1,594 research outputs found

    A Method for siting and prioritizing the removal of derelict vessels in Florida Coastal Waters: test applications in the Florida Keys

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    Increased boating activities and new waterfront developments have contributed an estimated 3,000 dismantled, abandoned, junked, wrecked, derelict vessels to Florida coastal waters. This report outlines a method of siting and prioritizing derelict vessel removal using the Florida Keys as a test area. The data base was information on 240 vessels, obtained from Florida Marine Patrol files. Vessel location was plotted on 1:250,000 regional and 1:5,000 and 1:12,000 site maps. Type of vessel, length, hull material, engine, fuel tanks, overall condition, afloat and submerged characteristics, and accessibility, were used to derive parametric site indices of removal priority and removal difficulty. Results indicate 59 top priority cases which should be the focus of immediate clean up efforts in the Florida Keys. Half of these cases are rated low to moderate in removal difficulty; the remainder are difficult to remove. Removal difficulty is a surrogate for removal cost: low difficulty -low cost, high difficulty - high cost. The rating scheme offers coastal planners options of focusing removal operations either on (1) specific areas with clusters of high priority derelict vessels or on (2) selected targeted derelicts at various, specific locations. (PDF has 59 pages.

    Job Management and Task Bundling

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    High Performance Computing is often performed on scarce and shared computing resources. To ensure computers are used to their full capacity, administrators often incentivize large workloads that are not possible on smaller systems. Measurements in Lattice QCD frequently do not scale to machine-size workloads. By bundling tasks together we can create large jobs suitable for gigantic partitions. We discuss METAQ and mpi_jm, software developed to dynamically group computational tasks together, that can intelligently backfill to consume idle time without substantial changes to users' current workflows or executables.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, LATTICE 2017 proceeding

    Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation with Extra Non-Additive Parameters II: Uq(gl(mn))U_q(gl(m|n))}

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    The type-I quantum superalgebras are known to admit non-trivial one-parameter families of inequivalent finite dimensional irreps, even for generic qq. We apply the recently developed technique to construct new solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation associated with the one-parameter family of irreps of Uq(gl(mn))U_q(gl(m|n)), thus obtaining R-matrices which depend not only on a spectral parameter but in addition on further continuous parameters. These extra parameters enter the Yang-Baxter equation in a similar way to the spectral parameter but in a non-additive form.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex file (some errors in the Casimirs corrected

    On Type-I Quantum Affine Superalgebras

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    The type-I simple Lie-superalgebras are sl(mn)sl(m|n) and osp(22n)osp(2|2n). We study the quantum deformations of their untwisted affine extensions Uq(sl(mn)(1))U_q(sl(m|n)^{(1)}) and Uq(osp(22n)(1))U_q(osp(2|2n)^{(1)}). We identify additional relations between the simple generators (``extra qq-Serre relations") which need to be imposed to properly define \uqgh and Uq(osp(22n)(1))U_q(osp(2|2n)^{(1)}). We present a general technique for deriving the spectral parameter dependent R-matrices from quantum affine superalgebras. We determine the R-matrices for the type-I affine superalgebra Uq(sl(mn)(1))U_q(sl(m|n)^{(1)}) in various representations, thereby deriving new solutions of the spectral-dependent Yang-Baxter equation. In particular, because this algebra possesses one-parameter families of finite-dimensional irreps, we are able to construct R-matrices depending on two additional spectral-like parameters, providing generalizations of the free-fermion model.Comment: 23 page

    Zur Theorie des Condensators

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    Selbstrezension Gustav R. Kirchhoffs zu seinem Aufsatz: Zur Theorie des Condensators In: Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschafte zu Berlin. 1877, S. 144-16

    Recent Legal Lit

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    Willoughby: The American Constitutional System; Ingersoll: Handbook of the Law of Public Corporations; Gilbert (ed.): Street Railway Reports, Annotated; Patterson: The United States and the States Under the Constitutio

    Ueber Reflexion und Brechung des Lichtes an der Grenze krystallinischer Mittel

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    Selbstrezension Gustav R. Kirchhoffs zu seinem Aufsatz: Ueber Reflexion und Brechung des Lichtes an der Grenze krystallinischer Mittel In: Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Phys. Abth. 2. 1876, S. 57-8