12 research outputs found

    Motivasi, Persepsi dan Konflik Peran Pekerjaan-keluarga Entrepreneur Perempuan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    This research is conducted to determine the motivations, perceptions and work-family role conflict of women entrepreneurs. Respondents are about 159 women entrepreneur of processed food in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The results show that most of their motivations to be entrepreneur are because of external factors in which financial pressure as the main reason. All the business environments observed, namely access to capital and credit, market orientation, networks and government support are in good atmosphere. Women entrepreneur have work-family conflict primarily related to the division of domestic labor, lack of work flexibility and the solid work hours. Keywords: women entrepreneur, motivations, perceptions and work-family role conflict

    Studi Deskriptif Kejadian Anemia Menurut Karakteristik pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Mlati 1 Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Prevalensi anemia di Indonesia sebanyak 48,9% menurut Riskesdas (2018), di Provinsi D.I.Y sebesar 14,32% (2017), dan di Kabupaten Sleman sebesar 10,46% (2019), Anemia dapat merusak kesehatan dan kesejahteraan wanita serta meningkatkan risiko yang buruk pada ibu dan bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian anemia menurut karakteristik pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Mlati 1 Sleman Yogyakarta. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan metode retrospektif. Data penelitian menggunakan data sekunder yaitu rekam medik ibu hamil dengan anemia. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 94 ibu hamil dengan anemia dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 94 orang ibu hamil dengan menggunakan total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 94 responden, dapat diketahui berdasarkan umur, sebagian besar responden berumur 20-35 tahun yaitu 70 (74,5%) responden. Berdasarkan paritas, sebagian besar responden mengalami paritas multipara yaitu 50 (53.2%) responden. Jarak kehamilan responden didapatkan hasil sebagian besar responden memiliki jarak kehamilan >2 tahun yaitu 48 (51.1%) responden, dan dari keseluruhan responden yang berjumlah 94 responden, anemia yang dialami oleh ibu hamil di wilayah Puskesmas Mlati 1 sebagian besar terdistribusi anemia ringan sebanyak 82 (87,2%) responden sedangkan terdistribusi anemia sedang sebanyak 12 (12,8%) responden. Bagi ibu hamil hendaknya lebih memperhatikan kesehatan selama kehamilan, dengan cara sering memeriksakan kehamilan. Selain itu juga ibu hamil harus sering mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung protein dan patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe

    CM-Builder: An Automated NL-based CASE Tool

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    This paper describes a natural language-based CASE tool called CM-Builder which aims at supporting the Analysis stage of software development in an Object-Oriented framework. CM-Builder uses robust Natural Language Processing techniques to analyse software requirements texts written in English and build an integrated discourse model of the processed text, represented in a Semantic Network. This Semantic Network is then used to automatically construct an initial UML Class Model representing the object classes mentioned in the text and the relationships among them. The initial model can be directly input to a graphical CASE tool for further refinement by a human analyst. CM-Builder has been quantitatively evaluated in blind trials against a collection of unseen software requirements texts and we present the results of this evaluation, together with the evaluation methodology. The results are very encouraging and demonstrate that tools such as CM-Builder have the potential to play an important role in the software development process

    Investigation on interface morphology and joint configuration of dissimilar sheet thickness FSSW of marine grade Al alloy

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    Aim of this study is to investigate the interface morphology and joint configuration of dissimilar thickness aluminium alloy 5052-H32 sheets during friction stir spot welding. The investigation begins with the optimization of two important process parameters, viz. tool rpm and dwell time, from welding of similar thickness sheets. Further, different combinations of sheet thicknesses were welded using the optimized parameters. Effect of altering sheet thickness on the mechanical and structural properties were compared with welds of similar sheet thickness. For similar thickness welds, maximum failure load of 4020 N was noted at minimum tool rotational speed of 450 rpm and maximum dwell time of 8 s. The obtained weld zones revealed the presence of hook which was found to vary in its pattern and location for different combinations of sheet thicknesses. Minimum hardness of 63 HV was obtained in the periphery of the thermo-mechanically affected zone and heat-affected zone. In addition, welds with thinner top sheets showed higher load-bearing capacity and wider bonded area as compared to thicker and equal thickness top sheet welds. The maximum failure load of 7160 N was obtained for 1.5 and 2.5-mm-thick top and bottom sheets, respectively. Moreover, three fracture modes were observed in tensile/shear tests, namely interfacial, circumferential and nugget pullout fracture mode. Samples which failed in circumferential and nugget pullout fracture mode showed better joint strength