48,512 research outputs found

    Extreme Fire as a Management Tool to Combat Regime Shifts in the Range of the Endangered American Burying Beetle

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    This study is focused on the population of federally-endangered American burying beetles in south-central Nebraska. It is focused on changes in land cover over time and at several levels of spatial scale, and how management efforts are impacting both the beetle and a changing landscape. Our findings are applicable to a large portion of the Great Plains, which is undergoing the same shift from grassland to woodland, and to areas where the beetle is still found

    Dispersion and the electron-phonon interaction in a single heterostructure

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    We investigate the electron-phonon interaction in a polar-polar single heterostructure through the use of the linear combination of hybrid phonon modes, considering the role of longitudinal optical, transverse optical and interface modes, using a continuum model that accounts for both mechanical and electrical continuity over a heterostructure interface. We discuss the use of other models for such systems, such as the bulk phonon (3DP) and dielectric continuum (DC) models, using previously developed sum-rules to explain the limitations on their validity. We find that our linear combination (LC) model gives an excellent agreement with scattering rates previously derived using the 3DP and DC models when the lattice dispersion is weak enough to be ignored, however, when there is a noticeable lattice dispersion, the LC model returns a different answer, suggesting that interface modes play a much greater part in the scattering characteristics of the system under certain conditions. We also discuss the remote phonon effect in polar/polar heterostructures

    Hot phonon effects on high field transport in GaN & AlN

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    We have studied the effects of hot phonons on the high-field transport in GaN & AlN. The dynamics of the non-equilibrium electron-LO phonon system is studied via an ensemble Monte-Carlo code. We find that under steady-state conditions the hot-phonons cause the randomization of the electron momentum and increase their mean energy leading to diffusive heating. Average electron energies of three and two times those in the equilibrium phonon cases are found for GaN and AlN at applied fields of 100 kV/cm and 350 kV/cm respectively. The electron velocity is reduced compared to the case with equilibrium phonons at the lattice temperature. In the transient regime peak velocities reached at overshoot are reduced when non-equilibrium phonons are taken into account

    Cohomology and Support Varieties for Lie Superalgebras II

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    In \cite{BKN} the authors initiated a study of the representation theory of classical Lie superalgebras via a cohomological approach. Detecting subalgebras were constructed and a theory of support varieties was developed. The dimension of a detecting subalgebra coincides with the defect of the Lie superalgebra and the dimension of the support variety for a simple supermodule was conjectured to equal the atypicality of the supermodule. In this paper the authors compute the support varieties for Kac supermodules for Type I Lie superalgebras and the simple supermodules for gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). The latter result verifies our earlier conjecture for gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). In our investigation we also delineate several of the major differences between Type I versus Type II classical Lie superalgebras. Finally, the connection between atypicality, defect and superdimension is made more precise by using the theory of support varieties and representations of Clifford superalgebras.Comment: 28 pages, the proof of Proposition 4.5.1 was corrected, several other small errors were fixe

    Cartilage on the Move: Cartilage Lineage Tracing During Tadpole Metamorphosis

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    The reorganization of cranial cartilages during tadpole metamorphosis is a set of complex processes. The fates of larval cartilage-forming cells (chondrocytes) and sources of adult chondrocytes are largely unknown. Individual larval cranial cartilages may either degenerate or remodel, while many adult cartilages appear to form de novo during metamorphosis. Determining the extent to which adult chondrocytes/cartilages are derived from larval chondrocytes during metamorphosis requires new techniques in chondrocyte lineage tracing. We have developed two transgenic systems to label cartilage cells throughout the body with fluorescent proteins. One system strongly labels early tadpole cartilages only. The other system inducibly labels forming cartilages at any developmental stage. We examined cartilages of the skull (viscero- and neurocranium), and identified larval cartilages that either resorb or remodel into adult cartilages. Our data show that the adult otic capsules, tecti anterius and posterius, hyale, and portions of Meckel\u27s cartilage are derived from larval chondrocytes. Our data also suggest that most adult cartilages form de novo, though we cannot rule out the potential for extreme larval chondrocyte proliferation or de- and re-differentiation, which could dilute our fluorescent protein signal. The transgenic lineage tracing strategies developed here are the first examples of inducible, skeleton-specific, lineage tracing in Xenopus
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