199 research outputs found

    C(60)-Fullerenes: detection of intracellular photoluminescence and lack of cytotoxic effects

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    We have developed a new method of application of C(60 )to cultured cells that does not require water-solubilization techniques. Normal and malignant cells take-up C(60 )and the inherent photoluminescence of C(60 )is detected within multiple cell lines. Treatment of cells with up to 200 μg/ml (200 ppm) of C(60 )does not alter morphology, cytoskeletal organization, cell cycle dynamics nor does it inhibit cell proliferation. Our work shows that pristine C(60 )is non-toxic to the cells, and suggests that fullerene-based nanocarriers may be used for biomedical applications

    Исследование механизмов синтеза керамических материалов нового поколения на основе тетрарных оксикарбонитридных фаз циркония и титана

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    Работа посвящена исследованию механизмов синтеза керамических материалов нового поколения на основе тетрарных оксикарбонитридных фаз циркония и титана. Были определены плотность спечённых образцов, измерены модуль упругости, нанотвердость и предел прочности с использованием методики наноиндентрования и скрэч-тестинга, исследованы фазовый состав и микроструктура спеченных образцов. В результате выполнения работ методом горячего прессования получена высокомодульная прочная оксинитридная керамика.The work is devoted to the study of mechanisms of synthesis of new generation ceramic materials based on tetrad oxycarbonitride phases of zirconium and titanium. The density of sintered samples was determined, the modulus of elasticity, nanohardness and ultimate strength were measured using the technique of nanoindentation and scratch testing, and the phase composition and microstructure of sintered samples were studied. As a result of hot pressing, high-modulus, strong oxynitride ceramics were obtained

    The Mechanical Properties of Individual, Electrospun Fibrinogen Fibers

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    We used a combined atomic force microscope (AFM)/fluorescence microscope technique to study the mechanical properties of individual, electrospun fibrinogen fibers in aqueous buffer. Fibers (average diameter 208 nm) were suspended over 12 μm-wide grooves in a striated, transparent substrate. The AFM, situated above the sample, was used to laterally stretch the fibers and to measure the applied force. The fluorescence microscope, situated below the sample, was used to visualize the stretching process. The fibers could be stretched to 2.3 times their original length before breaking; the breaking stress was 22·106 Pa. We collected incremental stress-strain curves to determine the viscoelastic behavior of these fibers. The total stretch modulus was 16·106 Pa and the relaxed, elastic modulus was 6.7·106 Pa. When held at constant strain, electrospun fibrinogen fibers showed a fast and slow stress relaxation time of 3 and 56 seconds. Our fibers were spun from the typically used 90% 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (90-HFP) electrospinning solution and resuspended in aqueous buffer. Circular dichroism spectra indicate that alpha-helical content of fibrinogen is ~70% higher in 90-HFP than in aqueous solution. These data are needed to understand the mechanical behavior of electrospun fibrinogen structures. Our technique is also applicable to study other, nanoscopic fibers

    Dynamic Regulation of Fibrinogen: Integrin αIIbβ3 Binding

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    This study demonstrates that two orthogonal events regulate integrin αIIbβ3’s interactions with fibrinogen, its primary physiological ligand: (1) conformational changes at the αIIb–β3 interface and (2) flexibility in the carboxy terminus of fibrinogen’s γ-module. The first postulate was tested by capturing αIIbβ3 on a biosensor and measuring binding by surface plasmon resonance. Binding of fibrinogen to eptifibatide-primed αIIbβ3 was characterized by a kon of ~2 × 104 L mol−1 s−1 and a koff of ~8 × 10−5 s−1 at 37 °C. In contrast, even at 150 nM fibrinogen, no binding was detected with resting αIIbβ3. Eptifibatide competitively inhibited fibrinogen’s interactions with primed αIIbβ3 (Ki ~ 0.4 nM), while a synthetic γ-module peptide (HHLGGAKQAGDV) was only weakly inhibitory (Ki > 10 µM). The second postulate was tested by measuring αIIbβ3’s interactions with recombinant fibrinogen, both normal (rFgn) and a deletion mutant lacking the γ-chain AGDV sites (rFgn γΔ408–411). Normal rFgn bound rapidly, tightly, and specifically to primed αIIbβ3; no interaction was detected with rFgn γΔ408–411. Equilibrium and transition-state thermodynamic data indicated that binding of fibrinogen to primed αIIbβ3, while enthalpy-favorable, must overcome an entropy-dominated activation energy barrier. The hypothesis that fibrinogen binding is enthalpy-driven fits with structural data showing that its γ-C peptide and eptifibatide exhibit comparable electrostatic contacts with αIIbβ3’s ectodomain. The concept that fibrinogen’s αIIbβ3 targeting sequence is intrinsically disordered may explain the entropy penalty that limits its binding rate. In the hemostatic milieu, platelet–platelet interactions may be localized to vascular injury sites because integrins must be activated before they can bind their most abundant ligand

    Structure of the fibrin protofibril.

