1,011 research outputs found
Mother\u27s Hymn To Me
Kepuasan Kerja Kader Posyandu Sekelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru
Research it is based on the state of satisfaction work posyandu cadres seen from factors motivation. Because factors the motivation is characteristic the base that must be is used to development satisfaction work posyandu cadres Sekelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru. Formulation problems research is whether the internal factors cause satisfaction work posyandu cadres Sekelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru? . The purpose of this research is to find the internal factors cause satisfaction work posyandu cadres Sekelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru. Population in this study 85 cadres posyandu. So research sample areas 46 people and 20 people sample test on critical level 10 %, sample used is simple random sampling. An instrument data collection that is chief with 45 a statement and if the trial live 43 a statement valid for in made instrument research. Data analysis through descriptive analysis quantitative. The research findings against two these indicators can be concluded that the two indicators can be said is considerably higher. The internal factor considered to be high because of the responsibility of self posyandu cadres is the factor that raises the satisfaction of working. While external factors considered to be high because of administration policy and that is in posyandu make posyandu cadres feel satisfied with his work
Disiplin Warga Belajar Paket B dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar pada Pkbm Harapan Bangsa di Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kab. Kampar
Research it is based on the state of the Discipline learn the study in studying to a package B di PKBM Harapan Bangsa di Kubang Raya Kecamatan Tambang Kab.Kampar seen from learn discipline. Because of the Learn the discipline is the condition of being created and formed through the process and a series of behavior that shows residents learn values in following learning activities on packages B di PKBM Harapan Bangsa di Kubang Raya Kecamatan Tambang Kab.Kampar. The formulation the research is how high levels of discipline learn the study in following the teaching and learning process to a package packages B di PKBM Harapan Bangsa di Kubang Raya Kecamatan Tambang Kab.Kampar?. The purpose of this research is to find discipline learn the study in studying to a package B di PKBM Harapan Bangsa di Kubang Raya Kecamatan Tambang Kab.Kampar. Population in this study as many as 48 people. Then the researcher determine samples from 48 people for research and 20 people to the tests of somewhere else, with uses the technique of sampling saturated. An instrument data collection namely poll with 48 a statement and if the trial live 40 a statement that valid to make instrument in research. Through data analysis of the quantitative descriptive analysis. So, the research results show discipline residents learning packages B dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar pada PKBM Harapan Bangsa Di Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kab. Kampar who with a large percentage a whole the average (SS+S) 76%. So that discipline residents learn package B In learning activities in PKBM Harapan Bangsa Di Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kab. Kampar is considered to be higher
Blue Eyed Sue
Title within an intricate design.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/4363/thumbnail.jp
Penicillin-resistant isolates of Neisseria-lactamica produce altered forms of penicillin-binding protein-2 that arose by interspecies horizontal gene-transfer
Isolates of Neisseria lactamica that have increased resistance to penicillin have emerged in recent years. Resistance to penicillin was shown to be due to the production of altered forms of penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP 2) that have reduced affinity for the antibiotic. The sequences of the PBP 2 genes (penA) from two penicillin-resistant isolates were almost identical (less than or equal to 1% sequence divergence) to that of a penicillin-susceptible isolate, except in a 175-bp region where the resistant and susceptible isolates differed by 27%. The nucleotide sequences of these divergent regions were identical (or almost identical) to the sequence of the corresponding region of the penA gene of N. flavescens NCTC 8263. Altered forms of PBP 2 with decreased affinity for penicillin in the two penicillin-resistant isolates of N. lactamica appear, therefore, to have arisen by the replacement of part of the N. lactamica penA gene with the corresponding region from the penA gene of N. flavescens
Gaya Orang Tua sebagai Pemulung Mendidik Anaknya Dikelurahan Delima Kecamatan Tampan – Pekanbaru
A formulation problems in this research is whether the parents as scavengers to educate children classified as good or not good. The purpose of this research is to know the parents as scavengers to educate children in the village of delima district tampan - pekanbaru. The benefits of this research is able to help and facilitate the improvement, especially the role of parents in educating their children. This study is descriptive approach the applicability. The population in this research is 30 people. You get the samples in this study uses techniques proportianate stratified random sampling.Instrument in a questionnaire that contains 50 items a statement. the parents as of educating children, as measured by indicators Authoritative (democracy), Authoritarlan (authoritarian), Permisive (permissive), Rijecting-neglecting (don't care). From the results of research note that the parents as scavengers educate their children in the village of delima district tampan - pekanbaru is quite good
Kualitas Pelayanan pada Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Kabupaten Kampar
Formulation of the problem in this research is how high service quality in libraries and archives office of Kampar regency. This research purposes is to know service quality levels in libraries and archives office of Kampar regency. Benefits of research is this research can be used as inputs and consideration of the importance of service quality. This is a descriptive researchs with a quantitative approach. Population in this research were 60 peoples. Sampling in this research using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Instrumens used questionnaire with 50 items of questions. Service quality in libraries and archives office of Kampar regency measured with indicator reliability, responsivenees, assurance, empathy and tangible. Of the survey results revealed that service quality in libraries and archives office of Kampar regency included in the high category
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