146 research outputs found

    Defending the digital: Awareness of digital selectivity in historical research practice

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    Existing research offers fearful conclusions on the use of online archival collections, finding that historians ignore and overlook the limitations of digital sources. However, an attitudinal case study at Newcastle University contradicts this consensus. This article discusses this study’s detailed findings, determining that historians and library professionals demonstrate abundant and nuanced awareness of issues relating to ‘digital selectivity’. Nevertheless, the interviewees suggested that this does not radically undermine their practice. The study also revealed compelling aspects of digital selectivity not currently observed in existing research, including the effects of career stage and the importance of cooperation with library professionals. While the existing literature provides appropriate and prudent concerns, it lacks tangible evidence pointing to a widespread phenomenon of poor digital historical practice. The article closes by recommending further research into historians’ digital information-seeking behaviour, but argues that standardized metadata practices must come first. Limitations, including the absence of rigorous quantitative data, must be resolved before a fuller appreciation for digital historical practice is developed

    Quality assurance in psychiatry: quality indicators and guideline implementation

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    In many occasions, routine mental health care does not correspond to the standards that the medical profession itself puts forward. Hope exists to improve the outcome of severe mental illness by improving the quality of mental health care and by implementing evidence-based consensus guidelines. Adherence to guideline recommendations should reduce costly complications and unnecessary procedures. To measure the quality of mental health care and disease outcome reliably and validly, quality indicators have to be available. These indicators of process and outcome quality should be easily measurable with routine data, should have a strong evidence base, and should be able to describe quality aspects across all sectors over the whole disease course. Measurement-based quality improvement will not be successful when it results in overwhelming documentation reducing the time for clinicians for active treatment interventions. To overcome difficulties in the implementation guidelines and to reduce guideline non-adherence, guideline implementation and quality assurance should be embedded in a complex programme consisting of multifaceted interventions using specific psychological methods for implementation, consultation by experts, and reimbursement of documentation efforts. There are a number of challenges to select appropriate quality indicators in order to allow a fair comparison across different approaches of care. Carefully used, the use of quality indicators and improved guideline adherence can address suboptimal clinical outcomes, reduce practice variations, and narrow the gap between optimal and routine care

    Family physicians\u27 professional identity formation: a study protocol to explore impression management processes in institutional academic contexts.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite significant differences in terms of medical training and health care context, the phenomenon of medical students\u27 declining interest in family medicine has been well documented in North America and in many other developed countries as well. As part of a research program on family physicians\u27 professional identity formation initiated in 2007, the purpose of the present investigation is to examine in-depth how family physicians construct their professional image in academic contexts; in other words, this study will allow us to identify and understand the processes whereby family physicians with an academic appointment seek to control the ideas others form about them as a professional group, i.e. impression management. METHODS/DESIGN: The methodology consists of a multiple case study embedded in the perspective of institutional theory. Four international cases from Canada, France, Ireland and Spain will be conducted; the \u22case\u22 is the medical school. Four levels of analysis will be considered: individual family physicians, interpersonal relationships, family physician professional group, and organization (medical school). Individual interviews and focus groups with academic family physicians will constitute the main technique for data generation, which will be complemented with a variety of documentary sources. Discourse techniques, more particularly rhetorical analysis, will be used to analyze the data gathered. Within- and cross-case analysis will then be performed. DISCUSSION: This empirical study is strongly grounded in theory and will contribute to the scant body of literature on family physicians\u27 professional identity formation processes in medical schools. Findings will potentially have important implications for the practice of family medicine, medical education and health and educational policies

    Individuals responses to economic cycles: Organizational relevance and a multilevel theoretical integration

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    The Swiss Preschoolers’ health study (SPLASHY): objectives and design of a prospective multi-site cohort study assessing psychological and physiological health in young children

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    Interventions to Promote Fundamental Movement Skills in Childcare and Kindergarten: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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