989 research outputs found

    High Pressure Effects on Thermal Properties of MgO

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    Using the non-empirical Variational Induced Breathing (VIB) model, the thermal properties of periclase (MgO) under high pressures and temperatures are investigated using molecular dynamics, which includes all anharmonic effects. Equations of state for temperatures up to 3000K and pressures up to 310 GPa were calculated. Bulk modulus, thermal expansivity, Anderson-Gruneisen parameter, thermal pressure, Gruneisen parameter and their pressure and temperature dependencies are studied in order to better understand high pressure effects on thermal properties. The results agree very well with experiments and show that the thermal expansivity decreases with pressure up to about 100 GPa (η\eta=0.73), and is almost pressure and temperature independent above this compression. It is also effected by anharmonicity at zero pressure and temperatures above 2500K. The thermal pressure changes very little with increasing pressures and temperatures, and the Gruneisen parameter is temperature independent and decreases slightly with pressure.Comment: Geophys. Res. Lett., in press, 7 pages, 4 figures, uuencoded ps fil

    Complexity and hierarchical game of life

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    Hierarchical structure is an essential part of complexity, important notion relevant for a wide range of applications ranging from biological population dynamics through robotics to social sciences. In this paper we propose a simple cellular-automata tool for study of hierarchical population dynamics

    Tunneling magnetic force microscopy

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    We have developed a powerful new tool for studying the magnetic patterns on magnetic recording media. This was accomplished by modifying a conventional scanning tunneling microscope. The fine-wire probe that is used to image surface topography was replaced with a flexible magnetic probe. Images obtained with these probes reveal both the surface topography and the magnetic structure. We have made a thorough theoretical analysis of the interaction between the probe and the magnetic fields emanating from a typical recorded surface. Quantitative data about the constituent magnetic fields can then be obtained. We have employed these techniques in studies of two of the most important issues of magnetic record: data overwrite and maximizing data-density. These studies have shown: (1) overwritten data can be retrieved under certain conditions; and (2) improvements in data-density will require new magnetic materials. In the course of these studies we have developed new techniques to analyze magnetic fields of recorded media. These studies are both theoretical and experimental and combined with the use of our magnetic force scanning tunneling microscope should lead to further breakthroughs in the field of magnetic recording

    A scanning tunneling microscopy based potentiometry technique and its application to the local sensing of the spin Hall effect

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    A scanning tunneling microscopy based potentiometry technique for the measurements of the local surface electric potential is presented and illustrated by experiments performed on current-carrying thin tungsten films. The obtained results demonstrate a sub-millivolt resolution in the measured surface potential. The application of this potentiometry technique to the local sensing of the spin Hall effect is outlined and some experimental results are reported.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    The SCUBA Bright Quasar Survey II: unveiling the quasar epoch at submillimetre wavelengths

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    We present results of the first systematic search for submillimetre continuum emission from z=2, radio-quiet, optically-luminous quasars, using the SCUBA/JCMT. We have observed a homogeneous sample of 57 quasars in the redshift range 1.54) redshift. The target sensitivity of the survey (3sigma=10mJy at 850um) was chosen to enable efficient identification of bright submm sources, suitable for detailed follow-up. 9 targets are detected, with fluxes in the range 7-17mJy. Although there is a suggestion of variation of submm detectability between z=2 and z=4, this is consistent with the K-correction of a characteristic far-infrared spectrum. Additionally, the weighted mean fluxes of non-detections at z=2 and z>4 are comparable

    Radio Observations of Infrared Luminous High Redshift QSOs

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    We present Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz of a sample of 12 Quasi-stellar Objects (QSOs) at z = 3.99 to 4.46. The sources were selected as the brightest sources at 250 GHz from the recent survey of Omont et al. (2001). We detect seven sources at 1.4 GHz with flux densities, S_{1.4} > 50 microJy. These centimeter (cm) wavelength observations imply that the millimeter (mm) emission is most likely thermal dust emission. The radio-through-optical spectral energy distributions for these sources are within the broad range defined by lower redshift, lower optical luminosity QSOs. For two sources the radio continuum luminosities and morphologies indicate steep spectrum, radio loud emission from a jet-driven radio source. For the remaining 10 sources the 1.4 GHz flux densities, or limits, are consistent with those expected for active star forming galaxies. If the radio emission is powered by star formation in these systems, then the implied star formation rates are of order 1e3 M_solar/year. We discuss the angular sizes and spatial distributions of the radio emitting regions, and we consider briefly these results in the context of co-eval black hole and stellar bulge formation in galaxies.Comment: to appear in the A
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