts after playing games about these scenarios, and there were insignificant differences between the three national groups. Israeli-Jews and Palestinians playing the Israeli–Palestinian game changed their attitudes about this conflict, while Guatemalans playing the Guatemalan game did not change their attitudes about this case. All participants changed their attitudes about distant conflicts after playing games about these scenarios

    Learning about Conflict and Negotiations through Computer Simulations: The Case of PeaceMaker

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper is based on a cross-national experimental study conducted among American, Turkish, Israeli-Jewish, and Israeli-Palestinian students using a computer game called "PeaceMaker." The game is a highly realistic and complex simulation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. PeaceMaker was used for educational and experimental purposes in a classroom setting and each student played the game in both Israeli and Palestinian decision maker roles. Our purpose was to evaluate the game's effectiveness as a pedagogical tool in teaching about conflict and its resolution, especially with regard to generating knowledge acquisition, perspective taking as a crucial skill in conflict resolution, and attitude change. We were also interested in understanding whether these effects changed depending on whether the participants were direct parties to the conflict or not. In order to gauge the effect of the game in these areas, we used a pre- and post-intervention experimental design and utilized questionnaires. We found that the game increased the level of knowledge about the conflict for the Israeli-Jewish, Israeli-Palestinian, American, and Turkish students. We also found that the game successfully contributed to perspective taking among Turkish and American students only on a contemporary issue related to the conflict. © 2014 International Studies Association

    Supersolids in the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian

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    We use a combination of numeric and analytic techniques to determine the groun d state phase diagram of the Bose--Hubbard Hamiltonian with longer range repulsi ve interactions. At half filling one finds superfluidity and an insulating solid phase. Depending on the relative sizes of near--neighbor and next near--neighbor interactions, this solid either follows a checkerboard or a striped pattern. In neither case is there a coexistence with superfluidity. However upon doping ``supersolid'' phases appear with simultaneous diagonal and off--diagonal long range order.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex 3.0, 6 figures (upon request

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: IV. Markcooperite, Pb(UO_2)Te^(6+)O_6, the first natural uranyl tellurate

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    Markcooperite, Pb_2(UO_2)Te^(6+)O_6, is a new tellurate from Otto Mountain near Baker, California, named in honor of Mark A. Cooper of the University of Manitoba for his contributions to mineralogy. The new mineral occurs on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Markcooperite is directly associated with bromian chlorargyrite, iodargyrite, khinite-4O, wulfenite, and four other new tellurates: housleyite, thorneite, ottoite, and timroseite. Various other secondary minerals occur in the veins, including two other new secondary tellurium minerals: paratimroseite and telluroperite. Markcooperite is monoclinic, space group P2_1/c, a = 5.722(2), b = 7.7478(2), c = 7.889(2) Å, β = 90.833(5)°, V = 349.7(2) Å^3, and Z = 2. It occurs as pseudotetragonal prisms to 0.2 mm with the forms {100} and {011} and as botryoidal intergrowths to 0.3 mm in diameter; no twinning was observed. Markcooperite is orange and transparent, with a light orange streak and adamantine luster, and is non-fluorescent. Mohs hardness is estimated at 3. The mineral is brittle, with an irregular fracture and perfect {100} cleavage. The calculated density is 8.496 g/cm3 based on the empirical formula. Markcooperite is biaxial (+), with indices of refraction α= 2.11, β = 2.12, γ= 2.29 calculated using the Gladstone-Dale relationship, measured α-β birefringence of 0.01 and measured 2V of 30(5)°. The optical orientation is X = c, Y = b, Z = a. The mineral is slightly pleochroic in shades of orange, with absorption: X > Y = Z. No dispersion was observed. Electron microprobe analysis provided PbO 50.07, TeO_3 22.64, UO_3 25.01, Cl 0.03, O≡Cl –0.01, total 97.74 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 8) is Pb_(2.05)U_(0.80)Te^(6+)_(1.18)O_(7.99)Cl_(0.01). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.235 (120, 102, 1[overbar]02) 100, 2.873 (200) 40, 2.985 (1[overbar]21, 112, 121) 37, 2.774 (022) 30, 3.501 (021, 012) 29, 2.220 (221, 2[overbar]21, 212) 23, 1.990 (222, 2[overbar]22) 21, and 1.715 (320) 22. The crystal structure (R_1 = 0.052) is based on sheets of corner-sharing uranyl square bipyramids and tellurate octahedra, with Pb atoms between the sheets. Markcooperite is the first compound to show Te^(6+) substitution for U^(6+) within the same crystallographic site. Markcooperite is structurally related to synthetic Pb(UO_2)O_2

