259 research outputs found


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      1. The genus Pleocnemia Presl is redefined and differentiated from Tectaria Cav. and Arcypteris Underw., the latter genus being very closely related to Pleocnemia. 2. The configuration of the perispore proved to be of importance for the characterisation of the .species. In this regard three types are distinguished, perispore 1 forming crisped anastomosing wings, perispore consisting of many slender spines, and, an intermediate type, perispore forming many small separate wings.3. Tentatively 15 species are recognized. Of these, Pleocnemia winitii Holttum,P. acuminata Holttum, P. pleiotricha Holttum, P. presliana Holttum, P. dimidiolobata Holttum, P. tripinnata Holttum, and P. seranensis Holttum are described as new, aa well as one variety, P. conjugata var. elatior Holttum. 4.The following new combinations are made:P.hemiteliiformis (Racib.)Holttum (basinym:Pleocnemia leuzeana var. hemiteliaeformis Racib.),P.olivacea (Copel.)Holttum (basinym: Tectaria olivacea Copel.),P. kingii (Copel.) Holttum (basinym: Tectaria kingii Copel.), and P. chrysotricha (Bak.) Holttum (basinym: Nephrodium chrysotrichum Bak.). 5. Reductions to synonymy are: Pleocnemia javanica Presl to P. conjugata (Bl.) Presl, and Dictyopteris compitalis v. A. v. R. to P. hemiteliiformis (Racib.) Holt


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    A new subdivision is given of the fern family Gleicheniaceae. The genus Platyzoma R. Br is excluded from the family. The genus Stromatopteris from New Caledonia is arranged in a distinct subfamily. In the remainder of the family, subfamily Gleichenioideae, two genera are recognized, Gleichenia (with subgenera Diplopterygium, Gleichenia, and Mertensia) and Dicranopteris (with subgenera Acropterygium and Dicranopteris) . The problem of subdividing the family is discussed with reference to former treatments and to new data, and a conspectus of the new system, with synonymy and key to the genera and subgenera, is given. A number of new species, new varieties, and new combinations is made both in Gleichenia and Dicranopteris


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    In the "Sarawak Museum Journal," volume V (1949), pages 156-166,I gave a revised account of the genus Heterogonium Presl, based on specimens in the Singapore herbarium.Dr M. A.Donk wrote subsequently pointing out that specimens at Bogor (Buitenzorg) add materially to the information contained in that paper.The present paper gives the result of a study of the Bogor specimens.I am glad to express my gratitude to Dr Donk for calling my attention to species which I had overlooked when searching literature on Malaysian ferns for indications of affinity to Heterogonium. The Bogor material includes the type specimens of Acrostichum teysmannianum Bak.,Phegopteris schizoloma v. A. v. R. Dryopteris sagenoides forma contracta v. A. v. R.,Polybotrya nieuwenhuisii Racib.and Polybotrya nieuwenhuisii var. brooksii v. A. v. R.,also many sheets of H. giganteum, and material of H.sagenoides from a wider geographic range than I had previously seen.Summarizing the results of the present paper,I have united H.nieuwenhuisii and H. stenosemioides of my former paper,and have also united H.saxicola with H. giganteum.Further, I now recognize a second exindusiate species allied to H.sagenoides; but the variation in pubescence among exindusiate specimens, as within the species H.sagenoides proper,is very considerable,and I find it very difficult to draw specific limits. It is likely that there are local races, but much more field work in many localities is necessary before one can speak with certainty about this or define their status taxonomically. One interesting fact is that no exindusiate specimens of this alliance have been found in the Malay Peninsula, whereas Peninsular collections of indusiate H. sagenoides are more abundant than from any other area.It is especially the variation in pubescence among specimens of H.sagenoides,and the lack of clear-cut varieties or subspecies within the Malay Peninsula, that deters me from distinguishing more species outside the Peninsula, based on few specimens.Another generalization based on many specimens is that fertile fronds are always much less hairy on the lower surface than sterile fronds of the same plant.As regards another kind of character, namely venation,I have noted that fronds of immature plants may not show the lo


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    A full taxonomic study of the genus Cyathea has recently been published in Flora Malesiana (Ser. II, vol. 1, part 2, Dec. 1963). In that work the genus is construed in a broad sense, to include Alsophila and Hemitelia (also Gymnosphaera and Schizocaena of Copeland's Genera Filicum), the total number of species being 191, and a new subdivision of this comprehensive genus is proposed. The keys in Flora Malesiana, dealing with such a large number of species, are complex, and not very easy to use for local purposes. I have therefore made a simpler key to cover the species of java only, and hope this will be of service to botaniists in Java

    THE FERN-GENUS ARCYPTERIS UNDERWOOD (Dictyopteris PresI sensu Fee)

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    1. The genus Arcypteris Underw. (Dictyopteris Presl sensu Pee) is maintained as different from Tectaria Cav. and redefined. It is considered very closely related to Pleocnemia Presl. 2. Four species are recognized. 3. The following new combinations are made: Arcypteris irregularis (Presl) Holttum (basinym: Polypodium irregulare Presl), A. macrodonta (Fee) Holttum (basi- nym: Dictyopteris macrodonta Presl ex Fee), A. brongniariii (Bory) Holttum (basinym: Polypodium brongniartii Bory), and A. gigantea (Ces.) Holttum (basinym: Nephrodium giganteum Ces.). 4s. Reductions to synonymy are: Aspidium difforme Blume to Arcypteris irre- gularis (Presl) Holtt., and Polypodium pteroides Presl to A. brongniartii (Bory) Holtt

    Processes of change in school-based art therapy with children: a systematic qualitative study

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    Although theoretical processes of art therapy with children have been suggested, they have lacked a systematic research basis. This systematic qualitative study explored children’s school-based one-to-one art therapy in order to create a theory of change. Across two primary schools, 14 children were interviewed individually, as were their parents, teachers and art therapists (total N = 40). All children had received art therapy within the previous 12 months. Children completed an art activity to aid the interview process. Interview data were analysed using grounded theory methodology. The analysis generated a preliminary model with three components. ‘Component 1—school context’ highlights the systemic nature of art therapy as well as its mystique to those not directly involved. ‘Component 2—core model’ describes art therapy as individualised and child-centred. Art-doing and making were considered central to children’s expression and developing understandings. ‘Component 3—change and no change’ describes the connection between identifying therapy aims and perceiving change. Recommendations are that art therapy be considered for children struggling to verbalise their difficulties; that therapists focus on therapeutic experiences being fun and enjoyable for the child, as well as embedded within the child’s system; and lastly that clear target problems are identified at the start of therapy


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    Due to various causes, the early history of both taxonomy and no menclature in the genus Lygodium is very confused. As a result,a numberof problems arise which need fuller discussion than is possible in Flora Malesiana.Such problems are here discussed, concerning most of the species native in Malaysia.The new combination Lygodium auriculatum (Willd.) Alston is published, and a new typification of the species Ophioglossum scandens L. is proposed
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