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    We identified the two-stranded fibrin protofibril and studied its structure in electron micrographs of negatively stained specimens. Based on these images and on considerations of symmetry, we constructed a model of the protofibril in which the two strands of trinodular fibrin molecules are related by a two-fold screw axis between the strands and two-fold axes perpendicular to them. The two strands are held together by staggered lateral contacts between the central nodules of one strand and outer nodules of the other. The molecules within a strand are joined by longitudinal contacts between outer nodules. This interpretation of the structure of protofibrils is supported by images of trimer complexes whose preparation and structure are described here, in which the central nodule of a fibrin monomer is attached to the crosslinked outer nodules of two other molecules. We conclude that the association of protofibrils to form thicker fibers must involve a second type of lateral contact, probably between outer nodules of adjacent, in-register strands. In total, we identify three intermolecular contacts involved in the polymerization of fibrin

    Structural and Biochemical Studies of Human 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate Aldolase: Implications for Hydroxyproline Metabolism in Primary Hyperoxaluria

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    4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate (HOG) aldolase is a unique enzyme in the hydroxyproline degradation pathway catalyzing the cleavage of HOG to pyruvate and glyoxylate. Mutations in this enzyme are believed to be associated with the excessive production of oxalate in primary hyperoxaluria type 3 (PH3), although no experimental data is available to support this hypothesis. Moreover, the identity, oligomeric state, enzymatic activity, and crystal structure of human HOGA have not been experimentally determined.In this study human HOGA (hHOGA) was identified by mass spectrometry of the mitochondrial enzyme purified from bovine kidney. hHOGA performs a retro-aldol cleavage reaction reminiscent of the trimeric 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolases. Sequence comparisons, however, show that HOGA is related to the tetrameric, bacterial dihydrodipicolinate synthases, but the reaction direction is reversed. The 1.97 Å resolution crystal structure of hHOGA bound to pyruvate was determined and enabled the modeling of the HOG-Schiff base intermediate and the identification of active site residues. Kinetic analyses of site-directed mutants support the importance of Lys196 as the nucleophile, Tyr168 and Ser77 as components of a proton relay, and Asn78 and Ser198 as unique residues that facilitate substrate binding.The biochemical and structural data presented support that hHOGA utilizes a type I aldolase reaction mechanism, but employs novel residue interactions for substrate binding. A mapping of the PH3 mutations identifies potential rearrangements in either the active site or the tetrameric assembly that would likely cause a loss in activity. Altogether, these data establish a foundation to assess mutant forms of hHOGA and how their activity could be pharmacologically restored

    Mechanisms of Hemolysis-Associated Platelet Activation

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    Background Intravascular hemolysis occurs after blood transfusion, in hemolytic anemias, and in other conditions, and is associated with hypercoagulable states. Hemolysis has been shown to potently activate platelets in vitro and in vivo, and several mechanisms have been suggested to account for this, including: (i) direct activation by hemoglobin (Hb); (ii) increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS); (iii) scavenging of nitric oxide (NO) by released Hb; and (iv) release of intraerythrocytic ADP. Objective To elucidate the mechanism of hemolysis-mediated platelet activation. Methods We used flow cytometry to detect PAC-1 binding to activated platelets for in vitro experiments, and a Siemens\u27 Advia 120 hematology system to assess platelet aggregation by using platelet counts from in vivo experiments in a rodent model. Results We found that Hb did not directly activate platelets. However, ADP bound to Hb could cause platelet activation. Furthermore, platelet activation caused by shearing of red blood cells (RBCs) was reduced in the presence of apyrase, which metabolizes ADP to AMP. The use of ROS scavengers did not affect platelet activation. We also found that cell-free Hb enhanced platelet activation by abrogating the inhibitory effect of NO on platelet activation. In vivo infusions of ADP and purified (ADP-free) Hb, as well as hemolysate, resulted in platelet aggregation, as shown by decreased platelet counts. Conclusion Two primary mechanisms account for RBC hemolysis-associated platelet activation: ADP release, which activates platelets; and cell-free Hb release, which enhances platelet activation by lowering NO bioavailability

    G4 Resolvase 1 tightly binds and unwinds unimolecular G4-DNA

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    It has been previously shown that the DHX36 gene product, G4R1/RHAU, tightly binds tetramolecular G4-DNA with high affinity and resolves these structures into single strands. Here, we test the ability of G4R1/RHAU to bind and unwind unimolecular G4-DNA. Gel mobility shift assays were used to measure the binding affinity of G4R1/RHAU for unimolecular G4-DNA-formed sequences from the Zic1 gene and the c-Myc promoter. Extremely tight binding produced apparent Kd's of 6, 3 and 4 pM for two Zic1 G4-DNAs and a c-Myc G4-DNA, respectively. The low enzyme concentrations required for measuring these Kd's limit the precision of their determination to upper boundary estimates. Similar tight binding was not observed in control non-G4 forming DNA sequences or in single-stranded DNA having guanine-rich runs capable of forming tetramolecular G4-DNA. Using a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) trap assay, we show that G4R1/RHAU catalyzes unwinding of unimolecular Zic1 G4-DNA into an unstructured state capable of hybridizing to a complementary PNA. Binding was independent of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but the PNA trap assay showed that unwinding of G4-DNA was ATP dependent. Competition studies indicated that unimolecular Zic1 and c-Myc G4-DNA structures inhibit G4R1/RHAU-catalyzed resolution of tetramolecular G4-DNA. This report provides evidence that G4R1/RHAU tightly binds and unwinds unimolecular G4-DNA structure

    Fibrin Fibers Have Extraordinary Extensibility and Elasticity

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    Blood clots perform an essential mechanical task, yet the mechanical behavior of fibrin fibers, which form the structural framework of a clot, is largely unknown. By using combined atomic force-fluorescence microscopy, we determined the elastic limit and extensibility of individual fibers. Fibrin fibers can be strained 180% (2.8-fold extension) without sustaining permanent lengthening, and they can be strained up to 525% (average 330%) before rupturing. This is the largest extensibility observed for protein fibers. The data imply that fibrin monomers must be able to undergo sizeable, reversible structural changes and that deformations in clots can be accommodated by individual fiber stretching