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: V. Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, two new tellurates with Te-Cu polyhedral sheets

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    Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, are two new tellurates from Otto Mountain near Baker, California. Timroseite is named in honor of Timothy (Tim) P. Rose and paratimroseite is named for its relationship to timroseite. Both new minerals occur on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Timroseite is directly associated with acanthite, cerussite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, chrysocolla, gold, housleyite, iodargyrite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, ottoite, paratimroseite, thorneite, vauquelinite, and wulfenite. Paratimroseite is directly associated with calcite, cerussite, housleyite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, and timroseite. Timroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_1nm, a = 5.2000(2), b = 9.6225(4), c = 11.5340(5) Å, V = 577.13(4) Å^3, and Z = 2. Paratimroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_12_12_1, a = 5.1943(4), b = 9.6198(10), c = 11.6746(11) Å, V = 583.35(9) Å^3, and Z = 2. Timroseite commonly occurs as olive to lime green, irregular, rounded masses and rarely in crystals as dark olive green, equant rhombs, and diamond-shaped plates in subparallel sheaf-like aggregates. It has a very pale yellowish green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 2 1/2 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, no cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.981 g/cm^3. Paratimroseite occurs as vibrant "neon" green blades typically intergrown in irregular clusters and as lime green botryoids. It has a very pale green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 3 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, good {001} cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.556 g/cm^3. Timroseite is biaxial (+) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = b, Y = a, Z = c and pleochroism: X = greenish yellow, Y = yellowish green, Z = dark green (Z > Y > X). Paratimroseite is biaxial (–) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = c, Y = b, Z = a and pleochroism: X = light green, Y = green, Z = green (Y = Z >> X). Electron microprobe analysis of timroseite provided PbO 35.85, CuO 29.57, TeO_3 27.75, Cl 0.04, H_2O 1.38 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 94.58 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(2.07) Cu^(2+)_(4.80)Te^(6+)_(2.04)O_(12)(OH)_(1.98)Cl_(0.02). Electron microprobe analysis of paratimroseite provided PbO 36.11, CuO 26.27, TeO_3 29.80, Cl 0.04, H_2O 3.01 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 95.22 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(1.94)Cu^(2+)_(3.96)Te^(6+)_(2.03)O_(12)(H_2O)_(1.99)Cl_(0.01). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines for timroseite are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.693 (022) 43, 3.578 (112) 44, 3.008 (023) 84, 2.950 (113) 88, 2.732 (130) 100, 1.785 (multiple) 33, 1.475 (332) 36; and for paratimroseite 4.771 (101) 76, 4.463 (021) 32, 3.544 (120) 44, 3.029 (023,122) 100, 2.973 (113) 48, 2.665 (131) 41, 2.469 (114) 40, 2.246 (221) 34. The crystal structures of timroseite (R_1 = 0.029) and paratimroseite (R_1 = 0.039) are very closely related. The structures are based upon edge- and corner-sharing sheets of Te and Cu polyhedra parallel to (001) and the sheets in both structures are identical in topology and virtually identical in geometry. In timroseite, the sheets are joined to one another along c by sharing the apical O atoms of Cu octahedra, as well as by sharing edges and corners with an additional CuO_5 square pyramid located between the sheets. The sheets in paratimroseite are joined only via Pb-O and H bonds

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: VI. Telluroperite, Pb_3Te^(4+)O_4Cl_2, the Te analog of perite and nadorite

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    Telluroperite, Pb_3Te^(4+)O_4Cl_2, is a new tellurite from Otto Mountain near Baker, California. The new mineral occurs on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins in direct association with acanthite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, caledonite, cerussite, galena, goethite, and linarite. Various other secondary minerals occur in the veins, including six new tellurates, housleyite, markcooperite, paratimroseite, ottoite, thorneite, and timroseite. Telluroperite is orthorhombic, space group Bmmb, a = 5.5649(6), b = 5.5565(6), c = 12.4750(14) Å, V = 386.37(7) Å^3, and Z = 2. The new mineral occurs as rounded square tablets and flakes up to 0.25 mm on edge and 0.02 mm thick. The form {001} is prominent and is probably bounded by {100}, {010}, and {110}. It is bluish-green and transparent, with a pale bluish-green streak and adamantine luster. The mineral is non-fluorescent. Mohs hardness is estimated to be between 2 and 3. The mineral is brittle, with a curved fracture and perfect {001} cleavage. The calculated density based on the empirical formula is 7.323 g/cm^3. Telluroperite is biaxial (–), with very small 2V (~10°). The average index of refraction is 2.219 calculated by the Gladstone-Dale relationship. The optical orientation is X = c and the mineral exhibits moderate bluish-green pleochrosim; absorption: X < Y = Z. Electron microprobe analysis provided PbO 72.70, TeO_2 19.26, Cl 9.44, O≡Cl –2.31, total 99.27 wt%. The empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 6) is Pb_(2.79)Te_(1.03)^(4+)O_(3.72)Cl_(2.28). The six strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.750 (111) 58, 2.857 (113) 100, 2.781 (020, 200) 43, 2.075 (024, 204) 31, 1.966 (220) 30, and 1.620 (117, 313, 133) 52. The crystal structure (R_1 = 0.056) is based on the Sillén X_1 structure-type and consists of a three-dimensional structural topology with lead-oxide halide polyhedra linked to tellurium/lead oxide groups. The mineral is named for the relationship to perite and the dominance of Te (with Pb) in the Bi site of perite

