351 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Air Terjun Dlundung untuk Menjadi Destinasi Pariwisata Unggulan di Kabupaten Mojokerto

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    This aims of the study are finding the development strategy in the tourist area of the Dlundung waterfall to be excellent destination in Mojokerto. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data will be analyzed by SWOT method. Strategies have been found is the increased promotion of the natural beauty of waterfalls and campgrounds, additional facilities of outbound and painball, repair and improvement of facilities, road improvements, additional services and hours of operation of public transport, improving the quality of human resources of tourism, Perhutani reports the condition of the campground to Disparta about prioritized apparatus intensively, Perhutani and Disparta give an opportunity for investors to benefit location of the campsite, ask for the role of local communities in improving the security of tourism, Perhutani maintains the cleanliness and comfort of the facilities at tourist sites, increasing community empowerment in troubleshooting facilities and accessibility. Keywords: the development strategy, excellent destinatio

    “Green Map” Sistem Monitoring dan Peta Visualisasi Distribusi Kualitas Udara Berbasis Web

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    Degradation of air quality condition attracts worldwide attention. Less and poor informations cause the low people attention for this threatening environment condition. Monitoring facilities managed by government today, aren\u27t effective yet in the quality and quantity point of view. Their price were also so expensive causing low quality and numbers of monitoring devices. Team has developed web based air quality map and its sensor devices as the solution for this issues. Team has done data mining in the responsible government agencies and people of Surabaya to support the result later. Team then did the development of sensor devices and its web server. Three sensor devices which were placed in several points in Surabaya for testing and evaluation. The “Green Map” system gave good result in air quality data recording and presentation. It was able to give air quality level and early warning indicator through the map visualization. Finally, the system has potential to become new facilities which can be used to educate the pabulic about environmental conditions

    Hubungan Antara Waktu Tanam Dengan Hasil Dan Profitabilitas Budidaya Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Di Cikajang, Garutrelationships Between Planting TIME and Yield as Well as Profitability of Growing Potato ...

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    Relationships between planting time and yield as well as profitability of growing potato were investigated in Cikajang, Garut, based on water balance analysis and survey to potato farmers of the area. In general, there were three planting dates namely December-January, April-May and August-September. Yield and profitability of growing potato for planting time of August-September was less compared to the other two planting times due to lack of soil-water availability related to less rainfall as well as its high rainfall variability during dry season (coefficient of variation = 133%). Yields of potato for planting times December-January, April-May and August-September were (21.4 + 3.4), (20.5 + 3.5) and (16.9 + 2.2) tonnes/ha, respectively.Relationships between planting time and yield as well as profitability of growing potato were investigated in Cikajang, Garut, based on water balance analysis and survey to potato farmers of the area. In general, there were three planting dates namely December-January, April-May and August-September. Yield and profitability of growing potato for planting time of August-September was less compared to the other two planting times due to lack of soil-water availability related to less rainfall as well as its high rainfall variability during dry season (coefficient of variation = 133%). Yields of potato for planting times December-January, April-May and August-September were (21.4 + 3.4), (20.5 + 3.5) and (16.9 + 2.2) tonnes/ha, respectively

    Expert System Diagnosing Diseases in Rubber Plants using the Dempster-Shafer Method

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    Rubber plants are one of the supports for the national economy in general for the Indonesian population, but rubber plants experience many diseases that cause the quality of rubber to decline, which has an impact on the selling price of rubber, so we need an expert system that can help the community to diagnose diseases as initial treatment in controlling disease in rubber plants, namely the expert system, using the Dempster-Shafer method, which aims to find out the diseases experienced by rubber plants easily without having to manually diagnose. The results show how the process of calculating the initial combination rule to the last combination rule is based on the selected symptoms, it can be concluded that the highest density value is P6 Moldy Rot with a density value of 0.907 x 100% = 90.7% = 91%


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    This study aims to understand the revival of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate in the era of local autonomy. This study uses two theoretical frameworks: (a) political opportunity and (b) cultural production theory. The research method is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection techniques are document analysis and interviews. This study shows that the revival of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate is a consequence of a political opportunity structure facilitated by decentralization and local autonomy, allowing space for the emergence of adat issues in local politics as well as cultural contestation between adat actors. The Sultanate then uses this political openness to strengthen and expand its influence and legitimacy by using its various forms of capital in several fields, namely (a) enhancing the identity of the Sultanate through religious symbols and practices, politics and public policy, and culture at the local level; (b) actively involved in the social networks of kings and sultans at the national level in promoting adat and traditions, and; (c) building good relations with the sultans and other community leaders in Southeast Asia

    Studi Kelayakan Peluang Pengembangan Wisata Religi Candi Purwo Di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo

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    Peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan yang sangat signifikan setiap tahunnya terjadi di beberapa daya tarik wisata alam yang sudah terkenal di Banyuwangi, diantaranya adalah Destinasi Wisata Taman Nasional Alas Purwo. Selain itu di dalam Kawasan Taman Nasional Alas Purwo ada daya tarik lain yang tak kalah menarik dengan wisata-wisata lain yang ada di Taman National Alas Purwo, wisata tersebut yaitu Candi Purwo. Dengan melihat tingginya potensi wisata tersebut, maka sebagai kegiatan ekonomi yang tak kunjung padam, kegiatan sektor pariwisata dipastikan akan selalu tumbuh dan berkembang. Selanjutnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tersebut sebaiknya dapat dikelola dengan baik melalui penerapan manajemen yang baik, untuk itu diperlukan sebuah penelitian untuk melihat sejauh mana peluang wisata religi candi purwo dapat melakukan pengembangan demi kemakmuran masyarakat lokalnya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara. Data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu dari aspek non finansial yang terdiri dari pemanfaatan masyarakat lokal, pelestarian budaya dan pemasaran menunjukkan suatu kelayakan, sehingga dari aspek non finansial candi purwo dapat dijadikan sebagai destinasi wisata baru meskipun ada beberapa hal yang harus dibenahi
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