    Chiral expansions of the pi0 lifetime

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    The corrections induced by light quark masses to the current algebra result for the π0\pi^0 lifetime are reexamined. We consider NNLO corrections and we compute all the one-loop and the two-loop diagrams which contribute to the decay amplitude at NNLO in the two-flavour chiral expansion. We show that the result is renormalizable, as Weinberg consistency conditions are satisfied. We find that chiral logarithms are present at this order unlike the case at NLO. The result could be used in conjunction with lattice QCD simulations, the feasibility of which was recently demonstrated. We discuss the matching between the two-flavour and the three-flavour chiral expansions in the anomalous sector at order one-loop and derive the relations between the coupling constants. A modified chiral counting is proposed, in which msm_s counts as O(p)O(p). We have updated the various inputs needed and used this to make a phenomenological prediction.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2: comments and references added, accepted for publication in PR

    Crystal-Chemistry of Sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VII. Magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2, a New Sulfate from the Monte Arsiccio Mine

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    The new mineral species magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2, was discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as steeply terminated prisms, up to 0.5 mm in length, yellow to orange-yellow in color, with a vitreous luster. Streak is pale yellow, Mohs hardness is ca. 3, and cleavage is good on {010}, fair on {100}. The measured density is 2.82(3) g/cm3. Magnanelliite is optically biaxial (+), with &alpha; = 1.628(2), &beta; = 1.637(2), &gamma; = 1.665(2) (white light), 2Vmeas = 60(2)&deg;, and 2Vcalc = 59.9&deg;. It exhibits a strong dispersion, r &gt; v. The optical orientation is Y = b, X ^ c ~ 25&deg; in the obtuse angle &beta;. It is pleochroic, with X = orange yellow, Y and Z = yellow. Magnanelliite is associated with alum-(K), giacovazzoite, gypsum, jarosite, krausite, melanterite, and scordariite. Electron microprobe analyses give (wt.%): SO3 47.82, TiO2 0.05, Al2O3 0.40, Fe2O3 25.21, MgO 0.07, Na2O 0.20, K2O 21.35, H2Ocalc 6.85, total 101.95. On the basis of 19 anions per formula unit, assuming the occurrence of one (OH)&minus; and two H2O groups, the empirical chemical formula of magnanelliite is (K2.98Na0.04)&Sigma;3.02(Fe3+2.08Al0.05Mg0.01)&Sigma;2.14S3.93O16(OH)(H2O)2. The ideal end-member formula can be written as K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2. Magnanelliite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, with a = 7.5491(3), b = 16.8652(6), c = 12.1574(4) &Aring;, &beta; = 94.064(1)&deg;, V = 1543.95(10) &Aring;3, Z = 4. Strongest diffraction lines of the observed X-ray powder pattern are [d(in &Aring;), estimated visual intensity, hkl]: 6.9, medium, 021 and 110; 4.91, medium-weak, 022; 3.612, medium-weak, 1 &macr; 32, 023, and 1 &macr; 13; 3.085, strong, 202, 150, and 1 &macr; 33; 3.006, medium, 004, 1 &macr; 51, and 151; 2.704, medium, 152 and 2 &macr; 23; 2.597, medium-weak, 2 &macr; 42; 2.410, medium-weak, 153. The crystal structure of magnanelliite has been refined using X-ray single-crystal data to a final R1 = 0.025, on the basis of 2411 reflections with Fo &gt; 4&sigma;(Fo) and 144 refined parameters. The crystal structure is isotypic with that of alcaparrosaite, K3Ti4+Fe3+(SO)4O(H2O)2
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